Every year, some time during this month, I'll received a mail reminding me of my past.
Mexx Diamond never fails to send a birthday greeting card to my ex, posting it into my mailbox tho.

Why my mailbox? He bought me a ring for Christmas last 2003, and Mexx Diamond took our details, birth date and address and mail us greeting card EVERY . SINGLE . YEAR!
The ring lies quietly in my jewelry box now.
Now, my question is..
When it comes to the stuffs that contains memories of you and your ex, do you:
A. Burn them. Dump into the rubbish bin or buried it. In short, make them disappear from your eyes FOREVER?
B. Return them to the person who gave you a.k.a your ex?
C. Leave where they used to be placed and gather dusts?
D. Packed them all up and dumped into the storeroom?
E. Continue use them happily because can use so don't waste?
F. Others. Please Specify ____________
My answer is combination of C & D, that is,
I packed them all up in boxes and let them gather dust underneath my bed.
I won't choose A, i.e. make them disappear forever because those stuffs have values.. Both in terms of memory and money.
What a waste.. It's all hard-earn money and heart to buy those stuffs and make those greeting cards.
Just stored in the "Recycle Bin", no need "Delete them forever".
Who knows one of the days you might wanna "Restore" them back?
(Just kidding bi. Don't worry ya~)
* * *
I don't want to return them back because.. for me, I feel like, returning those stuffs back is like.. erm.. rejecting and denying what he had ever done for you. Erasing and deleting everything like it never happens before.
I believe that there's something that's worth to keep or learn in a relationship.
* * *
How about "Continue using them".. I bet every CURRENT boyfriends won't feel good about that.
* * *
On quiet and lonely nights, sometimes some unknown emotion strikes and I'll take it out and go thru them.. one.by.one.
Reminding me that there's a guy who deeply loved me. (Note the Past tense)
Reminding me that there's mistakes that I can never repeat.
Reminding me that I'm so lucky to have Bobby now.
(I don't think speaking ill of ex-s is a very nice. Because, it was that "someone" who you chose in the beginning and at least.. he taught you something in life, in a good way.. or the BAD way. Still.. sometimes we girls just feel like ranting it all out)
I remembered when I broke up with my second-ex on my 19th Birthday.. (cool huh?)
I told myself this, "Thanks him. He gave me the best gift this year...which is a BRAND NEW BOYFRIEND!"
Just say thank you to the idiot for letting you slipped away and have a chance to get someone 100 times (or more) better than him.
[Edit: Can you believe this? I'm blogging in the computer lab attending some course which I'm suppose to be a good student listening to the instructor in front of me now.. but.. nyek nyek nyek.. Guess a leopard never changes its spot.. I'm still a bad student.]
p/s: Bobby, I Love You.

HAHA! i think i will choose the latter too. :p
I always keep and still wear my presents LOL. Well, I think I am one of those lucky people who always get boyfriends with good taste so when they buy things for me, I actually like them! Sooooo, yes, I still wear. However, the current boipren doesnt know. LOL. Well, he didn't ask. And I don't go around telling him , ANI MY EX YANG BAGI~ Just don't say lah.
Yes I am evil.
Serene : I bet all girls will "bu-ser-der" throw things which still can use away.
Maurina : So.. Can I ugut you now? Nyek Ha Ha.
I bet girls still keep a little secret away from their boyfriends, just to avoid unwanted problems and troubles over nothing at all.
but better work up something to be honest with lah..if he gonna find out soon then i think there sure be a tragic loh...then tat time not good lohh...=maurina
the thing ex giving?? use loh but honestly tell the love first if she can except then ok loh if not put aside loh..WAT TO DO??
my room is filled with gifts from various ex-boyfriends not because i'm a particularly sentimental person, but they look too darn good in my room. so i'm not quite sure which category i fall into.
Lala : That's what I did to my current boyfriend too. But I think the sin in using ex's stuff is not that heavy kua?
Lizzie : It's not that when you looked at those stuffs and it doesn't remind you of anything. For me, I'll stared at it long enough, think of the past and turn my hear around.
C or D. I still have the ring my ex gave me lying around on my dresser. 3 years must count for something. So I don't dare throw it and other stuff he gave me out just like that. He sold me back something I gave him as a birthday present though, but we're not going to talk about that 'cause speaking ill of exes is not very nice, right?
Ah I agree.
"Reminding me that there's a guy who deeply loved me. (Note the Past tense)
Reminding me that there's mistakes that I can never repeat.
Reminding me that I'm so lucky to have Bobby now."
In my case that would be Boon for the last sentence haha.
Hope you and Bobby will last long. You guys are so sweet together. :)
war186 : I feel glad that you agree with what I said lah.
Wish you and Boon long lasting and flower bloom too.
I will keep the things for memories' sake.. I'm very sentimental thats why, I dont throw things that easily. in fact i still have my junk from PRIMARY SCHOOL stashed somewhere. my mum thinks im crazy lol.
Eh...I doesn't know, but my ex threw them off. :'( My things to her is my money..
I keep the nice ones and give away the rest to charity.
My ex gave me this huge Bugs Bunny doll from the time we went to Movie World together.
When we broke up, I wanted to throw away the bunny..but then..sayang jugak cause the bunny is an innocent bystander.
I keep loor...but Hardy doesn't need to know where all my stuff animals come from. Nyahahaha.
Sha : *High Five* I still have my kindergarten Report Books!
Shea Speare : So kasian one. You must have make your ex real angry, or..She's just not a sentimental person like most of the girls here.
Ness : Charity? That's a good choice! You ah, same same like Maurina, diam diam with the stuffs don't let current boyfriend know.
I cannot ah. Bobby and I were already friends for long time, he knows most of the stuffs already. Cannot hide from him.
You lah choose ur friend to be boyfriend. :P
If Hardy ask "This one, where you get?"
"Oh, friend give."
"This one??"
"Friend also give."
"So many generous friends hor, you?"
"Ya lorr..what to do.."
He didnt ask if the friend was male or female.
Haha... Most of the things my ex gave me were edible... so I already poo poo out...kekeke... but nonnie, i m surprise you still can keep it ohh... later your stupid ex sees it... he will prasaan... hahahahha
Ness : Aiyah.. How I know in the end it is him I choose leh?
You don't answer Hardy,
"I'm cute and nice, so people love me and want to buy things for me bah."
Sure he won't ask anymore.
Jee : I think I'm the one who prasaan when I saw my ex still keep the things I gave him.
I still keep the stuffs my ex gave, but in a different way.
Let's say photo frame, I put pictures of Bobby and me inside.
Can use don't waste mah.
And I hope my ex won't be reading this.
hahha.. Nonnie King, I know what you mean. Bobby is a really great guy. Sometimes, i guess in the love game, both lovers will sacrifies a lot.
I think whenever i give gifts, i would not wanna give something that is physical. Mostly memories are beter. haha.. So i guess, this is why, one person needs to know another person well enough before getting together. And it really suzs to loook at wht we have kept for the ex who din even care.
hahaha... no wonder the last relationship didn't last long then! i guess them gifts affected him more than they affected me, eh?
i keep 1 box too :P dunno throw return or keep... then kenot decide.. slowly forget and put remain in the cupboard..
yea the things is valueable.. maybe give to someone they need it???
LuUee : So you'll also create romantic moments for your girlfriend next time rather than buying diamonds and flowers la?
Lizzie : All I can say is that, the last relationship just had to end no matter what. Sigh.. But I'm glad that I found my current boyfriend lah.
Luna : Like Ness says, donate to the charity. Can help him 积福 too mah.
(For people who can't read Chinese, 积福 = save good deeds or something like that lah)
I am back!!!
Hmm.... i think its wise to just keep things between u and ur ex...
Certain things have some sentimental values and i tink its priceless... But ultimately, it depends to individuals...
If they think by disposing off the items can make thme feel better, y not???
As for me, i threw all the things....
I am evil...
Cos when a guy failed in love, its so hard for him to swallow... better not to remind of it... thats y i threw all the stuffs...
No worries lah ok? cheer up!!
I prayed that u and booby will last till eternity...
Only death can seperate both of u...
Take care!!!
Horny Angmoh : Wah lau eh back. Horny letter ah? My boyfriend and I not that "steady" enough to write horny letters eh.
Iwan !! : SO kasian ah you. Birthday also busy with assignments?
Regarding your comment, is it harder for males to remain as friend with their ex?
btw, you spell Bobby as "Booby"! Hahhahaha!
yea lo. Nonnie.. Only if i know i will marry the gal then i will buy a 1million karat diamond. Coz these love things sometimes cannot play play one la. Later get serious then got problem. mwhahaha.. But i really like romantic moments more. hahaha..
i'm glad you've found someone special too, nonnie =)
I give most of the stuffs back. Hmm.. how about the stuffs his relatives (mum, dad, grandparents, siblings) give?
I was able to get my ex back after I followed the instructions at www.saveabreakup.com I totally recommend this site, saveabreakup.com helped me a lot, all I can say is big THANKS!!! I'm so happy now...
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