My hand itchy again.. I feel like changing my blog layout.. But am afraid later mess it all up again. Advice anyone?
Here, if you have no idea how typical Chinese wedding dinners are like, read this entry from Kenny Sia's blog. I had a good laugh reading it. I swear it's nice.
Today, I kana dragged... no... "forcefully invited" by mum to go to her friend's daughter wedding dinner.. Sien!
I asked mum she doesn't want my father to go, guess what she replied.
"Cannot! You know your father eat no control one.. He already got high-blood pressure and high cholesterol.. Bring him go, he just stuff food into his mouth non-stop regardless of anything..Yadda Yadda Yadda"
Nah.. I no choice liao lor..
Actually.. I hated to go to wedding dinners, especially my relatives one. If I can avoid, I sure excuse myself for not going.
1. It always start late.
The invitation states 7pm, but normally 8pm baru start eat. Hungry till die already...
2. So many people I don't know or I don't like there.. Have to smile like idiot so that people won't go saying, "Ai yoo... your daughter why face so black one." or "You know ah, that so-and-so daughter very rude lah, don't even call me auntie".
or.. It's kids comparing time!
"My son hor.. now working in xxxxx, salary got $3k lah. Buy one car pay cash ah, now plan to buy house liao lor.. How about your daughter?"
Cilaka.. None of your business lah auntie..
3. The food is... fattening.. Ok, I know it's not a very good reason lah.
4. Karaoke is damn noisy and annoying.
5. Time consuming.. waiting for the dishes to be served, people siok-sendiri singing their oldies, yum-seng, oh ya... hard to find parking also!
OK~ Enough ranting..
Now back to my post.. (I didn't intended to write a complain post, it just come out suddenly one)
This is the first wedding dinner that I do not have to wait long for the food to serve..because.. we're LATE. Hahaha. Blame it on me.. I purposely drag the time till almost 7.30pm baru jalan. Since everyone will be late, might as well watch more TV at home first lah. Go there and sit like idiot for what.
My mum is a vegetarian, and the stupid restaurant does not served any vegetarian food. (Mum's friend actually request for a table or two strictly for vegetarians but the restaurant say no can do)

Guess what my mum ate for the whole night?
Yeap. Tomatoes and cucumber slices used for decorating the dish and peanuts only.

Kasian or not? She insisted to go eventhough she knows there's nothing to eat just to give face. Don't worry, she cooked and ate kolo-noodles at home before we left.
Since she can't eat that means...
Today, I kana dragged... no... "forcefully invited" by mum to go to her friend's daughter wedding dinner.. Sien!
I asked mum she doesn't want my father to go, guess what she replied.
"Cannot! You know your father eat no control one.. He already got high-blood pressure and high cholesterol.. Bring him go, he just stuff food into his mouth non-stop regardless of anything..Yadda Yadda Yadda"
Nah.. I no choice liao lor..
Actually.. I hated to go to wedding dinners, especially my relatives one. If I can avoid, I sure excuse myself for not going.
1. It always start late.
The invitation states 7pm, but normally 8pm baru start eat. Hungry till die already...
2. So many people I don't know or I don't like there.. Have to smile like idiot so that people won't go saying, "Ai yoo... your daughter why face so black one." or "You know ah, that so-and-so daughter very rude lah, don't even call me auntie".
or.. It's kids comparing time!
"My son hor.. now working in xxxxx, salary got $3k lah. Buy one car pay cash ah, now plan to buy house liao lor.. How about your daughter?"
Cilaka.. None of your business lah auntie..
3. The food is... fattening.. Ok, I know it's not a very good reason lah.
4. Karaoke is damn noisy and annoying.
5. Time consuming.. waiting for the dishes to be served, people siok-sendiri singing their oldies, yum-seng, oh ya... hard to find parking also!
OK~ Enough ranting..
Now back to my post.. (I didn't intended to write a complain post, it just come out suddenly one)
This is the first wedding dinner that I do not have to wait long for the food to serve..because.. we're LATE. Hahaha. Blame it on me.. I purposely drag the time till almost 7.30pm baru jalan. Since everyone will be late, might as well watch more TV at home first lah. Go there and sit like idiot for what.
My mum is a vegetarian, and the stupid restaurant does not served any vegetarian food. (Mum's friend actually request for a table or two strictly for vegetarians but the restaurant say no can do)

Guess what my mum ate for the whole night?
Yeap. Tomatoes and cucumber slices used for decorating the dish and peanuts only.

Kasian or not? She insisted to go eventhough she knows there's nothing to eat just to give face. Don't worry, she cooked and ate kolo-noodles at home before we left.
Since she can't eat that means...

Here, a picture of the bride and groom.

Don't complain that you cannot see the face, I just want to show you the bride's gown only.
Mum: You dare to wear like that or not? *Pointing to the bride*
Me: Huh? Bare back you mean?
Mum: Ya
Me: Dare. If I'm thin like her of course wear lah. Show off a bit mah.
I think that's not the answer my mum is looking forward to. Hehehehe.
Here, a picture of me mum and me (Luuee's language)
Wah! Cannot lah.. my face look so fat.
(I know it's a fact my face is big.. but at least I can cheat a bit when taking photos mah)
One more time. Tilt my head lower a bit..

Ah.. Better. I know it's blur.. but ok lah, at least my face don't look that fat liao.
I told my mum after taking this shot and was viewing it..
"Wah Ma, you don't look good in it leh. Nevermind, I look good can already.."
Hhahahhaaa.. I know you all will say that I'm a bad daughter.
By the way.. How many percent of similarity between me and my mum?
I think at least got 60% kua?
It's really scary when I saw those aunties uncles bring their own karaoke VCD to play in the restaurant so they can show-off their voice.And usually.. it's out of pitch one lagi..
*Bang Head*
I also told my mum, "Ma ah.. next time I married ah, can I not invite your friends and relatives I don't like?"
Of course the answer is NO. Nevermind, I'll try my best to cut down unneccessary people.
Bah bah bah.. I know I think too far already..
But actually, my ideal wedding is those like ang-moh (orang putih) type..
Green green grass, white bridal dress, only relatives and close friends, high tea then sunset..
Romantic kan?
(Yes Bobby.. I'm hinting you now. You get it?)
Please... I hope this entry won't make me look desperate to get marry!
16 comments: beh sexy the dress leh..not worried that someone will come up from behind with a pair of scissors and start snipping??
And pakai infront of inlaws some more...berani eh.
Ness : The scissor snipping part actually didn't came up to my mind. But now that you mentioned it.. Scary also hor.My back got a lot of bacne, no chance to wear till so sexy, and not berani also one lah. Mouth dare to say only.
* * *
Rebbe: I bet the kids comparing session are those jobless elders favourite pass time.
Chinese wedding ah, mostly one day only lah. Sometimes newly weds would like to have two different dinner separating the guests from the bride's side and groom's side. So it depends.
And Christians and Buddhist kahwin also a bit different. Buddhist don't go to church and walk the aisle.
Wah, nonnie,
Ur mum looked so fierce!!!! Lolz!!!
How bobby can win hr heart ni??
I also hate goin to weddings!!!
nonnie.. your mum looks cute :D
yipes!i hate going weddings too..especially sing K..omg,last time i sat near the speaker,then got one auntie sing till zhao key alr..her voice booming from the speaker..i tak boleh tahan le..=="..dunno why auntie uncle like to sing so much..
btw,that bride is damn sexy..ha
I reaLLy hate the chinese habit of coming late, urgh!
Iwan : No~ My mum is actually very cute. She's just not photogenic and gets anxious taking picture, thus the stiff and stern face.
Actually... my friends love my mum more than me. *Cry*
Bobby = Good guy
Mummy = Good mum
Me = Happy girl.
Lunatic Gal : Thanks dear. Like daughter like mother mah.
De Pianist : Wah.. lucky your ears still working fine, if not go sue the aunty and stop her from singing k forever. Just kidding.
The bride wears really sexy but her make-up is simple, not those really colorful and thick one.
Ing Siang : Next time I'm gonna be strict for my wedding. I should be the focus and the big-face, no one should make the bride wait!
I hate weddings but then you have to go so that people would go to yours, right?
If I marry Boon I wonder whether we'll have a Chinese wedding or not. Hehe. Malay weddings also like to do karaeokes heh.
Your mom and you are one of the same. So cute together hehe.
Oh.. we don't have the karaoke thingy in Singapore wedding bah.. The yam seng session I have been to one wedding without it one. erm.. but the late part.. Is always there... so I always eat some food before I go hahas. Last year I told my bf that I want my wedding a wedding breakfast. so 7am drag until 9am den start breakfast also not too late lols..
War186 : What you say is true la.. So I only go to wedding of people who want them to attend mine. Hahaha.
I think you can have both types, lucky girl. Then you'll be having the traditional tea ceremony that you have to kneel down to elders, offer tea and get angpao!
p/s: I inherit my cuteness from my mum.
Christina : So nice one no karaoke! How come Brunei and Malaysia got one?
Good idea ah, wedding breakfast. A lot cheaper too isn't it. Just hope the angpao won't shrink also lah.
I hate karaoke in a wedding dinner too... spoil the environment only. Live band better still.
Kenny : Of course life band better lah.. but more expensive bor.
hahaha.. Nonnie, hahaha.. Yea, i think by some years, i will publish a book called "Dummies guide to the LuUeE's language".
Yea, I always see that at Weddings so crowded yet no good veges. I also love veges. When the meat comes like war, everyone fighting to grab some, but when veges come, Ah.. For me and me and me only.
So kahsian yo Mommy.. She should ask me to show her some wrestling moves.. =p
Horny Ang Moh : You not only horny, you big-eat also ah. I don't think I can have travel wedding.. because I'm the only child. Sigh..
Luuee : Veges in wedding dinner are only for decoration. Unless we sit in vegetarian table lah. SO bad one you, want to teach my mum wrestling moves. Later she use it on me I die lor.
Nonnie.. haha.. Hai.. good ba.. can excercise while do crime figthing.. tommorrow news later come out.
Nonnie's Supermom woop some punk ass kid's ass for stealing. That would top all the news.. mwhahaha
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