Sigh.. I've been searching for the right blogskin. I just want a plain, nice, simple, big area with a nice header and sidebar... So hard to find ka? Oh ya.. A combination colours of White, Grey and Pink. Wait.. Isn't it the same as what I have now? Hahahaha!
I actually wanted to write an emo and serious entry, but in case some part turns out a bit funny, like what Iwan says, it's the real Nonnie on loose.
Last few weeks, when I saw an entry posted by Wei De, writing "Why I wanna be a Doctor?"
I paused for awhile.. and had a deep thought.

For all the while... I thought I want to be a teacher because:
1. Short working hours
(Thus having more time for myself.. I felt really lost back then when working on those long hours. Wake up, work work work. Go home and rest. I don't even know what am I working for? My aims and goal of life? I'd forgotten all about it. I thought I need a break and free time to sink my feelings and recharged)
2. Government job
(Need to say more.. Stable and relaxing job with 0% loan interest, this allowance, that allowance. Not forgetting to mention the attractive incentives like bonus and annual increment. Be honest... Isn't government job the best assurance to future? (only apply to Brunei because as far as I know, Brunei is one of the most generous countries in this world.)
I'm the only child.. And I really need those if I were to support my parents in the future.
Everynow and then, when (not-so-close) friends and people asked where I work now, I can't answer them instantly.. I'll normally go like...
"Err... MOE? No.. SRPSJPAM. I'm a teacher. ICT Teacher."
Some says... " nice. Government job".
Some give me the look as if I must be useless and lazy.. thus getting a "relaxing" job.
Relaxing? You think nya!
Come over and attend my class for one period (half an hour) then you'll know. Duh.. I don't want to say how 'nobel' is my job.. but, really.. now I know being a teacher is not as easy as what people thought so.
I don't want to take my job as a normal 7.30 - 12.30 job.. (For Ramadhan Month, it shortens to 7.45 - 11.40am), just walk into class, teach according to the syllabus & lesson plans like robot. No passion, no enthusiasm.
p/s: I hate it when people goes like... "Syok lah you, work so little hour only..yadda yadda yadda." Comon' lah... the hours we work are very concentrated. Not like some people who can at least go to bank to run some errands and curi-tulang for awhile.
Deep inside, I felt like answering...
"You think it's easy? Why don't you come and try it? Just tuition some kids can already. If you don't even feel like trying, then don't bother to say those sarcastic words. You choose what you want to do, and I choose mine. If you think mine is easier, you can apply too. Rather than whinning here."

Back to the deep thought...
After reading WeiDe's post, I realised.. When I was young, I loved to play the role-playing game, my favourite is teacher!
Pretend pretend got blackboard or whiteboard and take the cane and point-point, and hit hardly to create a loud "bam" to scare people. Then take those exercise books (not in use anymore), force my playmates to write something... normally I give spelling tests lah, then take a red pen and marked.
A huge tick + 100% + Three STARS
And today, when I was writing on the whiteboard, I smiled and feel happy. Isn't this what I'd loved to do back in my innocent days?
Of course, I have no cane on my hand and used it to hit student. I prefer to talk to them if they misbehave. I've seen colleagues calling their student into the staffroom, scolded and pull their ears, I think.. if educating a child is as easy as hitting and scolding, then what we can do is just walk into the classroom, yell and shout, use the cane to scare them for half an hour, and *Ta Da*, good children with bright future.
Chi Sin. (Translation - Gila, Crazy)

When I read the post Ness put up regarding "Status of Teachers in Islam" , I asked myself.. What's my responsibilities and qualities in being a teacher? I'm not a muslim, but that's not the point.. The point is, what's my direction and goal in teaching?
As long as the students know how to do calculations in MS Excel?
As long as they know how to insert a table or picture, format the text in MS Word?
As long as they know how to double-click?
As long as that half-an-hour, I did pass on some knowledge?
Or.. I really want them to be a better person, excel their life in the future. Not to waste their time and do something useful?
(Crapz.. For quite a long time, I've not blog something like this..)

Honestly speaking, I have no Monday Blues ever since I work as a teacher. I look forward to everyday, seeing students I only get to teach once a week, see if they still remember what I'd taught previously.
From the very moment after I off my car engine, carry my bag and walk along the corridor every morning, I see shy and sweet smiling kids greeting "Good Morning Teacher Nonnie" very softly to me. And when I packed my stuffs ready to go home, students come to me and "Salam" me. How cool is that?
Ok.. I sakai. I never know muslim kids salam to elders one. I remembered the first day in school, when I saw my colleague having student salam them goodbye, I was so envious and felt really shocked.
I asked, "Wow. Your student do this everyday? Kissing your hand and say goodbye?"
She answered, "Don't worry. You'll have them too real soon when they know you. And, we called it "Salam".
When I get my first "Salam", my heart is like... mixed emotions man. For the first time, I felt respected and honoured.
The "Salam" thing started automatically, but not the morning greeting part. It was me who started to say "Good Morning" to every kid who I came accross in the morning. And gradually, they start to do the same to me too.
Like I say,
"Treat the person the way you want them to treat you."

I want to end this (boring) post with the words I read from Ness's entry...
Teachers should offer their disciplinary activities for God’s sake. Their acts must aim at reforming the Muslim young generations. They should avoid thinking of riches or positions. Deviation is the inevitable fate of any teacher that intends to gain good livelihood or high positions through his missions.I Love My Job. Eventhough sometimes I do get angry and kana called "Auntie". Ish, "Auntie", I'm only 23!
Teachers enjoy abundant rights on their pupils since they are sources of their perfection and familiarity with life experts. They are also sources of their mentalities’ illumination. Therefore, teachers’ rights are preferable to fathers’.
Teachers should love their pupils and guard them against harm.
Teaching is FUN. But anything other than teaching, it sucks.
If you read it from top till bottom, beginning till end, Thanks A Lot. I really appreciate it.
[All pics posted above are taken during some Doa thingie for PSR Exams last September]
not a boring post at all.. in fact, it is a very enjoyable read, and it shows you love your job with a passion and that you cherished the connection you have with your students..
teaching is a noble career..
ps. i, too, used to play teachers! haha.. we used to buy those star stickers.. :D
Hi Nonnie:
Actually, everyone have their ambition since young, but unfortunately in some cases, some people are unabale to pursue their dreams...
I think being a teacher is a cool job... and i know it aint't easy as people used to perceive.. Long hours are applicabe too rite??
At least u managed to pursue ur childhood dreams of which i tink its no easy feat!! I salute you on that!!!! May u progress even better in many mnay years to come!!!!
Next yr Teachers day, i will send u a box of red pens ok??? Lolz!!!
Take care, cikgu nonnie!!!
Rebbe : Thanks for telling me that my post is an enjoyable read. Too bad la, for ICT, there's no homework and exam yet, so I still can't draw stars and stick stickers.
Iwan : Ah? Of all stuffs.. you want to give me red pens? Then I think Hacks or any lozenges will be a better choice.
H.Ang Moh : Your comment ah, really make me my jaw drop. If one day I become a Headmaster or what-so-ever, I still want to teach. Btw.. of all nick, why "Horny", Happy cannot meh?
i like this post. not boring at all...
can see the serious side of nonnie :D
last time when i was a kid i like to act teacher too.. cz i like to draw watever things in the blackboard..
and now the teachers job sounds quite fun!!!
u can see the grin of the children when there are happy..
the innocent of them...
and abit bit cry cz they still dunno how big the world is..
it is so great.. they can really cheer your everyday life..
can call this as,, healthy job!?
Lunatic Gal : There was once I help to jaga the Pra kids.. Wah lao.. really scary, abit-bit then cry so loud. Primary 1 & 2 is super hard to control, really like monkeys, Primary 3 & 4 getting better, listen a bit already. Primary 5 & 6 is the best, can talk to them like adults already.
True la, facing innocent and cute children are far better than those shitty and cunning adults!
I LOVE this post! Rest assured I read it from beginning to end. Can't wait to be a teacher now. :D
"Not like some people who can at least go to bank to run some errands and curi-tulang for awhile." Yeah, teachers don't do that 'cause they're just not able to go out of school just like that heh.
OMG, Rebbe. I could not believe I just read that about teacher-playing and star sticker-buying. Haha! I admit when I was younger I liked to play teacher too. :)
About the 'salam' thing Boon could relate. He used to be suprised when my younger cousins wanted to salam him. Not taken aback suprised, but amazed. And I remember the first time I told him to salam my mom it was more like a handshake. So funny ah. I didn't know that he wouldn't know that Malays were accustomed to things like that. Hehe. I just assumed he knew 'cause even though he's Chinese he's a lot more "Malay" in my eyes. :)
Keep it up, Nonnie! Who knew, behind all the funny stuff you post about, you've also got a serious side? Hehe.
Ness' English is good, haha. =)
Well, in my school, our computer period didn't turn out to be anything more than 'FREE' period, LoL. Teacher did teach but most of the people are more interested in getting online, check hotmail and etc.
Well, I think you should try to keep an eye on your students, and try to 'cukil bakat', haha. See the talented one, and teach them extra ICT knowledges, that would be very nice. =) Sure you'll found 'em, it's like in every class in my school here, there's 2-3 such students, and they can really excel of you help them.
Just my suggestion tho. =) Nice post, haha.
Being a teacher is a noble profession, and it takes a special someone to do the job well :)
For me, when I was a kid I liked to be a teacher too when I played pretend (Oh, the scenarios we came up with!)
My bf is planning to be a teacher, and I will support him through this endeavour because he's doing something so noble :)
War186 : Maybe Chinese versions of salam is only handshaking? Sometimes I was a bit resistant when the kids kiss my hand tho.. I was like, the previous kid baru kiss, now you kiss again.. will have any disease transmitted to you or not?
My serious side only appears when I mad or sad.. But still, I'll manage to be the Happy-go-lucky girl after 5mins.
IngSiang : My school router rosak now, so no INternet, which is a good thing. But still, the naughty kids everytime also very "automatically" go and play games one.
Of course I marah lah. Lucky I'm teaching primary and not secondary kids like you, if not I think everyday also kana kik-tiok till inner injuiry.
Thanks for your suggestion, its useful tho. I do notice a few who are more handal, because they have computers at home.
Some.. double-click also tak pandai..
Sha : Your boyfriend want to be a teacher too? How cool is that? It's not often that a guy comes up to say he plans to be a teacher. He must be a really nice man. Treasure him girl.
But, ask him to master his patience-kungfu first. Hehehe.
Yea, Nonnie.. I too think teaching are cool. You can punish anyone you like, And everyday you walk into your class, you get attention coz everyone look at you and listen to you.
Plus there is shortt working hours compared with other jobs in an economy. =p
Hi Nonnie! I am a teacher too. Been reading your blog for quite sometimes and today, I just feel like dropping a few words to give you more encouragement to become a teacher.
I think being a teacher nowadays is really tough compare to the good old days where people really respect the teachers. I dun know about you being a primary school teacher, but I am facing lots of difficulties teaching students in the secondary school.
Scolding is not a good option in solving students' problems. The same with canning. Love & patient should be the best solutions but we do lost control when students really ignore us and making us look invisible in the class.
Keep up your good work and I hope to read more in your spiritual garden.
p/s I think your blog's layout is nice and simple. I hope you can teach me to set up my own blog too.
being a teacher is cool!students respect you as a teacher[unless if you're a mean and annoying type of teacher..i'm sure you're not.^^] some even look up to you..
i know how hard to teach a whole class of students(i've taught my cousins before,and never i will teach again.just not patient enough.=p!)..and if unfortunate enough to teach a bunch of wild animals,i'm sure all teachers would be going nuts.not a simple job anyway.
well,i'm happy for you that you love this job.brunei should feel proud to have such dedicated teachers.^^!i reckon you're loved among the students.=D!
Luuee : If possible, I don't want to punish any student or kick them out of my class lah. It's true that all attention is drawn to me, but that's not syok, that's telling me myself not to make any mistake and become a bad role model to them.
Seems that you like the teaching job quite much wor, bah, wanna try?
Anonymous : Hi there. I think secondary kids are much harder to handle compare to primary. As they gradually become more rebellious and think that they know a lot of stuffs already.Not only secondary, sometimes my primaries also don't listen to me and I seems invisible too. Have to teriak-teriak to get their attention. I actually would prefer secondary, but sayang..kana hantar to primary.
Thanks for the word of encouragement, let us work hard together in nurturing the youngs.
p/s back: Teach you set up your own blog? No problem. Maybe you can write a "Teacher's Dairy"?
De Pianist : Thanks ah. I feel so flattered. How about you? What are you going to be in the future? What's your cita-cita?
nonnie,me?animator.i love cartoons and drawing them.=)!who knows 10 years later you'll be seeing my own animation on!
Ingsiang, my English is good because I had a good teacher!! Hahaha.
Wow Miss King, Im impressed ;) I love this entry. Well I love all your entries because they make me laugh but I like this because I get to see your heart ;)
During my primary years, I had non-muslim teachers and they were all so wonderful! Most of them were chinese and they taught with so much passion and they put their heart and soul into it.
They were not muslims, yet the way they taught and nurture us was similar like my "Status of Teachers in Islam" post.
Until today, I have the utmost respect for them because they have given me the basics of my education.
That is why Nonnie, I believe being a primary educator is more important. Because young minds are like sponges, they absorb easily. You teach them well, they will remember it forever. You dont teach them well, they they are pretty much screwed for the rest of their lives.
Because everything begins with the basics. You got your basics right, then you will be okay for the rest of your life.
Then when people ask your students when they are like future ministers or something like that
"Weii..your computer skills, impressive hor.."
They will answer "Yaa loorr.. my primary teacher har, Miss King har, she very good waannn..she taught me with so much sabar man."
Hehehhee. I tip my hat off to you, Miss King ;) Teaching has always been and will always be a noble profession.
De Pianist : Wow. An Animator. Cool job eh! If next time you really get to create a cartoon/animation movie, let us all know. We all for sure support support you!
Ness : And I Love Your Comment! I must get to speak better Malay first, because most of the time when I lecture them in English, they all don't understand. Everytime I scold halfway.. I also don't know how to continue, cos they give me the 'blur' look.
I tell myself that I want to be the teacher that student remembered because I taught them good, and not the evil teacher that they dissed when they grow up.
Exactly :D the extra effort you make to learn to speak proper Malay will be most beneficial to both you and your students.
Your students paham, you happy.
You happy, students happy and do well in exam =D
Good cycle kan? ;)
Plus, you can understand what the malays at the next table are talking about next time you go out for coffee. hahahaha.
I always translate for my bestfren when we go out. Hahahahaha.
hahahaha.. Nonnie, yes, your a good teacher.. mwhahha.. the Children are lucky to have you as a teacher. If i was their teacher, i would show them horror movies, teach them how to lay the smack down on bullies.. hahaha. so on.. etc
Oh wow. This strike a chord because I view teaching as the ultimate profession that I aim to be one day after I grew up. (Right now I am a bit chicken to stand infront of students because I live such a sheltered life - I need to go out more do more first ie. enjoy first mah :D).
Salute to you Miss Nonnie for having the courage that I don't and I am zettai happy that you're happy while managing the hardest thing in life - giving and not expecting nothing in return. (Gaji different matter mah, bah sapa sini works for free ;D).
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