First thing first,
Happy 端午节!!! Uhmm... okay, I know there are tons of you out there who can't read that three Chinese words and obviously they are not
"Wo Ai Ni". It says
"Duan Wu Jie", meaning Dragon Boat Festival and I'd blogged about it already
last year.
And.. I'm so going to eat rice dumplings and play with eggs tomorrow.
As mentioned in the previous post, I'd been away for few days
(and apparently no one miss me.. *sobs*) to have some quality time with
gigi-besi as he'd finished his exams. It turned out great and we really had fun. Well.. just by staying beside your love one is already fun and satisfying enough isn't it?
I followed Theen and James down Miri as they wanted to go shop... or I should say
"window-shop" for some furnitures. Bobby and I had fun walking around and imagine and plan our future dream house, dream sofa, dream bed, dream this and that.. Sigh..All dreaming nya. Gives us some more time will ya?
I wished I could take some pictures of us inside the furniture shop but there was a sign saying
"No camera allowed".
And so, next we went to Boulevard as
Luuee told us that there was this
Mr. Miri event going on there. Don't give me the gleeful smile yet ladies, not what you're thinking~ You know, oily muscular uncles.. I mean men, having sparkling spray paint all over their face and body are just not my type.
Still, I took some pictures for your benefits in case any of you like to see oily men with obvious veins and scary muscles wearing super tight and small underwear.

Uhm... The first question that popped up in my mind and asked Bobby was,
"Do they got put anything inside their tight panties?"And don't you dare to pretend and tell me that you never thought of the same!
Erm, did you guys noticed the man on the second left? Don't you think he's a little chubby to be Mr. Miri? Bobby said he could have wait a little longer
(like 7, 8 months?) as he's already in the middle of weight gaining and all he need to do is eat something-something to lose the fats. Or, something like that?
(Not interested mah....So don't bother to listen and remember it clearly lor) I hope no one that he knows is seeing this.
After a simple meal at KFC and a few rounds in the shopping mall, we walked out empty-handed and headed back home (because I wanted to watch TV =p, I'm a TVholic!).
While being stuck in the bloody traffic, we saw this man sitting high on top of the proposed flyover.

Very dangerous can? I bet its all nails and wooden planks on the ground and lots of cars beside it. I really couldn't imagine if he fell down *touchwood*, but it did made me get down of the car and PAKAT him.
Note: PAKAT not as in "working together" or 合作, but stopping them due to safety measures. Argh... Don't know how to explain and Google is not helping. But I know those of you who works with Shell, or Shell contracted company will get it lah.
* * *
Next. Fast forward to our dinner. Don't worry, no pictures of food. Just drinks. because we only ordered normal stuffs like lamp chop and curry chicken rice and there's nothing so special about it. But the drink, for me it is lah. And so I present you the...
As you can see from the above photo, it's Ribena + 7-up + lemon slices + ice cubes, but it taste really really really good! How difficult can it be? And so Bobby and I decided to try to make it ourselves the next day.
* * *
Fast forward the next morning.
Hehe. Out of the blue, Bobby woke up earlier than me and cooked me breakfast.
*BRB. Overdose of sweetness now. Got to take off the smile on my face before I can blog normally*
Oh well, even though it's instant porridge, but still... the thought and action of him waking up early, cooked for me and made me
(another instant) hot drink is grateful enough.
Forgot to mention, this guy cleaned up the his room, living room and the bath room + toilet bowl so that I could enjoy my stay there... Sweet leh? Anyway, that place really needs some major cleaning.
Hello? We're talking about a guy who can't even fry an egg here. All that he knows is boil stuffs.. I mean food.
*whisper - He even boiled burger patties! -faint- *And talk about creativeness.. Hah! Porridge + minced meat / shredded chicken / century egg is out.. The latest "in" thing invented by Mr. Lim is,
PORRIDGE + FISH BALLS!問你死未﹖(Cantonese)
And yes, that's what he ate most of the time after he wear braces and thus it caused him malnutrition and gets thinner. There, Bobby's secret diet meal as most of you had always wanted to know. Now show me the money =p
It was also the same day that I realized he has...
Damn mafan
* * *
Then we went to the usual shopping mall again to kill time and eat!
Forgot to say, those who just fall out of love..sorry ah, if this entry bring back memories and make you sad. Just don't leave me any hate comments and tell me that Bobby is ugly because I don't really care.
... I so much wanted to buy this for you so that your darling
(if any =p) can wear it. But the quality wasn't that good
(definitely can print out the bra) and I think it was meant for size XXXS babies even though it printed "Free size" there. Of course, if you want her to wear for you only at private moment and not public display.. still can buy
* * *
After some shopping, cleaning (his room - and I found 3 empty tissue boxes again and he claimed that it's his "collection"! Yeah right.. soon-pien collect dust and cobwebs mah!) and packing (his stuffs), we then headed back to Brunei.
We rushed to Supa Save to get Ribena, lemon and 7-up (for the Ribena 7-up remember?) and also bread for breakfast tomorrow.
And I did it!!!
Well.. the first two attempts was a failure as:
1st try = Fail because I poured Ribena before 7-up, which got both drinks mixed up straight away without having the pretty two layers result.
2nd try = Fail again because Bobby had no skill pouring the Ribena softly in to the glass.
3rd try = My turn and of course I did it since I'd learned my lesson from the previous mistakes made.
And I named it the,
Heh, purposely put the lemon slices like that so that it looked like a pair of eyes, and the purple Ribena looked like the mouth.
* * *
After enjoying our drinks, I then start working on wrapping Chau's farewell gift and her very last-minute card.
*Opps. I wore it before its rightful owner did. But don't you think it's pretty cute?*And finished making the card in ah hour time.
Nice? It's a very last minute work so Chau, 請見諒。
* * *
Since Bobby cooked me breakfast on Sunday, and so I volunteered to cook him on the next day.
I'd prepared Egg in the basket + 2 extra slices of toast + 2
(almost burnt) sausages + milk.
I know it doesn't look very appealing to you but believe me, not I
sell-flower-say-flower-smell-nice, it tasted really good!
Not bad for the first try liao.
* * *
After breakfast, Bobby and I went up to BSB to see
Chau Chau off.
Pardon that swollen face + eyes of mine.. just wake up not long mah. Understand a bit lah.
See this, better right?
(picture taken while waiting for our food in Pizza Hut)
Speaking of Pizza Hut, there's something I wanted to say...
You know we ordered chicken wings, and
I hope that explained what I wanted to say..
Pizza Hut, why you so kiam / karit / stingy to give the whole piece of "real" chicken wing instead of breaking them into half. No offense but, even pasar malam stall also more generous than you ah.
* * *
While waiting for our movie
(Ocean's 13) to start, we went to buy ourselves a cup of
Mixed (Vanilla + Yoghurt) Brownie Ice cream
Damn..seeing the picture again makes me feel so hungry now lah. Look at the time now, 2.09am.. I better finish this entry and go sleep before I become a big tikus searching for food.
The ice cream and Me
(without any make-up)

Boyfriend claimed that "powdered" face is not kissable or kissing-friendly and thus prefers me not to wear any make-up.
Weird isn't it?
Anyway, gotta hit the sack now. Good night.
(Most likely you might be reading this in the morning =p)