Having such huge disappointment with the Seria Ramadhan Gerai, we decided to go to the KB one yesterday. And *huff*, people-mountain-people-sea (meaning a lot of people) there, and lots of FOOD!
I'm not going to post all those food pictures like some other blogs that always make people feel hungry, I'm just gonna.. food a few of it. Hhahhahaaa. To make you people jealous.
*Evil Laugh*
(Don't read if you are puasa-ing now, or read if you're planning to charge to these stalls later)
The smell.... O.M.G.. How to resist? There's quite a number of stalls selling the Grill Sambal Fish, or widely known as "Ikan Bakar". But we didn't buy it because.. malas to eat. We prefer "finger-food" that can be popped in to our mouth that instant!

Mabel has been ranting from the very beginning that she wants to eat Fried-Sotong. Wrong, she MUST find them and eat them!

But the one we found is already cold and si-beh-SALTY.

Feeling thirsty, of course we gotta get ourselves some drinks lah...
Dang Dang Dang...

Without coconut juice, I'll feel lonely and empty...
One more thing that I want to highlight to you people. Has any of y0u tried
"Cheese Keropok Lekor with Mayonnaise" ?

Ok. The End of the pictures of food and drinks.
I asked the lousy friends to pose for a picture.. I said, "No Peace Sign OK! Very stupid", then.. they run out of ideas what to pose! Such lousy models!
Then I asked them to pose like "Ms. Hong Kong", they say malu.
Then I asked them to jump up , they say public.. malu again...
So.. see.. so b.o.r.i.n.g in the end the picture we took..
Hehe. Everyone, please don't notice the girl on the left. She is NOT wearing a COVERALL! She doesn't feel embarassed wearing it out.
When I say "DON'T", I bet all of you take a second glance at the picture kan? Muahhaa. Yah, I did it purposely. Hehe. Sorry oh Mabel, you're very cute in it mah~
I was tagged..again.. by this guy.
Here it goes..
Four Things Not Many People Know About Nonnie
- I sleep without pillow. Pillows are only for decoration on my bed to make it look complete.
- I'm not afraid of rats, cockroaches, beetles, spiders and so on.. But I have Ophidiophobia, am afraid of snakes. Yes, ULAR, even at the size of earthworm. (Curi-ular is a different thing la)
- I'm a Foochow. Now don't come saying, "Of course you're a Foochow, your eyes so small"
- I can't roll my tongue and that's so silly.
Four Places Nonnie lived
- Seria (My hometown)
- Batu-Bersurat (Till the building got burnt down then I moved to..)
- Mata-Mata (More like a staff house)
- And there are all in a tiny-mini country called Brunei Darussalam.
Four TV Shows Nonnie Love to Watch:
- TVB Dramas definitely! (But I hate Korean one lah.. Because it always have the same story or ending like, the guy kana lorry langgar, the girl has cancer)
- Ladies First
- Project Runway
- Desperate Housewives
(Actually I'm a TV-Addict.. listing four is like a torture to me lah..)
Four Places Nonnie Been On Vacation
- Kuching, Malaysia
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
- Bangkok & Pattaya, Thailand
(I'm bloody poor..I've never been to Singapore! )
Four of Nonnie's Favourite Food:
- Japanese food (Salmon sashimi, Unagi...)
- Pastas (Seafood Fettucine Carbonara)
- Mum's cooking
- Auntie Jenny's Lasagna, Shepherd Pie, Roast Turkey, Lamb legs...
(Sigh... Would I have another chance to taste Aunt Jenny's food?)
Four People Nonnie Wanted To Meet:
- God, especially Fortune God! (Why I never kana any lucky draw or 4D?)
- Bobby Lim Fat Guy, Ah Pui, Big Bone
- Chai Wen, my bestie who haven't come back Brunei for 2yrs.. *sad*
- Jay Chou/ David Tao/ Fish Leong/ Panda/ Power Station.. any singer I like lah.
(So I listed more than four, cannot meh?)
Hahaha.. Nonnie, so notti posting irresistable food on your blog. Make my saliva drool quite alot. hahahaha..
Eeewww...I'm hungry...
N I never had high expectation that you will write those Ah-Chi-Duduk thing. Hahaha.
i want ikan bakar!!! but why bakar in this way? i tot is bbq type and the ikan wrap in the banana leaves? why bcome pan fried pulak!?
Swim to Singapore! :p
Makes me so selera looking at the keropok lekor..Mmm....
They don have it in singapore u know...
is it available only in brunei??
Can freight some here??? My birthday is coming lei.. Muahahahaha!!!
Btw, one fine day come to singapore lah......
Luuee : Drooling ah? Come, I give you some tissue paper to hold it.
Shea Speare : Haha. I will play one. Let people know me better mah.
Luna : You know, I asked my friend to get me the flat steel to fry food on top of it for my wedding. Because I like it when I see those people make burger, roti-john and kebab on it.
Christina : Haven't swim pass the border kana crocodile or shark eat liao lor..
Iwan : No leh, Malaysia also have Keropok Lekor. How come Singapore don't have ah?
I'll go Singapore when I have enough money. Hotel bloody expensive lah.
hungry~~~!!! luckily not read it in my office... if not i gonna jump down... LOL
hahaa.. Nonnie, my drool is can be as much as swimming pool water. You need a whole bucket to hold my drool. mwahahah..
Mmm coconut juice :(
Kenny : Jump down do what oh Kenny??
Luuee : Haha. Don't wet my blog eh~
War186 : It's either Coconut Juice or Sugar cane! Gerai's best drink isn't it !
Well, i wish i can go there everyday after work la, but the saying from Nonnie King,"One week for sure fat 5KG"!!!
Shoot!don dare to go liao...@!$#%$#^%
Kelly : If you become fat, I'll feel happy tho. Bah, we go pasar malam everyday~
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