Stop all your downloading now! Tons of pictures ahead.
Exit this blog now if:
1. Your connection sucks because you might need to hit the "refresh" button a lot of times just to view the photos.
2. You hate me. This entry is gonna make you feel so jealous.
Okie, before I go any further, I wanna say a huge "THANK YOU" for those who had sent me SMSes, called me from here-and-there, dedicated a blog entry for me (Luuee ,Karen & Christina) , changed your MSN nick for me, and all those I-Owe-You meals you'd promised to belanja.And one more thing.. Know what people, I share the same birthday as LSM! Surprising leh.
I'm counting the number of people I know who are also November Babies...Damn banyak leh! The only reason that can explain this is because:
Nine months before November, that is at the month of February, normally is the month when we celebrate Chinese New Year. Probably our parents were more "free" that time to make babies so the birth rate in November & December are more than other months.
(It's just a stupid analysis from me, you don't have to believe that lah)
* * * * *
As plan earlier on, I spent my birthday eve in Miri with Bobby, and birthday night wih my besties in Brunei.
Poor Bobby had to drive from Miri to Seria, picked me up from my place, bring me to Miri again. Then the next day, bring me back to Seria and go back Miri alone today. (Girls, find boyfriend must find like this one)
Once I hopped in the car, I saw a plastic bag of shirts and towel inside, and asked Bobby,
Me: Why you bring your own baju and towel oh? Tomorrow you baru overnight at my place laa.
Bobby: Ya lah.. I forgot liao. I keep on thinking today is Sunday and I'm staying at your place. And some are the dirty clothes that I want you to help me wash.
Me: Ah? Why like that...? Ok lor.. I wash lor.
And off we go, to Miri (so-called) City!
Once we arrived Miri, we didn't dropped by Bobby's place first. Instead, we went to the town to help my mum to pay some bills. But then, we're late and the shop closed already. Then Bobby was using the Pujut road and I felt strange.
Me: Why are we using this road? Kan we going to the airport road?
Bobby: This road is faster mah.
Me: But we're not going to pay the bills liao bor.
Bobby: No ah, we're going to find the restaurant to dine in tonight.
And I saw some bush fires along the road, near
Eastwood Valley Golf & Country Club.

Me: Eee, got fire eh.
Bobby: A lor. (Turning in to Eastwood)

Me: !!! Why are you turning into Eastwood? You want to see the fire ah?
Bobby: Ya lor.
Me: Ha? Chi sin one ah you? (Thinking Bobby is stupid & jobless)
Bobby: No lah.. We're going to Eastwood restaurant to eat.
Bobby: (Stop car engine) Hehe. Nope. We're here to check-in our room.
Me: !!! We're staying here tonight?
Bobby: Yeap. More privacy isn't it. I want to pamper you like a Princess tonight. Actually I salah already, should have check in earlier then terus bring you into the room. But I woke up late.
Me: -__-" (Feel sweet inside but the face still blur) So, all the things you say what what want me to wash your baju and so on, is tipu me one la?

Coincidentally, some school in Miri was celebrating their anniversary there too. Thus there's a lion dance performance and teens who dressed like a soldier waiting to perform kua.
I did asked for permission before I took those photos mind you.
Here, some pics of the wooden hut we're staying.

Seriously Rebbe, I think you'll like it. You ever played golf there?
Unload our stuffs, shower and get ready for dinner.
Random pics

(Bobby called that area "Sin City")

1. Go cook Maggie Mee now
2. Go drink Milo or water, or the best is..
3. You eat before reading my blog.
Hahaha. Just kidding lah~

After dinner, we realised it was still early. So we plan to go catch a movie, without knowing the schedule. And we picked this..

I'd read a bit about this movie thru Sing Yin's blog, looks interesting tho.
We still had 50mins to kill before the movie, so we went to Coffee Bean.

It was already 1.30am when we finished the movie. I can't wait to see my card and gift liao!
But still, Bobby make me read the updates of the journal first. Gah.. This is torture!

Finally! Dang Dang Dang Dang~ My Card!

So pretty right? Bobby has topped me again!

On the left of the card, there are little envelopes with messages inside and a pop-up cake on the right hand side of the card.
So Pretty... (Someone save me! I'm drowning in Love)

I made a "Thank You" card for Bobby. Sweet huh?

I know, the card Bobby made looks better than the one I made. Boo.

* * * * *
Cock-A-Doodle. Wakey Wakey. Was forced to wake up as the SMS alert of my phone keeps ringing. Thanks people, you who remembered my birthday and send me a text.
Bobby and I wanted to check out the gym room, jacuzzi and sauna room that's not far from our hut.
Bobby and I wanted to check out the gym room, jacuzzi and sauna room that's not far from our hut.

See, he's so much fairer than me, and his legs too.. smaller than me.
Wanna die liao.. Lucky his tummy is a lot bigger than mine. =p
Wanna die liao.. Lucky his tummy is a lot bigger than mine. =p
And also take somemore pictures around the place.

Again, we ran out of idea where to eat breakfast. We're just roaming around the town, till we saw the old town of Miri, half demolished, half renovating. Then we decided that we want to eat the old-style kolomee in those old-old kopitiam.
And Bobby brought me here.

I took my camera out and snapped pictures, and Bobby said,

Malunya.. I terus off my camera and sit quietly.

Bah, my Miri trip finished here.
When we're on our way back to Brunei, look at the traffic!

* * * * *
Got back home, shower then rush to KB for dinner with the girls, and guys.
Must wear my birthday gifts eh.

Here, there's only 8 of us. I just wanted a small gathering with the closest friend.

Here peeps, look at what Mabel had made for me!

Seriously, I was surprised & amzed! I know Mabel can make smaller one, but most of the voodoo dolls she made ah, instead of round, the head is always long and thin.

Me: Is that a Haji?
Mabel: It's a BOXING voodoo doll!
Mabel: It's a BOXING voodoo doll!
My second gift, Cellnique sebum gel.

I'm the happiest birthday girl in the whole wide world yesterday!
My mum was asking why the cake looks like a spiderweb and also the "SpiderKing" on the cake.
Err... How to answer that?
Err... How to answer that?

My face damn big in the video. Maybe you don't understand why I was laughing so hard. Here, I explain..
There was another guy celebrating birthday in the same restaurant as me. And they had already sing birthday song before me. And I was like, "Eh.... My birthday also leh. Later you all have to sing louder ah, I must not lose to him one". Now you know why they called me "Kiasu King" leh.
Sekali when they bring the cake out, the restaurant played a kid's version of birthday song! Wah lao eh! KID'S VERSION! So malu eh, like Swee Leong say, lucky we're not wearing any party hats, if not really like kid's party liao.
"Hahahha! I win liao ! I got birthday song!"
I was saying that in the video if you all can't understand Mandarin.

Hu~ The cake is super-dooper delicious! Really, better than the bakery one! See, I got two friends here ready for kahwin already. Do house chores, can cook, can bake, can do handicrafts!
Walking out the restaurant, guess what's on TV, I mean HBO?

Muahahhahahahaha!! Spider-man 2
So ngam!
Oh, that's not all dear people, I still got one BIG present which they haven't bring down yet..
Why? Cos it's BIG!
Why? Cos it's BIG!

People, this is not a prank. I seriously wanted an oven, so that I can bake cake, cookies, pizza, cheese bake potato with bacon (I created myself), lasagna (recipe from Mabel) and not forgetting the chips, fish fingers and so on that I can pop into the oven without pan fry!
(Oh, I forgot to mention that Mabel baked me two tray of lasagna, one with meat and the other one is vegetarian one, for my mum. Sweet hor?)
Damn, I got a bad feeling that I'm going to be super-FAT!
Lastly, a HUGE hug to my girlfriends who made it all happen.

Love you all. Mum, Bobby, Theen, Kelly, Mabel, Sweeleong and Mr.Ten for coming.
It was my happiest day!
It'll be perfect if Wen was there.. I miss you 48.
* * *
To Nonnie:
What a massive celebration u got there!!! I was full of envy!!
Hmmm...Who gave you that oven?? Lolz!!! You are getting fat?? Nah...
You have that slimming cream wor... Lolz!!!!
Bobby is DAMN sweet guy lor....
Nonnie memang LUCKY!!!!
Nine months before November, that is at the month of February, normally is the month when we celebrate Chinese New Year. Probably our parents were more "free" that time to make babies so the birth rate in November & December are more than other months.
I have a similar argument except that I think it's because Valentine's Day falls in February ;)
LOL at 'to Spider King'...
what a nice birthday celebration u had...
since i'm an august girl, that means my parents were "busy" around halloween?
Bobby is so sweet!
So how's it like to be 23? :p
Haha, mine is so so boring, unlike yours, haha. But hmm, enough for me la. =) Bobby is cool, the card he made is reallly, creative! =) Hmmm, steal that ideas! =D
wahhh, i'm supposed to be a bf like that... guys are so kasian...
i want a caring and dedicated gf who can take care of me, like that baru can mah!
then my bday will also be so Romantic... yeh... i'm single...
You are sooo lucky to have Bobby.
Bobby, you are sooo lucky to have Nonnie.
Must balance maahh..puji one, must puji the other. LOL.
Looks like you had a jolly good time. I was laughing when I watch the video because it took you like FOREVER to blow out your candles. hahahahah.
Happy Birthday again Nonnie!
Siiiuuukkkkkkkkkk...Omigoooddd I soooo envy youuuuuu~
OK I want to comment the things that got my attention
"Poor Bobby had to drive from Miri to Seria, picked me up from my place, bring me to Miri again. Then the next day, bring me back to Seria and go back Miri alone today. (Girls, find boyfriend must find like this one)". Found alreadyyyy~
That Eastwood place looks like a perfect getaway. Could I ask how much it was sana? Hehehe..
"Crown and shoe necklaces. I feel so much like a Cinderella now." I love the shoe necklace (its soo pweetyy)
My second gift, Cellnique sebum gel. (Xiaxue said it was super good!! Where did your friend get it?)
Lastly, the card bobby made was so sweet and nice. Romantik juaaaa...stress ku eh..
Oh and happy birthday Nonnie!! Glad your birthday was a good one for you.
i damn jealous one mah!!!!!!!!! (attempting nonnie-speak)
waaaaaaaaa, that eastwood place so shiok!!!!!!!! i so jealoussssss!!!!!!!
=.= kawan baik, bf baik (i purposely say this to praise bobby so next time he will treat u even better :P ) how good i am.
i jealous u got such good good kawan who really got the HEART and really PREPARE for your birthday and not layan aje -,- baked cake, do food.. hmM.. nice :D
THE CARD! I WANT TOO !!! err i wana know how to buat. @.@ i tak jealous, ill make one for myself when i birthday.. KENOT lose nonnie ma! :P hahaa...
me orang yg tak celebrate birthday suddenly pun feel like wana celebrate d =.=
Wow. Seems like I have a lot of comments to reply eh~
Iwan : You already know my weight, overweight liao lah me. Later Bobby don't want me how? Hahaha
* * *
Rebbe :
1. You can go there sendiri kan? If lonely can easily get "companion" from the "Sin city" what.
2. The food "looks" great only, taste OK nya..
3. That's because we both are poo people, couldn't afford diamonds and cars to each other. And card is the best thing we can give with sincere.
4. Bah, mana your continuation?
* * *
LSM : Romantic also the way you think. Not like me, imagining with all the fireworks outside and busy inside. Muahahaa
* * *
Kenny : That's pretty sad isn't it.. The nick "Spiderking" is stucked now.
* * *
Lizzie : Good calculation. But, your parents got celebrate Halloween one ka?
Christina : Yeap, He's really sweet.
And.. I don't feel any difference being 23, except from now on, I have to fill in my age with "23" in the bracket.
23, is not that old kan?
* * *
Ing Siang : You different story mah, you're busy with your O'level wor.
Bah, steal it and make sure your (future or present) girlfriend don't read my blog ah.
Maybe I should ask Bobby to start a class on
How to make the prefect card for your gf/wife
* * *
Jason : Where got kasian? Got a sweet girlfriend like me not good meh? Hahhaa. My muka-tembokness.
On your radar and open your eyes big big now, find your Ms.Right now.
Nisah : As you know, our "Luck" didn't come easily. And we put a lot of effort in "maintaining" it.
Eh? You notice ah! I was laughing so hard till I have no more strength to blog the candles. Damn malu hearing the kid's birthday song bah.
* * *
Dee : Ee seh, bah Dee, bila kan kahwin?
Oh, our room is only RM70, plus tax and service charges, only RM80.50. Bloody cheap right? Oh, excluding breakfast lah, but that doesn't matter to me lah.
And if you saw it in the pic, there's a lake/pond there which "sampans" are available for RM10/person. I wanted to try that but it was raining..
Yeap, perfect getaway! Distance from the loud and dirty city.
Yeap. The sebum gel is the one XX intro. My friends get them from Miri, RM100+ a bit I think.
Why stress? Show to your boyfriend and "hint" him lah. Hahaha
* * *
Maurina : Habis your exam go Miri and shiok a night or two lah. That place damn cheap! I'm sure you'll have a better trip than mine.
* * *
Lunatic Gal : So sweet of you to "hint" Bobby la~
I do admit that it's hard to "stumble" on friends like them. We've been classmates for years and till today, we've known each other for 10 years.. And still, we never run out of topics to talk & gossips.
Now my turn to headache what to plan for my friend on her birthday liao.. Aiyaya~
THE CARD! Which card? The one Bobby made or the one I made? When's your birthday? I make one for you and kirim lah.
kawin? still a long way to go Miss King, you get married first then see how..hahhaha...awuuu I want to *hint2* but I dono how w/out hurting his feelings. Later my boo thinks that I think he's not romantic. I wish there's a course for men to take on how to be romantic.
Oh in Miri they sell that sebum gel? Ok must go miri when I get back later. Hehehe..
That's not bad the price...*sigh*
ok I HAVE TO STUDY!! Been procrastinating since morning already
nonnie,i hate you so make me so jealouss!AHHH!!!how i wish i have a caring bf mcm bobby untung d lor..syok si lah you..hehe..
Wow, i didnt knew it was actually a surprise from Bobby Lim for that EastWood night huh? Theen almost kill you looking at those camera photos with your *ahem* near her...hahaha
Have you finish the cake & the lasagna? delicious...i wana learn from Mabel leh! if able to learn *shepherd pie & fetuccini* even best ho?! *wink wink*
wahhh so good nonnnie
of course m talking about bbobby's made tu can pop out 3D type la!! :P
u also say yours not so "sui" compare to HIS d ma :P
hahahhah kirim kirim, me january! ^^
Dee : Aiks, I didn't know you're still a student wa.
"Hinting" does needs a lot of skills isn't it. Is there any book call "Hinting for Idiots"? Because I realised I don't hint, I "demand" terus. Hahaha.
* * *
De Pianist @ Pauline : Don't hate me lah. Your birthday not long from now liao also bor. Must happy happy.
* * *
Kelly : Ya lah..I wanted to tell you girls but you know lah, *ahem* was there. Hahaha. If I didn't snatch the camera back from pig Theen early, I die liao.
You wanna learn? Don't say say nya oh I tell you.
* * *
Lunaticgal : Sad eh, in this blog everyone says Bobby this and that, I'm suppose to be the focus leh~ As for the car, you have to ask him lor. Bah, give me your address then I kirim you~
* * *
Rebbe : Neh Neh, Tu tu, the Cheeries Berries, Balcony area, sinful kan?!
Er, you better give me a preview of how you look like then during the marathon I can shout for you, and also.. What's your name ah? Impossible I shout for "REBBE" kan?
Hehe. yeap, I had a GREAT time~ Still not believing that I got sucha great birthday this year.
LuUeE has finally arrived. Time. ta blow..
Bobby yes i s d most romantic notti guy of all time. hhahh.. Cute.. I say. he said " if had more bling, he would have brought you to somewhere more luxurious".. Shh.. Dont tell Bobby i told you this.
Hmm... I m talking classes from Bobby, how to strip with stlye and oso do these cool greeting cards. Pop outs.. wow.. I couldn't even think of that.. AMAZING.
ghee ghee...
nvm nvm i said i do one 3d one for myself ma...
then u kirim buatan nonnie one for me lar~
aiyak tu nonnie stil suka jealous akan sendiri mia boi fren..
me pun suka nonnie ma *hugs hugs* grin :)
(i already spend lotsa time to read ya blog, during my EXAM period leh..)
I'm serious la, coz i love those pasta foods than errr...chinese food? Hope it's not that difficult eh + with the old oven at my house, hopefully the outcome wont become half baked & unbaked? -____-'''
If your asking me to learn that Theen's recipe of spiderking cake!err...nvm, i go sleep 1st ah....hahaha
by the way, after that day i tried your spagetti & u told me those ingredients, i did went to SupaSave & tried doesnt taste exactly the same bcoz of no *vegetarian burger meat*! Have you got the recipe for Mabel's lasagna too?
Luuee : Finally you commented!
Somewhere luxurious? Anywhere with Bobby is simply great enough. I was actully prepare to celebrate it in his place in Miri like last year liao.
Bah, I asked Bobby to invoice you later ah, the charges from learning all the tricks and tactics from him.
* * *
Lunatic Gal : I make a normal 2D one for you mah. Later I email and asked for your address k.
Jealous arah ia? Nada la, aku rasa sombong untuk dia.
(Boh Di Dui.. Exam still reading blogs, naughty naught. Cikgu Nonnie don't like oh)
* * *
Kelly : Aiyah.. That night you should sit with the angmohs table liao.
Wei wei.. I ever make chicken flavour one too leh, and for me it always taste the same bor. You got add salah thing or not?
Mabel haven't give me her recipe yet. But, I think she don't have also, she also agak-agak make one.
* * *
Rebbe : Ee Seh! Hansem lagi! Hahahaha! Don't make me chasing the wrong guy and buat malu sendiri I tell you.
"SpiderKing"??? Don't want lah! I'm trying to quit "Spiderfied" myself now.
Hahhaaa. What a term, Spiderfied!
So many picture! Haha. Anyway, happy birthday again! Birthday is never for old people's celebration.
Stay young always.
Hey nonnie~
Happy Birthday!!
The video shows so much of fun and i see happiness written all over ur face :D
Many Happy returns!
YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!! I can't emphasize enough! Hehe. Your bf and friends are so good to you. :)
I simply love your pictures. And I love the fact that your post is long. You're a very detailed woman haha. :D Glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday; you deserved it. :) And 23 ain't so bad, right? ;)
P.S. This is my third time trying to post a comment. Prior to this, it seems like blogger.beta decided to eat my original blogger username and comment that comes with it. Heh. :/
Shea Speare : Hehehe. Thanks. Birthday only comes once a year so must enjoy till kau-kau mah.
* * *
Wangee : Thanks oh.
* * *
Wardah : I scared my long post bored you all lah actually. Glad you say you enjoyed reading it.
p/s: I think the original blogger got problem, seems like people using the original versions have a lot of problem posting comment and entries.
Happy Belated Birthday Nonnie!
Glad you had a wonderful birthday.. :) And man.. your friend baked that? the spider cake one. Handal eh..
hahaha.. yea lo.. one comment from me or tag from me cost 50 bucks.. so i have calculated i 've commented in your blog for already 50 times, so erm, hmm.. there should be 2500 in my Nonnie account. which i shll use to cancel out the fees to pay for Bobby's lessons.. n so hmm. i still have erm.. 2000 in my account and not forgetting the interest of 10 per cent a year compunded monthly.. i 've got 3000..
Atul : Thanks oh. Yeap, my friend baked that SpiderKing cake, it's not only beautiful, it's yummy too!
* * *
Luuee : Eeee.. Why you so money face one wor? I'm just a poor teacher. Wait till I marry a rich man then you claim can?
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