It's my birthday today! Wait.. I know I just blogged about how I celebrated my 23rd Birthday weeks ago and time couldn't possibly pass so fast. But I'm a Chinese, remember? We have lunar calendar wei~ And according to the Chinese calendar.. I'm 24! (Chinese counts a new born baby as 1 yrs old wrapping up the time babies are in mummy's womb)
And I just got all the photos from James justnow. Time to work. You'll be seeing tons of photos in the next entry. Don't say I didn't warn you, you better get a better connection before entering my blog oh~
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I assume everyone knows what's FIRE DRILL. Don't know? Bah, check *here* Immediately after exams are over, my school is having fire drill practice..3 days in a row!
First Practice (16 Nov 2006)
Teachers had a meeting earlier on, informing where's the assembly point, who in charge of what building and the procedures to be taken if fire alarm rings.
We all know it's going to come, just don't know when.
Everyone is still blur and not so sure where is the assembly point. Students wondering around looking for crowds to follow and teachers still in the staff room busy with their reports, and later walked out slowly with their attendance book.
First practice.. a total disaster.
Second Practice (18 Nov 2006)
Assembly point changed. No more shades under the trees. =(
Students still rushed to the ex-assembly points and later got shoo-ed by the teachers to the new one. Stood under the hot sun for 15mins waiting for everyone to gather up.
One word... HOT!
Make it two.. and SIEN!
Third Practice (21 Nov 2006, today)
I just walked out from my lab... Bell rang at 9.35am... I was thinking,
"Eeee, so early reccess time today kah?"
Haha! Obviously I was hungry.. I can't wait to eat my breakfast.
But wait.. the bell rang too long.. Students running out from classes again.. Oh.. NOT AGAIN! Fire Drill!
I walked to the staffroom and grab my car key first.
So I can take out my umbrella and shelter myself lor. Clever or not?
(More like fussy and ma-fan I know)
Walking to the assembly point, boh.. I saw 3 fireman... And later a fire-van (Err.. I don't know what to call that) and a big big bomba... Oops, fire engine lar and more firemen and "firewomen".
Students panicked and asked what's happening. And class teachers just calmed them down assuring it's all fine.
Firemen unrolled the hose and run up the stairs. We all watched as if it's a circus show.
I was thinking, "Are they really going to sprinkle water down?"
Answer, yes they did.

"The-teh-tehh-teh-teh-----------Car Wash!"
(The "Teh" part is the intro lar.. You guys gotta be more imaginative to read my blog)
Then I saw a fireman running and carrying a students in his arm (as if he's really injured like that) and later another student being carried out on a ..... what do you call that? Ah... Nevermind, I'll just draw it out...

Anyone can tell me what do you call the "piece-of-canvas-to-carry-injured-people" ?

After around 20mins, the firemen gathered us around and said something.

He told us that the max. time to arrived the assembly point is 3 mins, after that.. probably some mishaps may happened..
(I uttered out the word "Mati" right after he said that.. )
He pointed out that there were some classes still hanging the ceiling fans switched on, which actually needed to be off because it'll help the fire to get bigger.
Looking at the firemen, I can't help but wonder...

I have doubts in them.. Shouldn't firemen be very fit and strong? Ok, maybe they're strong.. but certainly not FIT! We got to change the "I" in the word "FIT" to the letter "A".
"How to put out fire using the fire extinguishers"
Damn exciting wei~
(Ok.. I'm "sua-ku" or "sakai" or whatever you like to call it :p)

If a wrong one is being used, the fire will actually gets bigger.

After the demonstration, they asked for volunteers to give it a try.
Priorities given to the people who worked in the kitchen, because fires are mostly likely to start from there.

Like an enthused hyper active kid, I raised my hand and said,
"Me! I want to try!"
Damn..... Once again.. I totally screwed up my teacher image.. I could have stay cool and keep quiet like all other female teachers but I really don't want to miss the chance to PLAY with the fire extinguisher... Erm.. I mean learning the proper way of putting out fire.

I asked the man who stood beside me how much is one cylinder of fire extinguisher. He told me around $100+.
I was like.. "Fwah!"
"It's cheap. Considering the risk you might be losing your house that cost several hundred thousands."
Yah..I know, but I "Fwah" not because I think that fire extinguishers are expensive, but because we just spent estimately $400 dollars for this fire drill mah.
Don't bombard me with your comments saying it's a good practice and worth it. I know. I'm just saying nya lah.. Not like I won't buy a fire extinguisher for my house, just that.. if a fire really happens.. can I be that calm to pull out the ring, and press the hander? Or maybe the fire extinguisher already "masuk-angin" no more "power" liao.
Hehe. Just Kidding.
And who says being a teacher is boring?
I'd experienced so many new things here.
p/s: I hopes no one asked me why was I wearing baju kurung again, or. how come all my colleagues and female students wearing tudung. Because I teach in a government school.
Posted a comment. It dissapear. Well anyways, the canvas is call a stretcher.
if that mr.bomba that u mention whether can run and resque read this.. he will be very very very sad... ... .. . and angry.. haha
so fun! i wana play also!
last time my friend play it in school
then later, all in disiplin room :P
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Effy : Thanks! I learn a new word today.
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KL : Well, he can prove to me that he can run and rescue and make me take my words back one mah.
But seriously, I feel insecure if my life depends on them leh.
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Lunatic Gal : Nah, play without permission. I play with honour and respect one. Hahaha!
Cool fire drill but i think in the picture i can only see ur umbrella as the only one there while none use one. I think the fireman whom u mention will hav a different task and role during a real fire call. He probably the one carrying the fire hose and open the fire hydrant and connect it. Opening the fire hydrant or any water pump do requires strength to turn it on. While the f'I't fireman will run into the premises or climb on the ladder.
I attended the courses before n got the cert somemore, dun play play lor... wakakakaka
Your baju damn "zai"
I was a firefighter during my national service stinct.. in other words, i am a qualified fire fighter wor.. muahahahha!!
actually, to tell u the truth ar, most of my officers are FAT lor....
Lolz!!! Only the young ones are FIT..
In brunei, does national service optional or compulsory ar?
I remember in my sec school they introduced this BALL fire-extinguisher. it's so fun. all you need to do is throw and 'bomb', the fire goes out. :p
Bobby : Oi... Are you trying to say that I'm vain being the only person to carry an umbrella? Cheh.. they all want also lah, just that they malu mah.. not like me, thick-skin.
Hehe. What you said could be the best explaination why they can be "fat" as a fireman lor.
Bi, can I play with fire extinguishers now? Can I? Can I?
Kenny : Wow. Really don't pray-pray leh. So you sure you'll be calm enough to know what to know when a fire happens?
* * *
Iwan : "Zai" as in sempit kah? Where got oh? You hint-hint I'm fat hia?
I noticed also lor, Officers all pui-pui (fat-fat) one, where as trainee and kah-kia are thin thin dark dark one.
Erm.. there's no such thing as "National Service" in Brunei. All our askars here are joined voluntarily one. Damn good pay you know. But some are hamsap and gatal lah.
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Christina : BALL Fire extinguisher? How cool is that? I want to play that too lar! I bet its designed for ladies. Muahahhaaa
"zai" means NICE!!!
It's $75..,39041749,39288658,00.htm
When it comes into contact with fire, which is when explodes--within 3 seconds--in a shower of fire-retardant powder and foam that dampens the flames, while letting out a 138-decibel shriek to alert the household.
So cool hor? :P
our school fire drill not that exciting. all we do is just run to the padang and get scorched by the sun.
the alarm is also totally ridiculous too. too bad i can't show you how it sounds like. there's one for us to come out of the classroom and also another one to signal us back in to class.
the good thing is, if you're lucky, you get to skip exams. bwahaha~
Iwan : Baju nice only? The person wearing it leh?
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Christina : Really very cool leh! I never know such thing exists!
But.. It looks more like Pokemon Ball to me! Hahaha.
Thanks for sharing the info.
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Jason : True lah. Can escape from boring classes for awhile. But the sun is really killing me!
How can a fire alarm sounds ridiculous? I'm really curious now. One signal to signal back into class? How funny?
Everytime after we all gathered in the assembly point, one of the teacher in charge will sure say something.. and later dismissed us.
How come yours so weird?
ooo.. I thought tht man was selling burgers.. oh.. is a fireman is it.. makes me hungry.. I need to grab some burgers..
it be called a stretcher. but i think i saw someone else say that. nevermind. i shall say it otherwise haha. thanks for popping by my way! =)
You're funny. =D And happy belated birthday.
Oh I'm sorry if that was too random btw. Haha. I am a random Bruneian reader and I don't remember now how I got here. Now you can forget about me. ^^
but nonnie: last time my school also dun have the fireman come and show us how to do, and no testing..
only standing on field and getting sunburn.
Luuee : Sell burgers? You must be hungry while reading my blog.
Well...I do agree they somehow looks like a hawker lah.
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Mervkwok : Welcome. I love the postcards and wish I can win them thou.
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Rebbe : Hahaha! Now I know everyone knows it's a "stretcher" but not me. Malu si me.
Eh? Like that also charge half price kah?
You should give me discount like this:
Not a real lawyer - 50% off
You read my blog and I'm not charging you, but now you want to charge me so I have to charge you back - 30%
Send the bill to Bobby thank you. Hahaha.
Hazirah : Thanks~
Eh? Nada bookmark my blog kah?
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Lunatic Gal : Brunei government got money, can spend hundreds of dollars letting us "play" with fire extinguishers mah. And also got the time.
Just kidding. It's all for our own good and Brunei is the best country in the whole world!
Uses of extinguishers: Use it on your friends who are too hot.
Nonnie - you should use it on a hot day. Confirm you will feel cold straight away ;)
lolx i think even if nonnie use that,she will still be hot anyway
Rebbe : A wah.. I'm super nice to you liao, still paying you 20%.
But probably I'll pay the 20% by installment of nasi-katoks lah.
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Thanis : Good idea. Can use it on angry people. Just got to make sure he/she won't marah even more after spraying.
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Hadianto : Me Hot? Think so, Brunei is hot and the aircon in my room only operate after 8pm.
I'm always HOT!
Nonnie - you paying rebbe with nasi katok saja? Heheheh kesia rebbe belajar far2 away from home your fire drill thing came out on todays paper...maybe can spot ur head or umbrella somewhere..
On the paper? Serious! I didn't get to read it yet tho..
hahaha.. Nonnie. i am hungry for mc d's.. you want some???
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