I know I'd been blogging a little serious lately. I need a little break, I need to go jalan-jalan and not stay in my 3x3m room whole day.
Feli's back, Chau, Ping and Ye says wanna belanja me makan. Okie, BSB I'll go!
p/s: This is going to be a boring post if you have no interest in knowing what I've been to and what I did yesterday.
I gave them very short notice of my arrival. Hehehe. I just MSN them that I'm going to BSB and 'book' them for lunch. And after 1.5hrs, I reached their door steps.
Picked up Chau and went off to Lemon Grass (Thai restaurant). Once again you may asked, "What can vegetarian eat at Lemon Grass?" Plenty! But there are mostly green lar.
[Ed: I'm NOT a vegetarian, just "part-time" nya]
Do they look like sisters? I think Chau and Me look more alike, small eyes and chubby (fat & big) face.


Can you see what's inside?
Century Egg + Green chilli + Red Chilli + Tomato + Salted Egg York!
Eng popped by and brought over a bag. And rushed off saying that she's having another meeting later. A bit disappointed lah, not having Eng with us.
Then I saw the bag, and asked..
"For me one kah? My birthday present leh~"
So thick-skin right? Aiyah.. like we always say.. so "masak" already, no need pretend-pretend one liao.
(Masak - know each other well)

After picking up my car from my favorite car wash place (pic as below, cheap and clean) Mabel and I went to Gadong for some shopping (for Theen's birthday) and wait for Feli.
Feli arrived after 30mins, the Mall is just so boring and we had no where to go. So we went to Swenson for a drink.

After that, I went to my cousin, Justina's place because I want to get some baby cloths for Orange's baby. Fast or not, full month already!
On the way...

I know, when I say "side business" and "home", you all must be thinking, "Cheeww.. must be like 10~20 cloths like that, take out from boxes someone one lah.. Nice meh? Not much choice also...". HAH! You're so wrong!

They have the nicest baby cloths there I tell you! Not only cloths, they have swim suits, socks, shoes, hats and cute undies~!
And.. the important thing is.. it's all from UK! London okay! Not Ulu Klang or Ulu Kapit I mind you.
More beautiful and nicer than Mothercxxx and BeBelxxx. Oh Oh! Cheaper too! If any of you want to know where is it and the contact number, leave me a comment yah.
Okie, let you people see the things in the room that nearly got me suffocated by kawaii overload!

I was so busy "Wah" here and there taking a look at those cloths and forgot to snap pictures. There's this cute short black leather skirt that I think it's super cool and feel so much like buying for my (future) daughter! And Mabel want to buy an Army-look shirt for her (future) son.

Oki, done with baby cloths shopping, and by this time you all should feel a bit sien by reading this post liao.
Yeah Yeah! It's baby visiting time!!!
When I last visited Jun Hou, he's only 1 day old.. Look at him now, so chubby and round~

Orange said he gained 1kg in 3 weeks time! Ganas!
Orange Mummy and Auntie King

Me: Hello Eshyn. Call Ah King Yi Yi
Eshyn: Don't want.
Me: Eeee.. Want la want la. Ah King Yi Yi bought you a very beautiful dress bor
Eshyn: Don't want.
Me: =( Please lah, talk to me lar.. Call me Ah King Yi Yi lar..
Eshyn: Don't want.
(Feeling a bit upset)
Orange: Eshyn kuai~ Call Ah King Yi Yi lah.
Eshyn: Don't want.
Me: Eshyn, my name is not "Don't Want". You only know how to say "Don't Want" meh? Hehehe. Come talk to me lah, I don't want to hear "Don't Want" oh.
Eshyn: ... Don't Want.
(Bang head against wall)
Nevermind, let us all see the 1mth old one, still very young, at least won't "kek" me.
Finally got back home. Tired. Looked at the bag (my birthday gift) and wonder what's inside.

"Don't tell me they get me Raya kueh and biscuits oh.."
Second thing,
"Or red pens + erasers + tipex/blanco/correction fluid"
Okie, enough guessing.. Read the birthday card first.

Here, I saw two messages that caught my eye.

"You should be glad the gift not cut from magazine"
"Something from your wishlist"
Hhmm... Easi card? Photo frame?
Aiyah.. don't want guess liao, open and see.
OMG! Gucci ENVY me~
I really like this perfume! But don't know why, I never spend a cent on buying them for myself. Meaning, I won't buy perfume from my own pocket, all my perfumes at home are given.
Aiyerr... I love them so much lah. I know everytime when I go to Chau's room, I'll be fascinated by her perfume collection and grow so envious and say.. "Eee.. I like this smell lah."
Forgive me, I need to camwhore a bit.

Thanks Ye, Chau, Ping and Eng! I miss having lunch with you all lah, fighting for the salted egg and anything nice from the "ringkat". That one hour lunch break is always my best time of the day.
* * * * *

"Lovely King"
My lovely birthday card

No Christina, your handwriting is not messy at all~
And guess what is my birthday gift? Something I wanted so much. Something I ever mentioned in my blog. Something that will (sort of) complete my collection..
Can guess? Nyek nyek nyek. If you know me well and read my blog often, by this time you should be able to guess it.
The Sushi Erasers that I always wanted!!!

It's really really sweet of you to get me those. The most important thing is, you saw them and bought it knowing I'll like it. Really got "heart" lar.
Feel so happy lah, one week after my birthday I'm still receiving birthday gifts. Hehe, still waiting for one last one from Iwan.
* * * * *
Oh, just want to show you all what I've bought yesterday.
Yeah. I bought it because of the duckies actually.
I realised that I've been buying younger and cuter stuff lately.. Maybe to make myself feel better and restraining myself in thinking that I'm getting older kua?
So, hehe. That ends my post. Bye Bye.
Sekian terima kasih.
(Sila menuliskan komen jikalau ada sesuatu yang hendak diberitahukan.)
In case you didn't notice, the other pink "thing" beside the pink leaf is "Strawberry". And did you saw the duckies?

I realised that I've been buying younger and cuter stuff lately.. Maybe to make myself feel better and restraining myself in thinking that I'm getting older kua?
So, hehe. That ends my post. Bye Bye.
Sekian terima kasih.
(Sila menuliskan komen jikalau ada sesuatu yang hendak diberitahukan.)
You're welcomed.. =)
now u cannot say u long time no go to bsb alredi... seee!!!
u vegetarian??? I tot ur mother only??
oh ur a vegetarian..cooooool...
aiii gucci envvyy...i waaannt...
Eh.. I thought.. only your mom vegetarian, rupanya you also. Ohhhsss..
Btw, that was very nice of christina. Hehe. Props to you babe.
fuahhh... ur sunday so happening, mine only sleep and did housework whole day...
Oh yah... the year end bloggers party blog is up... u can click here for the information and signup for the party... cheers :)
My long long post about my Sunday telling how fun is my Sunday but now it makes everyone thought I'm a vegetarian.
Christina : Aiyer.. Must say another Thanks to you cos I never thought I'll own the erasers.
* * *
Jason : Oh No No. I'm not a vegetarian. The rest of the people on the table are.
* * *
Dee : I'm only a "part-time" vegetarian. Look at the pizza I baked.
* * *
Atul : I can be one if I want. But I still can't resists nice "non-vegetarian" food.
* * *
Kenny : At least you did some cleaning. I don't know want to clean my room how long liao but still say "Tomorrow" lah.
U eat petai ar?? Does ur mouth stink after eating it?
Actually i to of getting u the Gucci Envy perfume but decided not to... I bought another perfume which beautiful ladies always wear one..
U know, everytime a beautiful lady walked past me, that scent lingers in the air... So i tink the perfume that i bought for you suits u nya!!!
Since u went to Bsb shopping for theen's birhday too! So anything nice 4 her or from her wishlist?
Wow, i really didnt expect Justina - for sale baby clothes is that much?!!!!! Does she have age 1++ and above baju? i really wana dropby and see eh...
This shows that you really got the *fate & talent* to blog eh...!!
Iwan : I tried eating one but couldn't take it. And they told me if eat a lot, later go toilet also got the petai "smell". Gali eh~
Hehe. I was afraid that you'll get the same perfume actually, lucky you say no. Thank you for thinking that I am beautiful thus suits the scent.
* * *
Kelly : Did you read my post carefully? I say I didn't shop much cos it's boring. Saw nice things, but don't know if she'll like it or not.
The age range Justina has is from new born to 5,6 years old the max. Price range around $10+ tp $30+ depends on the style and material.
Miss King!! I got socks like that!! The one with rubbery stuff at the bottom!
THey are call house-socks. LIke instead of pakai slippers, just pakai that.
I got pink and blue furry ones. I like the bulus. LOL. Will not post them cause they look silly. BUT CUTE =D
Me also part-time vegetarian. Hahahaha.
luckily u dint call the baby to call u ah king yi yi .... =.-
I am happy too that day cause you forgot your donation card, never this happy! Wooohooo!! No, i wasn't joking! Anyway, we hope you like the little prezzie. No no no, it wasn't last minute if you have to know. We have the thought even before your birthday just that everyone seems occupied. Anyway we were intending to compile all the cutouts from magazines and have them in a box... will you be as happy ? Erhem , i should be posting my wishlist very soon too ... will keep you ALL posted. No i dont want no cutouts!!!
Nisah : I bring you to one of the vegetarian restaurant that I always go last time when you're back k. Should be ok kan since totally no meat so not indicating Halal or not leh.
Those house-socks are definitely made for clumsy people like us kan? Aiyah, scare what malu, cute is more important mah.
. . .
Lunatic Gal : Tee Hee. I might be a bit idiotic but not to that extreme kua?
. . .
Pingko Tang : I told ye you gurls can give me the money and I just write your name later. Bank in the money to my account ah.
Cutouts from magazine? I cut back one and burn for you later then you know.
Must let us know what you want for your birthday too~!
aiii so nice da baby clothes..price range so affordable..where to dpt?
tuna salads for all part time vegetarians..inclds me
Sue : I read your blog and saw the cute lil baby. Bet you want to buy cloths for Afrina.
The Address is
House 5, Spg 542-133
Lucky Garden
Sg Hanching, Jln Muara
Contact No. 8767577
* * *
Dee : Tuna salad can consider as part time vegetarian food kah?
When I say part-time, means sometimes I eat with no meat in my meals :)
OOhh nice erasers :)
And nice perfume.. Like you, I LOVE perfumes hehe..
And now I FINALLY know how Gadong looks like after hearing about it a million and one times from various sources lol.
That's only like... 1/4 of Gadong. Hehe. The older side of it actually.
Thank q for the address..Yep yep wanna buy them for baby Afrina and Aiman. I was like 'wahhh banyk baju baby' when I saw the pics. Isky (excited) to see the hats, shoes etc etc. Sooo cute bah. Thank Q too for dropping by to my blog :)
Great gift and so tis is what u do on a happy sunday. I am sad cos...i think my birthday gift just lost its position by 2 in ur birthday present ranking.
Hi Nonnie, I want to know the address or phone number where your friends sell those cute and lovely children wears. Thanks!! Pls get back to me at chris_tina_7577@yahoo.com
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