Been missing me badly people? Sorry for disappointing you everytime you entered my blog ah.. "Argh.. still no updates? Where have the cute, sweet, nice, kind, gorgeous, pretty Nonnie went?"
ok ok.. So I over-syok-sendiri by adding the "cute, sweet, nice, kind, gorgeous, pretty".. Just to hypnotise myself a bit mah.
I'm currently having a long holiday... Not very long actually, but.. it's longer than most of you I bet. So I went down to Miri for couple of days to spend some quality time with Bobby and do some shoppings.
Incase you didn't know where's Miri, Miri is actually a (so-called) city in Sarawak, which is like..erm... 45mins drive away from KB/Seria (my hometown). Just need to cross border nya..
If you're wondering, yes... like Singapore and JB. And Brunei cars always get stolen/ scratched in Miri.
Before I left for Miri, I actually email the girls (GBNO Committee) telling them I'll be away for few days.
GBNO - Girly Bloggers' Night Out.
Nonnie: going to Miri and practise "Life if I kahwin Bobby"....
Ness: ... testing the product before buying it huh? Must pass quality control one! Hahahaha.
So funny this girl.
I'm not going to blog out every single detail of the trip, just highlight some nya, scare later you all see till very "sien" and sleep infront of the monitor bah.
Before leaving, Bobby and I went to the petrol station to pump fuel first. And this stupid idiot.. so kanasai, just when the car infront of us left, and it's our turn, he cut in and get his car pumped first!

I'm not sure whether I can email it to youparkingidiot, because he's parking. He's a stupid man who is so damn rude and impatient, cutting the queue and don't even bother to say sorry or explain why. And also the worker in the station... he like "close one eyes" nya... Cilaka.. think we all blind is it? Kanasai... So du lan now!
(Bobby was cursing non-stop wishing the guy tyre
*Sorry, no offense to all Muslims out there.. I understand not all are like that.. I'm just dulan why did he do that nya*
Basically, my first night in Miri is not that interesting. Once reaching Miri, we unloaded the stuffs at Bobby's place. And go find Luuee and LuJee, so ngam they're going out for dinner, so we tag along... (eventho we'd eaten earlier at my place)
After that, we went to Parkson, err.. should be Bintang Plaza (if not wrong) to check the schedule of the movies. But.. nothing nice also. So we ended up having coffee in Coffee Bean.

Didn't had a good sleep too as Bobby's rushing his assignment with the lights on and the sound of keyboard tapping. And his friends kacau-kacau and were noisy outside the house.. Nearly make me want to stomp out the house and marah them.
That sums up my Day 1. Not a really good one.
* * * * *
Day 2-Had trouble waking up the pig (who slept at 6am) as usual. He left for his group meeting at 10.30am leaving me all-locked up and home-alone.

Now, time to practise "Life if I kahwin Bobby"
No.1 - Wash the bedsheets, dirty socks and clothes.
No.2 - Dust the room, rearrange the stuffs
If I can "collect" all the dust and spider webs, I think there're about a Cola can sizeNo.3 - Throw away the rubbish.
It's crazy... I found three empty tissue box in his closet and when I asked him, this is what he replied....No.4 - Sweep and mop the floor.
"What? you threw them away? They're my TISSUE BOX COLLECTIONS!"
Nice one Mr.Lim... Very smart of you.
If only I did take the before and after picture, I bet all guys will wanna marry me this instant. Haha. I got the good-wife quality what~ I cook, I clean and I'm nice.
(That's when I'm not lazy)
Took a shower after that. Watch TV and ate crackers for brunch.. so kasian...
And waited pathetically for him to come home... Damn, if only I have my car with me that time..
He got back at around 4.30pm! 4.30pm!!!!
Cilaka....So Dulan.
Later the day, as usual.. bring me go shopping and eat dinner lor..
And.. yah... we're wearing couple tees shamelessly..

Actually, I felt bloody embarassed! Everytime when I saw couples wearing the exact same shhirt, I laughed behind them! Now.. ketulahan... my turn.
Lucky the prints on the shirt are not exactly the same. It's kinda cool tho.. The print on Bobby's is a guy in Blue talking on the phone to the girl in Pink, which is on my tee. Cool?

We had steamboat & BBQ for dinner.
(No picture of food.. later you all complain I make you hungry again)
* * * * *
Day 3 :
The girls came down too. To shop and bring me back to Brunei so Bobby doesn't have to do 2 trips.

Excapade is still the BEST!
(Dear Excapadians, give me discount la.. I free advertise for you bor)
We went to Watson, (which I bet most girls can spend hours inside there) and Mabel took a box and asked me if I know what is it..

Turn to the back of the box and saw this..

What the hell?! It's a convenient-paper-tube for ladies to pee while standing up! Who would want to buy it?
Mabel says, "People who's going to China and couldn't find a decent toilet lor"
. . .
Ok..... Enough crapz.
Did you read my title justnow? The one that I say "I fell down..."
I was walking to Mc'D to look for Bobby. I was happy to see him, I waved.. and tripped!
Blame it on my heels and jeans...
I stepped on my jeans (I know I should have cut it shorter), tripped myself and ended up falling and rolling like idiot in PUBLIC!
The worst part is... when I tripped (before I fell), I shouted very loudly "AIYAK!!!!"... And thus attracting people looking at me and saw the whole process!
Mabel and Theen can't stop laughing.. Even me myself was laughing at my clumsiness.. Very malu tho.. Somemore... in front of Bobby lagi.

I was so bloody MALU! Can you imagine.. a 23 years old girl rolling and falling down in public like a kid?
I calm myself down... eventhough I can't stop laughing too.. and asked Bobby,
Me: Oi.. Why justnow you don't come and help me one?
Bobby: Huh? What happened?
Me: I fell down eh. You should have stop eating you burger, immediately dashed out and rescue me like a hero and check if I'm alright what...
Bobby: MUAHAHHAHAHHAHAAA. You fell down? I saw you coming.. but the next second, you hilang.. I thought you went into the CD shop bah. Rupanya you fell down! Hahahhahaha
Me: -__-" (Stupid boyfriend)
And luckily Luuee, who was dating THREE girls in Mc'D didn't saw it too!
*Phew~ I thought I so throw-face, he saw me falling down*
Yes! You read it right... Luuee was with not one, but THREE ladies!
I calm myself down... eventhough I can't stop laughing too.. and asked Bobby,
Me: Oi.. Why justnow you don't come and help me one?
Bobby: Huh? What happened?
Me: I fell down eh. You should have stop eating you burger, immediately dashed out and rescue me like a hero and check if I'm alright what...
Bobby: MUAHAHHAHAHHAHAAA. You fell down? I saw you coming.. but the next second, you hilang.. I thought you went into the CD shop bah. Rupanya you fell down! Hahahhahaha
Me: -__-" (Stupid boyfriend)
And luckily Luuee, who was dating THREE girls in Mc'D didn't saw it too!
*Phew~ I thought I so throw-face, he saw me falling down*
Yes! You read it right... Luuee was with not one, but THREE ladies!

Nah... complain no girls like lagi... Penipu eh. See, what guys say cannot be trusted one.
* * * * *
Random Pics
I like this shot. Make me look like I'm in charge, and Bobby has to kuai-kuai listen to everything I say.
(I know he always look very cool and fierce, believe me.. He's not.)
Here, what I'd bought.

Yes, even my bedsheets has all this " , @, computer" words on them.

I like the silver bag tho.. Because the bag that I'm currently using to work is old and torn. I have no choice but getting a new one.
And the tiara hair pin, nice kan? Maybe I'll use it on my Birthday~
* * * * *
Lastly, I'll like to say "Thank You" to my girlfriends.. who were so bloody nice and kind.
You know what they did?
They bumped into my mum last Monday (while I was still in Miri), my mum was sicked, coughing and having no voice at all. This two ladies went to buy the "UBAT BATUK CAP IBU DAN ANAK, NIM-JIOM-PEI-PA-KOA", and bring it to my house and give it to my mum.
So sweet right?
Now, this is what I call "True Friends"
You know what they did?
They bumped into my mum last Monday (while I was still in Miri), my mum was sicked, coughing and having no voice at all. This two ladies went to buy the "UBAT BATUK CAP IBU DAN ANAK, NIM-JIOM-PEI-PA-KOA", and bring it to my house and give it to my mum.
So sweet right?
Now, this is what I call "True Friends"

p/s: Now I have bloody lots of mails to read, to update myself on the GBNO, read and comments on friends' blogs.. But, kanasai Doramabel is forcing me to go BSB, Istana with her... just to get the container that istana gives out every year with goodies inside.
AIiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyyyooooo!! sayang! I should have gone to parkson... nyek nyek nyek and take pic of nonnie fell down... JK... but seriously, Bobby din see u falling down??? ko lien...
hmmm you went shopping,is that tiara for me? heheh thank YOU~!!! I know it's for my birthday rite?? kekeke.. thnks~~!!!!!nyek nyek nyek
Wah, Nonnie,
Been missing u lei.. Muahahahaa!!
Nice to hear you have a quality time with your loved ones...
Jealous nya!!!
U fell down?? Kesian!!!
Ermm.. This LuUeE cilaka punya..
He always asked me for gals and more gals tau...
Haiz... Penipu!!!
I bet u must havea good quality time with there!!!
Lu Jee : Kanasai eh you. Want to take picture of my most emabarassing moment.
No. That fat guy must had been busy munching the burger.. So bad hor.
Heh, you can get those tiara in Boulevard, which you went shopping yesterday. Hehe. RM20 like that.
Iwan : Ee seh, someone says he had been Religiously visit my blog looking for updates. Happy eh.
"U fell down?Kesian!!!
You laughing at me is it? Hmph~!
Conclusion, it is Luuee being picky to girls, not that the girls are don't want to layan him.. Penipu si Luuee.
News Of The World
A cute chalie girl fell down rolling!
Miri:Yesterday at around 5.30pm in Bintang Plaza, an incident took place. A sweet chalie girl was waving to her boyfriend and then suddenly was found rolling on the floor. What actually happen? We caught up with her boyfriend to get the full detail of what happen and this is what he said "I didn't know anything as i was eating my burger. Everything happen so fast and i just heard a someone shouting "AIYAK"". We could not get to interview the chalie girl as she refuse to do the interview. Watch this space...
LoL, your bf is so funny. =D Hmm, having exams, so no more Miri trip, LoL. I should be there, and laugh out looud. =)
I went Miri a lot too, but hmm, the public security is really a threat, to locals and foreigners, duh.
They call themselves city, but hell, they're like Sin City. @_@
But still, I go shopping there a lot la, haha, like 2 times a month? =)
HEHE... nonnie... I got 3 tiaras... diff colours one... for RM4.90 each ohh... but the diamonates not so sparkly! ishh!!! ahem* just wana show off to u la.. keke...
News Update:
The cute chalie girl who fell down rolling is missing her boyfriend and loves him so much.
p/s: This is a mushy comment. Don't read it if you're unattached currently, later you dulan me say me show-off.
Ing Siang : Hahahaha. He is a funny guy who always look very serious and stern. Normally leaving a bad impression to people lor.
I just don't dare to drive my car down. And I'm always forgetful, leaving my stuffs behind. So everytime I go Miri, must must have friends beside reminding me this and that.
Wow. You camwhore, and shop a lot too. Steady ah you.
Lu Jee : Sai lah you. =p
I can wear tiara because I'm King!
LOL at ur bf... he really got sense of humour, somemore can say thought u were in the cd shop... wakakakaka.
sai? ehheh where?? where?? did I step on it? hhahaha nonnie, but KING wears a CROWN wor... Princess baru wear tiara... kekekek
So Miss King, how was the product testing?
Can by or not?
Does it come with spare parts? just in case it breaks down and everything.
Make sure you keep the receipt if faulty, can ask for refund.
Nice one Ness. =)
Kenny : Yup. That's my boyfriend =^_^=
Jee : Yes Yes. Princess wear tiara, king wear crown.
Ness : Hahahaha.If I can, I'll present an award to you,
Nonnie's Favourite Funny, Fun-Loving, Fantastic Commentor!
Let me check Bobby's expiry date first yah. Hahaha.
Ing Siang : Yeap. Ness is sucha great commentor kan? So witty and funny.
hahaha.. Nonnie, I am innocent angel.. My face blushing now.
Oh, hai. too bad, i din see you falling. It would look very cute. mwhahaha.. Me and Bobby, your loyal servants will be there to catch you, your highness...
Luuee : *Touch Luuee's face* Wah.. Hot wor. Malu ah? No need lah, proves that you're charming and attractive mah.
You didn't realised our table are all laughing loudly meh? And I keep on checking on your facial expression, thinking whether you saw the whole process or not. Hehe. Lucky you didn't.
Really ah? Bobby and Luuee are my loyal servants? Then I must visit Miri more often lor.
* * *
EH! I thought I commented! Oopss.. Lol.
Wah, so kesian lah you, fell down in public. Bobby laughed lagi tu eh. Kesian. Hahaha.. Can't help but laugh also. Hahaha. Eh.. Whyyyy.. the pee thing??? HAHAHAHA.. Like eh.. so that they don't have to sit is it? more hygenic? Heheh.
Oh and those are very nice friends you have. Good for you!
Atul : I don't get the who standing-up-peeing thing too? I mean.. is that really neccessary?
If the toilet sit dirty, I bet all girls hold their butts in the air kan?
all you can eat for only 18RM? I want!!!!
Where's this place ah? Steamboat plus hot plate. Hee hee.
Thanis : Somewhere near Boulevard/ M2.. It's located behind those buildings.. Eh.. Sorry ah, I forgot what's the restaurant name already..
I like the bag and the tiara! How much's the tiara? It's hard to find one nice one in Singapore. :(
Christina : The hair pin is RM20 and the bag is RM45. Quite a bargain right? Hahaha
yah.. I want to go malaysia~ shopping~~~ :'(
Btw, dat steamboat is call "Michael Steamboat" right? I think that's the name, been ther for like, erm, 5 times? LoL. =)
Christina : Go JB lah. Isn't it near to Singapore.
Ing Siang : Yah.. I think so. Can't remember it actually.
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