1. Four more days to Nonnie's 23rd Birthday..
2. My phone number is +673 8 ...... (Wah lao... You think I stupid one ah? Posting my number here)
3. Any comments for my previous post?
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My title for this post sounds happy right? I am. I am now a content teacher.. Something happened today and it makes my day a whole lot brighter... (eventhough the bloody haze seems to be coming back as when I drove to work today, I felt like I'm driving in Heaven!)
I was feeling a bit tired as I was having 3 lessons in a row in the first half of the day before reccess time..
After reccess, 3B's entered my lab. All hyped and happy.. (Well, every student LOVES ICT class because no homework and no exam.. can play computer mah). It was really hard to keep them "under control", they were talking, walking around and spinning on the chair like "Merry-Go-Round"... Gila man..
I had to like, "Diam.. jangan bising. Upstair got people having exams. Please keep quiet and don't disturb other classes"
The silence like go on for... 5 seconds only?
Sigh.. seriously, I hate to be that kind of teacher who loves to show the kids "Who's the boss!" type. Although I understand it is neccessary to do so because they might tabalik bully you..
I was feeling a bit tired as I was having 3 lessons in a row in the first half of the day before reccess time..
After reccess, 3B's entered my lab. All hyped and happy.. (Well, every student LOVES ICT class because no homework and no exam.. can play computer mah). It was really hard to keep them "under control", they were talking, walking around and spinning on the chair like "Merry-Go-Round"... Gila man..
I had to like, "Diam.. jangan bising. Upstair got people having exams. Please keep quiet and don't disturb other classes"
The silence like go on for... 5 seconds only?
Sigh.. seriously, I hate to be that kind of teacher who loves to show the kids "Who's the boss!" type. Although I understand it is neccessary to do so because they might tabalik bully you..
I was shouting the "Jangan Bising", "Diam", "Ani bukan pasar.. balik tempat duduk" more than 20 times I think..
Maybe I'm just a lousy teacher... Can't teach them well..
Before they left the lab, I had a habit of asking them to queue up near the door and make sure all the PC shut down, no rubbish on the floor and so on..
I was mad at them.. and myself.. Because they're still talking-talking-talking, walking-walking-walking.. and ignoring what I said..
I always have to say this.. "Cikgu kira sampai 5, sesiapa yang masih cakap and jalan-jalan tu, tidak boleh masuk ke lab ani lagi!"
"1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.."
Primary 3B
Finally. The silence I've longed for..
And I start lecturing them,
"Kenapa cikgu suruh buat kerja tu banyak murid tak buat? Cikgu dah cakap, kalau tak pandai, boleh tanya. English tak pandai, buat Melayu saja. Kalau masih tidak tahu nak buat apa, duduk diam di tempat masing-masing saja, cikgu mahu semua murid practice typing itu saja.
Tahu ka, ada banyak murid di sekolah lain tidak ada ICT lesson ani. Aircon pun nada, apa cakap pasal computer lagi..
You all should feel happy and glad that you have a chance to come in and learn something new. If you come in here, do nothing saja, not learning anything.. you might as well stay in your own class, jangan kacau orang lain yang nak belajar tu...
Faham? Understand what I just said?"
(Ya, I'm a lousy teacher.
I mixed English and Malay when I talk to them. . .)
They replied, a very very soft "Yes..."
Hmph.. *exhale loudly*
"Okie, you can go back to your class now. Raining ah, don't walk in the rain, and don't run, don't push your friend"
Am I very fierce? A bit lor I think...
Here comes the happy part..
As usual, some of the students will come and salam me before they left the lab.
"Sorry cher.."
"Cikgu, sorry.."
"Cikgu minta maaf pasal kami macam tu tadi.."
Wah lao.. my heart melts terus.. Oh.. The J.O.Y.~
It's like.. giving me a natural high man.. Who needs pill to get high? Come and be a teacher, when your student listens and keep in mind what you'd said, that's already like the biggest gift!
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I hope I didn't bored you with my story in school.
Here, some random pics I'd taken today..
I hope I didn't bored you with my story in school.
Here, some random pics I'd taken today..

"Hi, my name is "Cina", call me Cikgu Cina"
My school is celebrating Raya tomorrow, teachers and students are busy with the rehearsing, decoration, gift-wrappings and so on..
(Can't wait eh~)

In the dewan (hall)

Every primary will have one performance, mostly singing lah. All Raya songs. Will I be hearing any Chinese New Year "Tong-Tong-Cang" song next year? I guess not. Nevermind, I self-entertain and sing myself..
Tong Tong Cang,
Tong Tong Cang,
Tong Tong Cang, Tong Cang, Tong Tong Cang.
The hall is full of people, students waiting for their turn to sing on stage, teachers decorating and blowing the balloons, the other batch of students practising badminton at the end of the hall.

* * *
I saw this, one of the student carrying it.. I was chasing after him and asked him to stand still so I took a photo of it..
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Back in the staff room, my dear colleague was sighing and marking her students work..

Saw the word "enjitman" ?
The whole sentence (if you read it on the 2nd previous pic) should be
"If I saw an enjitman I well telephone ambulane"
Can quess what is "Enjitman"?
Answer: injured man...

And for this,
"I kem to school on fart"
is suppose to be..
"I came to school on foot"
All these come from Primary 4 students.
p/s: Please, I'm not posting this to mock at the student, it's a reminder to myself, help the kids to improve their English.
* * * * *
Battery charged? Memory cards ready?
Woohooo... Hari Raya Celebration in school, here I come! Let me have some fun~
p/p/s: Will update more when tomorrow comes!
u sound pretty much like shiok sendiri. =X no offence.
neeway, i never apologise to my teacher before. :P
Let me wish u Happy Birthday 1st, becoz I wont be around from Fri to Sun... kekeke
Hahaha, funny how you chased that kid wearing spiderman bag, then asked him to stand still while you took that picture. Lol. I bet that kid was like -__-'"
hehe. Incase i wont be around too, HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY! huhuhu
Aww. If my future students apologize like that I would not just melt but also cry lah. Big softie here heh.
Wah your birthday's just a few days away. :D Happy advanced!
I think the kid with the superman bag must be super scared when you chase after him. :p
but isn't the english a little bit hard for a primary 4?
i'm sorry, but i noe i found english easy in primary days... so i agak agak wat is difficult.
n just i did mix malay n eng... so its no biggie. they're primary. u can't expect them to understand if u talked in total english.
n 'spiderwoman' is on the prowl. beware little primary students. later 'when u come into the lab, you must have spiderman accessory, or else cannot use computer!'
but isn't the english a little bit hard for a primary 4?
i'm sorry, but i noe i found english easy in primary days... so i agak agak wat is difficult.
n just i did mix malay n eng... so its no biggie. they're primary. u can't expect them to understand if u talked in total english.
n 'spiderwoman' is on the prowl. beware little primary students. later 'when u come into the lab, you must have spiderman accessory, or else cannot use computer!'
sorry, my net a bit sot sot... got problem lah... brunet!
gomenasai about commenting twice!
nonnie kiut jua ur students atuuu hehehhe...cali eh yg spell 'enjitman' hehehe...funny that...
yes Miss King, it's your job to make sure that your kids improve their English. Brunei will run out of natural resources one day, and its human resources will then have to compete with the rest of the world. With poor English, it'll be that much harder for the kids when they grow up...
celaka, make me laughing in the office again!
i thought the student means "enjitmen" - engineman!
and i thought "I kem to school on fart" - I came to school to fart!! hahaha...
Don trust kids too much on apology oh, just like when we are young, after a few days, already 4got what we have apologized & start the whole thing again! muahahaha!!
Jamie : Lucky I'm not being send to teach secondary students like you, if not I think I'll be very depressed.
Shiok-sendiri? Maybe I am a little, but at least I feel happy rather than whinning and complaining whole day.
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Kenny : Thanks Kenny. Very sweet of you.
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WangEe : Hai~ You don't know sometimes I feel like I'm more like a big kid in school rather than a teacher ah.
And thanks sweetie.
Wardah : Cannot cry eh. Later they know and always use that as a special tactic. Must act strong you know. Hehehe.
Thanks for the greeting.
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Christina : I know! He saw me walking towards him, then he walk faster, and start to run. Cilaka, like I'm a scary witch like that.
* * *
Jason : It's ok. Brunet/ eSpeed SUCKS!!! I used to speak English to them all the time till I realised, even when I scolded them, their face look so blur lah, making me look like marah to the wall.
Hhahahaa! "Show me your Spiderman", before coming in. Creative lah you.
Dee : Yeah, it's funny for us but, I think the English teacher is crying see that. Muahahhaa.
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Danny : Brunei competing with human recources? I don't know's kinda difficult at the current stage. Sigh, Bruneians are used to kana spoon-feed by the government.
* * *
Kelly : Eee yooooooo.. Why you always must say something and spoil mood one? Cannot say something nice and encouraging one meh? Everytime like that one wor.
I do pray/hope that my kids will be better off next year tho, or in the future. Hehehe.
LoL. If I can blog about the things students do in school, hmmm... there'll be lots to blog about - but I'm too lazy to scan their work and showcase .. haha - stick to food saja.
Yes - your students should be very happy they got ICT room. Our ICT room is not even enough for one computer class :( Poor secondary students.
i tink u are so obsessed with spiderman liao hor...
So do u have a spiderman laber?
hahha.. Nonnie, Tht's how i spell injured man.. too.. You should ask them to write the following in your dictation test.
"You shall hail to Nonnie, and listen to ever of my commands.. mwhhaha.. "
Oh, so tat's how your class looks like. Pretty not bad. mwhaha..
Thanis : Are you a teacher too? :D
So kasian one your secondary students. My students are lucky, they study in government school, cheap fees, breakfast provided and got a nice ICT teacher like me lagi. Hahhahaa
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Iwan : Oh God. Someone please quit my obsession with Spiderman! Pleaseeeeeeee
p/s: No, I don't have Spiderman laber, if you see, buy for me yah.
* * *
Luuee : You sure that's how you spell injured man?
And.. "Mwhhaha" does not exist in English dictionary leh.
Yeap. That's the lab which is spend 1/4 of my day.
I thought you'll say lauyah leh..
The spiderman bag did it to me.
Im sorry King Siaw-Jie, i can't comment on anything else.
P.s Its nice hor when your students say sorry to you. =) It means whatever you said made an impact on them and they will remember it. Well done, CHER!
nonnie: so its true the email all forwarding around those student's mistake..
yours seems lagi teruk..
i cant make the kids words in sentense.. some all campur sama..
:) they need more tuition!!!!
nonnie teacher please?? :P
i think i wrote smthg like that b4 too hor?! OMG
Nothing wrong with Spider-Man. I like Spider-Man ;)
Spider-Man's my favourite super hero. And he's original too; how many other super heros spell their name with a hyphen?
thank god im not teaching english!! hehe otherwise ill die one!!
yes the rewards of teaching hehe.. i have this one student who hugged my hand because he passed his maths paper keke.. thank god he didnt jump up and hug me!! i passed him his paper n said congrats... tarus he grabbed my hand and either he planned on kissing it or hugging it.. haha it was a bit dramatic! but rewarding nonetheless.. his expression was so happy..
thanks for posting this... u made my day nonnie :)
Nisah : Kanasai lah. I didn't laugh at your burnt rice, you laughing at my Spider-man? :p
Yeah, feel so nice knowing that they ARE listening to what I said lor.
I'm blogging this just incase one day, when I hilang passion, this will remind me of who I used to be.
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Rebbe : Okie. My promise to you. Spiderman only comes in once a week. Hehehe.
I know, Cikgu Cina sounds a bit.. not nice kan? But what to do, people just don't remember my name and
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Luna : Mm huh, but I will never forward it like emails.. Hehe. Don't worry, at our time, no internet yet, and also digital camera. Teacher not that free to do things like what I'm doing now one.
LSM : Opps, Spiderman is actually Spider-man.. Ai, I salah liao.
Thanks for telling me :)
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Cik Rose : Hi Teacher~ It's so nice to know that there's some other teacher who share the same feelings as me. Your comment make my day too.
We'll work hard together to educate younger generation well~
I am new to your blog... if you want some tips on how to be a good teach, I have 2 cds which I can pass it to you.
Google the name Ron Clark and you will know why. He has 2 audio book file which I have and am using some of his principles in my classroom. cali you blog this time I can't stop but smiling..but I notice you have some fizzy drinks in your hampers..aren't they suppose to be banned in school?
Hahahaha, Enjitmen! =) Really beh-ta-han ah! I still remember when I was studying in Miri(till pr5), erm, my english at that time also teruk eh? Although my eng still broken and kanasai now, but well, atleast I can type la. =)
Iwan : Wah seh, can let me choose my gift lagi ah. So nice!
I'm pretty sure we'll be still in contact next year one friend.
Kelly : I got take also, but this picture looks very nice must post mah.
Sigh, blame me for not understanding Malay well lor, how would I know they want the whole fruit.
And yes, I'm thinking what to wear with the belt liao..
Luuee : You think Iwan is just kidding ah? Hahhaa.
You treat me what first? I don't want Mc'D oh, got phobia at the place there liao. Hehehe.
Ya lor, I can just train Bobby in to the guy who know how to cut pineapple nya kan, good idea!
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