Recently I find myself busy with TVB dramas and programs and get so addicted to it. Hehe. Been watching "Face to Fate" and "Beautiful Cooking". Anyone watching that too?
Beware people, loads of pictures coming up. I know if I don't finish it this time.. I won't be able to habisly blog it in the future. So.. bear with me lah~
After visiting Dreamworld, we then continued our journey to Pattaya.
The hotel that we stayed in Pattaya Park Hotel, which is awesome! It's cheap, has a great sea-view and it has it's own theme park and water park!

But..sayang.. We only spent a night there only. If we only knew it earlier, we might wanna skip Bangkok and straight rush to Pattaya and have Sunshine-&-Beaches Holiday~

Upon checking in our room, I saw this on the wall...

Shopping and Jalan-jalan also no time already, who would be such sucker and stayed in hotel and play ping pong?? Tell me lah.
Heh. PattayaPark got my favorite game.

Luckily we have one guy in our trip. The two other ladies aren't that adventurous and are quite timid when it comes to games like roller coaster and stuffs.
So, I can only drag SoonLung , or the other way round, to seek for adventures.
After a nice shower, we then venture out the sexy and colorful streets of Pattaya and seek for food.
It was Saturday, and we saw so many ladies doing sexy pole or table dancing and a lot (horny) orang-putihs hand around those Thai ladies in skimpy dress, and sometimes we can't be so sure whether they're "She" or "He" to be true.
Sometimes we even saw horny men had more than one lady accompanying them, but two or three. Wah lao eh... Maybe they just bought extra viagras...

But when it was served, what we saw is "Choy Sum" or "Sawi" only...
We asked the captain and guess what he said..
Me: Excuse sir, we ordered "Chinese Broccoli", not this.
Captain: Miss, in Thailand, THIS IS CHINESE BROCCOLI!!!
Cheh, he say what also can lah.. Sawi become broccoli.. If I had a PC with internet connection, I surely will Googled it and show him, "For Chinese, this is Chinese Broccoli !"

At first, I didn't know what he meant by "Not Perfect", till we walked pass him... Rupanya, he only has one leg...
Without any hesitation, three of us straight away took money out from our wallet and bought those flowers. And that instant when we wear it around our neck, we seriously felt pretty and beautiful about ourselves .

We're so lucky to have extra money to spend on holidays, where some people can't even earn a proper living.. So people, don't complain anymore. Think for others. There're lots of people having a less fortunate life compared to us.
If we have the ability, why don't help them?
The next day, before we head to Corel Island, an island in Pattaya with clear sea waters and water sports, we make used of the time and visit an elephant farm and had a chance to play with real guns~
Thanks to our driver. He had everything well planned for us. What we need to do is just sit back and relax.
I forgot what's the name for the place. But we had lots of fun there.
It was.... smelly there, because of the elephants' Poo-Poo. So we took our masks out and wore it. But.. soon after, we always can't hear or understand what each other says and decided to take it off. And also, hot bah..

After we paid that man, whom very lihai, can speak Chinese, he took the microphone out and called the elephants out. (Like calling prostitutes ah?)

Goyang-Goyang on the elephant is like... aw.... so relaxing, like sleeping on the cradle, windy and comfy. The elephant size damn thick and rough. Their master use something like a crowbar to "teach" them one. So kasian.. but I think they won't feel painful also lah.
Next time can say people,
"You ah, sibeh thick skin like ELEPHANT!"

Haha. I sibeh hamsap took picture of the elephant pee-pee. Wah lao.. elephant pee-pee like open the water tap, "Swasssssssh" , very big puddle leh! The urine orange yellow like that, lots of bubbles...
Ok oK.. I'm disgusting describing it.
Now we don't talk about pee-pee, it's turn for "Poo-Poo"~!

Elephants' Poo-Poo very very big eh! One "biji" is about size of one... erm.. Mc'D double cheese burger, or ... a smaller watermelon lah.

They're like pets, like doggies, they listened to their "masters" order, holding their trunk up, go left or right. Lucky it didn't play "dead", if not we terpijak and died on the spot.

After elephant riding, hehe, it's time to play "bang-bang"

Each of us chose our pistols and given 6 bullets each. Those are real and so our trainer never left us unguarded and was quite serious. Scare we mis-fired and killed them maybe?
See, my result oh.

I was quite lousy lah, I hit one at the ear, and one at the... *ahhem* little brother area.
Hehe. Actually, three of us girls hit that spot. It's good tho.. can scare our boyfriends ask them better behave if not, nyek nyek nyek, careful next time no next generations!
*Evil Laugh*
After we finished all the shots, the pistols were unloaded, we then played with it and pose to take pictures.

This SukChin ah, came out with a witty idea asking Soon Lung to keep his hands behind and act like he as held as a hostage, and we pointed at him.

Ok. Enough fun. Time for sunshine and beaches~

The man standing in the middle is Tad, the driver that we "pao" him for two days. I don't like him, because everytime when I was talking to him, he like cannot hear and don't answer me one. Like I'm talking to the wall. *Huff*
But he's a nice man lah. Take good care of us and tell us to be careful in places. But he always try to convince SoonLung to go see "Ladies-Man" show and Tiger Show. Hamsap eh?
We took the speed boat to Corel Island, because it's faster . And come back using one "tut-tut" boat, which is half the time slower than the speed boat.

Before reaching Corel Island, we stopped over a platform for people who want to play Ski-Parachuting.

We didn't play it. Because SukChin wasn't feeling well and vomitted in the trip. She puke in a plastic bag. She tied the plastic bag and when she wanted to curi-curi throw it to the sea, the people sitting opposite of us keep staring at us.
Maybe they scared the plastic bag will fly back and hit them like Boomerang?
But we're nice people, we kept the plastic bag till we reach the island and throw into the dustbin.

Three of us jumped into the water and swim and played. ChaiHsia just stayed on the land. She's afraid of water, even 1m deep swimming pool she also don't want to dip in. She rather stayed in the kiddy pool. She's that kind of person who will get nightmares if she kana water.

Three of us ride the water scooter. But too bad, the people in charged of the water scooters don't allow females to ride it alone. So they sat at the back of the scooter and guide us.
And whenever he asked us to ride the scooter to further place, we got worried that thinking they will bring us to some ulu place and then rape us.
Haha. Read too much forward emails liao..

Sunshine + Beaches + Coconut Juice = PERFECTO~

On our way back, we saw this lady here. Wah... go to pantai leh, how to play water? And also, not hot meh?

Hehe. We saw this cutie on the same boat. So damn cute lah him. He was playing with his bro/cousin/nephew, listening to his iPod and talked to the elders, his grandma I think?
Aiyooo.. so cute lah.

I took my camera out, pretend pretend there and snap pictures. I think he did noticed it lah. Hehe. If I'm brave enough, I'll go forward and talk to him lah.
(Gosh. I'm like a hamsap Goldfish-Auntie)
On our way back to Bangkok, we stopped by Factory Outlet.

And when I saw this..

Oki.. no more Pattaya pictures.
But there's something I feel like sharing with you people.
When we checked in Asia Hotel, they gave us some forms for us to fill in. This SukChin ah, sick till blur blur or super lazy.. go and fill the form like this...

Arrived from : Home
Going to : Home
What The?
Eila... King... You should have bought the SHORTY cap for me! I love it!!!
Aiyoo.. The cap is dirty and the stupid lady don't wanna give discount bah.
And then all my friends said that I was very bad thinking to get you that thing. Like stepping you..
looks so happening wor the trip. i really laugh like hell on the charlie's angel pic.... eh... got eat nasi pattaya ah?
Kenny : No bor. In fact, I didn't see any Nasi Pattaya in Pattaya. And now I wonder who the hell invent it and named it liao.
p/s: Cool leh our pose? At least not boring mah.
Wah Nonnie, i love your pics!!
Damn entertaining and interesting captions.. and ur malay too..
The elpehant pee and poo is gross and disgusting!!
Thanks to you, i gotta think twice to eat burger or watermelon...
remind me of the poo poo..
So how was dreamworld? is it good? i went there and i can say neutral lah...
U make me sad nia ... i think next time go straight to PATTAYA enough liaw ... :'(
Face to Fate .. hm ... nearly finish liaw .. heheee..
Iwan : Dreamworld ah. So so kua? But the parade, Hollywood stunt show and animal show are nice and interesting lah.
Hehe. Good for you, next time you won't eat Burger and watermelon liao.
SweeLeong : Now go and scold your stupid boss lah, ask you go Australia desert work and cannot join the trip.
Bah,nevermind lah. End of year KK trip you must must must go!
hahahaha wah ur aiming so accurate lei. bobby muz be careful man!
eh eh...end of the year meh? not cheap enuf that time la...choose next yr baru got offer! go see Airasia!
The last photo ah, make me *lmao*! This suk chin, arrived from - HOME, i understand la, but going to - (also home???)?? eh..she's Thailanese *hua chau* bruneian ha?! -____-'''
Serene : I think all girls should practice aiming before they get boyfriends
Kelly : Oi, I checked AirAsia liao.It's RM69.99 wor. Miri-KK return ticket. End of year I got one whole month holiday mah, don't go tat time, then what time?
Hahahahah. Chinese Brocolli and sawi. WTH? I was laughing so hard at the picture! I like all your pictures actually. The captions are damn hilarious!
Funny lah you Miss King. =D
Looks like you had a good trip. I WANNA GO RIDE ELEPHANTS TOO!
Ness : Finally I see you commenting on other people, err.. my blog. So you solved the PC problem already?
p/s: I can only be funny everywhere but in school..
Notchet. Im still using my bf's laptop on dial up. Super kanasai this. Racing turtle can go faster.
I had to wait patiently for all the pictures to load. But since I like your pictures, I wait waann..
Sibeh song or what ?? Hahahahah. For you I will Nonnie. LOL.
Ness : Wah Lao eh Ness. You angkat me so high that I feel like floating in the cloud.
In Australia dial-up got so slow one meh? I tot it will be better than Brunei :p
R&L : Hehe. or you trying to say I'm so free that I can take my sweet time edit the photos?
But I admire those who has splendid English, has no pictures but still a lot people read one.
I wanna be that kinda writer, with "deepness".
haha.. oh ya, you really must have alot of free time.. :p but its fun
So I'm gonna take it as a compliment instead of sarcastic comment yah.
Dial ups better then Brunei but worst then broadband still. LOL.
R&al deep? Hope he doesn't read this. Hehe. Anyway, nice pictures. :D Have a lot of things to comment on but it's hard haha.
Ness : Nevermind. Throw your frustration to your Hardy Bunny lo. Kekeke. Don't tell him I said this.
War186 : I know. The entry too long that everyone don't know where to start comment kan?
You guys know R&L in person ka?
I stayed in Asia hotel too. =)
the flowers reminds me of...
SNAKES on A pLANE!!!!!
Christina : I hate that hotel. I had a small fight with the bloody receptionist. Hehe.
Lunatic : Why "Snakes on Plane"? I scare of snakes so I don't see that movie.
the movie is about they spray the dunno wat one the flower, then let everyone wearing it when go on the plane...
inside the plan they put the snake and the snake smell the flower's smell and all going mad and simply attack...
the flower... is juz like yours lo
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