Mooncake celebration with Theen and Mabel, and the next day, an informal bridal shower for Yuen.
(I am still not used to hearing Yuen mentioning her "husband" instead of "boyfriend")
Okie. The mooncake one first.
Despite of having a traditional get-together dinner with family, we break the rule and eat with our friends. My family not really that "traditional" about it and I know I'm not going to have a big feast at home, Theen's family celebrated a day earlier and poor mabel's family are not around.
So we all charged to her house and makan steamboat! A small one lah.

Theen's sauce is like.. the BEST EVER SAUCE MADE FOR STEAMBOAT!

We all are wearing kinda crappy lah, only three people, wear so nice show who to see?
After dinner, we played lanterns. Mabel is HARDCORE DORAEMON FAN! Theen managed to grab the Ultraman one and me.. yuck... Princess Sakura. So little girl.

Bloody Hell. I forgot to roll my jeans down when I took those pictures. Only till they asked me, "Eh, got flood here meh? Or you want to tanam padi later?" Then I looked down, cilaka, justnow I roll it up so I can walk better and won't fall down. Yes, I'm that clumsy.
Just a little something, see the pic below?

Cool huh? All movie posters leh!
p/s: Actually I got a lot of (stupid silly) photos playing the lantern one. But if I post it up, the two ladies will definitely kill me.. So.. to save myself, sorry ah. Only boring pics.
Okie, now skip to Yuen's Bridal Shower.
As plan earlier, it was suppose to be a pot luck dinner. But the bride Yuen says she want steamboat. Good also, I don't have to cook. Hehehehe.
Oh btw, they're all vegetarians..except for me, Fang and Chloe.

And see the ingredients, I feel like a Moo-Moo-Cow.

Me: Wah seh.. looks more like a bowl of vege soup leh.
Chau: Detox ah!
Steady! Like that she also can think of.
Random Pic

That's Fang and me, the last room mate I had when stayed in Batu Bersurat there.
We watched TV, then Chau and Ping played Yuen's bridal shoots DVD and try to imitate their pose inside. That two sisters always like that one.

After that, we had a toast with the bride. I actually had a clip but also, I scare they will marah me if I post it in my blog.

And Joan auntie and Eileen Yeye were saying,
"After so long, only ONE manage to get married. We still got SEVEN more to go..Sigh.."
Wah lao.. We very hard to find people kahwin one meh?

Everytime when we all attend some uncle or auntie's son or daughter wedding, we all will kana asked, "Don't know which one of you will marry first?".
The answer is out already, Mei Yuen.
Next? Everyone says it's gonna be Me because I have a boyfriend now and Chloe is still studying.
Cheh.. Bobby also studying now lah.
People: When your turn?
Me: When I pregnant lah!
(Just to scare people off with that answer and clearly tell them not to bother me with that question anymore)
After that, we played a little game.
Each of us will be given one card. And in every round, there will be a magic number. Whoever gets the card with the magic number have to eat the...

Some left early, the rest who stay over at Chau's place continue.
We played Black Jack and Poker using Monopoly Money!
Haha. It's funny when we say, "Hmph! SHOW HAND!" and push all the "money" out.

Oh, btw... I went shopping yesterday and bought THREE pairs of shoes!
That's like.. my first time buying 3 pairs in one go. I'm not that kind of crazy shopper who will simply go buy anything love-at-first-sight.
I haven't been buying any shoes for the last 6 months already. Most of my shoes already rosak, tali putus, the sole come off or lubang here or there.
(Just to let you know my karit philosophy is, still can wear don't throw)
And that three pair.. is cheap! Cheaper than Vincci and Charles & Keith that is.
Three for $68 only. Free a membercard with 10% discount and a $5.00 voucher with no expiry date. Not bad huh?
Nah, show you my shoes!

I love the Camouflage one! The other two pairs are for work. Nice oh, they free the sole for the upper right one and can bring back for service.
That pair of shoes only $27.00!
But bloody... I wear the white one to work today, already kana scratched because my student stepped on it. Heart break ah.
Ms Kiinngg!! LAWA THE SHOES!! The white ones, am not so fond of the askar look-alike one. LOL.
Eh, my turn to ask you question one har. Why are your friends vegetarian? Is it because those who practise Buddhism cannot eat meat?
Cause I remember one of my girlfriends was a vegetarian as well.
Lol...the food again is so tempting...
Wah Nonnie,
All your blog mesti have pictures of food eh... Muahahahaha!!!
I tink u ate alot but looked skinny... Lolz!!!!
I also played the lantern on Fri... I felt young... Hehehe!!!
i mean most of the entries in your blog...
hhaha.. Hai Nonnie, din call me to come eat. Vege's are my most fav. Can have a sexy body no matter eat how much.
And i also went and pampered myself for he hardwork for the carnival. Bought a shoe and new clothes. mwhahaha.. =p
Nonnieeeee.. i love this:
Cheh.. Bobby also studying now lah.
People: When your turn?
Me: When I pregnant lah!
Haha.. so cool yo~!! yalor, i always feel hungry whenever i come here.. :P
ahhh!!!! hungry again! next time must eat before i visit here... LOL
Ness : Hmm.. We really like to ask each other questions huh~
Yeap. My friends are vegetarian because they practice Buddhism. My mum is now a vegetarian too. Perhaps give me another 10 more years to eat all the yummy food around the world then baru I rela be a vegetarian.
Shea Speare : Tempting ah? Very normal only wor. But it’s healthy lah.
Iwan : Where got! I think I gain 2kg liao lor. My face is bloody round, and I’m chubby. Err..a bit overweight too.
But I’m fine with it, tho sometimes I complain about it.
LuUee : Cool! Not much guys go shopping and buy shoe and clothes one leh. Bobby won’t. He’ll go buy football magazine instead or eat Mc’Donald.
Karen : Because I feel “fan” everytime people ask me that bah. Normally when I answer that, everyone diam already.
Kenny : Haha. Seems like everyone interested in the vege soup eh.
Like Ness, I'm loving the white shoes. :D Is it from i-walk too?
My boyfriend says they can't eat beef only. He loves his chicken.
Funny about the being pregnant bit so people could get off your back hehe. ;)
War186 : Well, it’s really up to the person whether they want to be a full vegetarian or not. For Buddhist, it’s best not to eat any meat because they have life, unlike plants. In my friends case, most of them have been a vegetarian for more than 10 years. But they’re all perfectly normal. We still go Pizza Hut or Fratini and even Excapade to eat. Just that the selections of food narrowed down.
Yeap. My shoes from i-Walk. Steady lah you. Like that also can tell! That pair of white colour one is actually the cheapest! 40% discount – only $16.70!
Rebbe : I sell you lah. You want? Hehehe.
Its okay maahh...we educate each other :D Whoo-hoo!
Okay, say if you eat beef, is it the same like for us muslims eating pork?
By the way, I am a vegetarian in Australia because I am very paranoid about the halal-ness of the meat here.
Except for Nando's. I love Nandos.
Ehh.. that reminds me, I used to collect the wrappers of tissue packets. But without the tissue lol.
Ness : Not to that extreme lah. Some Buddhist still eat beef tho. It’s really up to the person’s choice. But it’s like, if you don eat meat, then the animals will not have to die for you. Indirectly kill the lives of animals.
There’s no halal restaurant kah over in Australia?
Sha : Wow. Then maybe some day you should blog about your collections too!
At the major cities got alot. But at my kampong, including the kebab shop, only 3 restaurants halal.
So i binge eat when I go to the big city. =D
But I still gain weight because I eat alot of fried chips and chocolate. beh song!
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