Out of surprise of bumping him in KB, I shouted,
Yes, loud and clear!
Of course he heard me and stopped and talked to us, giggling, joking and chatting.
I had no image, with my mouth open wide and laughing, totally not like elegant lady.. (Am never one too..Sigh.. Anyone offer a course called "10 Steps to Elegant Lady")
Sekali, there was a white Kijang parked beside, suddenly I heard a soft voice saying..
"Hi Cher.."
I turned my head, O.M.G. My student was there lah... Sheesh... He saw me shouting on the street and laughing like a crazy woman then! How?
I feel so malu and embarassed. But still, I smiled sweetly to him and say "Hi" too. And.. the kid's parents are in the car too..
Aiyoooooooooo... No face liao lar.
Note to self: Never over-react in PUBLIC! You never know when you'll bumped into your students! Keep cool!
* * * * *
By the way, guess what I bought today~

Yes! You didn't see wrongly.

and an unknown toy inside.
Yes~ The excitement of opening the box up and wondering what toy we'll be getting this time is FUN!
(Only my partner in being-childish-and-silly will buy this with me and feel the excitement, Mabel. And that ah Theen goes like this again, "You two ah.. Really ah, how old already???")
And of course, everytime.. I throw the chocolate balls away or give it to someone.. Because, it really doesn't taste nice wa.
By the way, guess what I bought today~
Dang Dang Dang Dang

Yes! You didn't see wrongly.

Remember the advertisements in RTM1 & 2 last time, when we were all watching cartoons.. During commercial break, surely got this iklan one!
"Tora Datang Lagi!"
It comes with a packet of chocolate balls..
"Tora Datang Lagi!"
It comes with a packet of chocolate balls..

and an unknown toy inside.

(Only my partner in being-childish-and-silly will buy this with me and feel the excitement, Mabel. And that ah Theen goes like this again, "You two ah.. Really ah, how old already???")
And of course, everytime.. I throw the chocolate balls away or give it to someone.. Because, it really doesn't taste nice wa.
* * * * *
One more thing before I forget..
Yesterday our school has a Ugama Kuiz held in the hall. Class teachers and students all cramped in it and view the contest.
Rohana, my colleague saw her student writing and passing some notes around and confiscated it.
Wah lao eh! LOVE LETTER AH!

Here, I typed it out for you people to read what's inside. (But you gotta understand Brunei-Malay first lah)
-_____-" (Sweat!)
(Or something like that lah.. That's what my colleague told me. I can't really get the letter's meaning too...)
The thing is...this letter is from a PRIMARY 3 girl to a PRIMARY 4 boy.
My oh my... Am I outdated or what? Kids nowadays are really scary lah! 9, 10 years old already talk about L.O.V.E !
Scary man! If next time I have babies, I must educated them real well.. I don't want to be a young grandma~!
p/s: I got my first boyfriend at the age of 17 ah! And I thought that's already very young! Well.. most of my friends 14, 15 already got boyfriend/girlfriend liao lar.. I'm consider the "slow" type already.
One more thing before I forget..
Yesterday our school has a Ugama Kuiz held in the hall. Class teachers and students all cramped in it and view the contest.
Rohana, my colleague saw her student writing and passing some notes around and confiscated it.
Wah lao eh! LOVE LETTER AH!

Here, I typed it out for you people to read what's inside. (But you gotta understand Brunei-Malay first lah)
(Boy name), kami empat minta maaf. Kau sama kami kawan saja inda main-main suka. Kami tiga minta maaf pasal tadi kami main-main saja (Girl name) ada boyfriend. Yang benarnya, si-(another-boy-name) minat masani di KL. Kita kawan saja inda ada lebih-lebih.
-_____-" (Sweat!)
Translation in short: We want to say sorry for justnow because we lied about so-and-so having boyfriend. Actually she already has a boyfriend in KL and there's nothing more about us..
(Or something like that lah.. That's what my colleague told me. I can't really get the letter's meaning too...)
The thing is...this letter is from a PRIMARY 3 girl to a PRIMARY 4 boy.
My oh my... Am I outdated or what? Kids nowadays are really scary lah! 9, 10 years old already talk about L.O.V.E !
Scary man! If next time I have babies, I must educated them real well.. I don't want to be a young grandma~!
p/s: I got my first boyfriend at the age of 17 ah! And I thought that's already very young! Well.. most of my friends 14, 15 already got boyfriend/girlfriend liao lar.. I'm consider the "slow" type already.
I used to buy Tora & ding dang when i was a kid especially after seeing the new toy that they hav i would ask my aunty to bring me out n buy. EVen sometimes my aunt buy it for me when she went out. Feel like very old now thinking back. U r like a role model for student in ur school so it also seems like u r a celebrity n ur student r the paparazzi n u hav to be careful in not doin anything funny in public haha.
I'm back 2 comment again! Muahahaha!! Got miss my comment or not? =D
I miss TORA also la,what was that toy anyway? i don get it...??? can fly one ah? but last time no $$ buy good chocolate,so i got eat one boh...tsk tsk tsk...
errr,i think the love letter sounds gali 2 me, what boyfriend/girlfriend? Maybe should train my kids to rather be a nerd la! hahaha...so bad...
Tora & ding dang haha. Last time I bought them was aaages ago. I feel a lot ancient now. Heh.
Hehe that's really embarassing your student saw you yelling and laughing to your friend. So unteacher-like. I'll try to remember that when I become one.
Better you than me lah. I got myself my first boyfriend when I was 18. But then I wrote my first love letter in Primary 1. Malu eh. Anyway, if I caught my future student write something like that I'd cringe unless it's really poetic and not at all lame. Haha. Now that's asking too much of under-10 year olds hehe.
Never know that you're a teacher! =P In KB? Then maybe you know my cousin who's also a teacher there, Audrey(not sure how to spell as I always call her chinese name only) Wong, AKA Pi Yong.
Well, if your student read your blog ah, *tsk tsk*, hha.
Aiyo, that love letter thing, haha, if they saw it, they'll faint haha. I think I have a couple notes being taken by tcher b4 too, but not love note tho. =) And yes, the young ppl nowadays ah, hai~ =P
When I was pr5, I had my first crush, but was like so so shy? Haha, don't even let her write in my autograph! but see today's kid, lol. =S
Bobby : =^_^=
Kelly : SIgh..so young already boyfriend/girlfriend. But if next time your kid become nerd also not good bor.
War186 : Aiyer... malu lah. You going to be a teacher too? Good to hear that. What subject? You lagi hebat, primary 1 already write love letter!
Ing Siang : You're new to my blog mah, of course don't know lah.
I pray pray my student don't read my blog eh, later they pay no respect to me anymore. I don't know your cousin bor, my school only has 3 Chinese teachers nya (including myself).
Really ah.. kids nowadays very scary and like to act like adults!
TORA!! OMG lol. This was just like the moment when my bf git me the HIRO chocolate cakes lol.
haha.. Bobby and Nonnie, mee too, I love tora tora, esp guessing what's in the boxes. hahha..
Why, Nonnie, did you throw out my fav. choco balls. I love chocolate. I will smaking you buttocks. hahaha..
Yes, One day, i will go and eat with you and Bobby. Lim teh. mwhahaha =p
lol tora... but i think tora is choc balls is quite nice... The one that got prob is DingDang.. that choc balls inside is 100% un-eatable.
when still kid,, i like this kind of things..like tora etc.. but now.. hm.. i think its a bit waste..haha..cos i can buy nicer things from that $... but still, mayb there is still some or hm.. a lot?..-that like this tora..like u..
so how was the toy this time..lol XD
Sha : We was thinking whether we shall get Hiro instead, but it's bigger and more expensive. So we sticked to "Tora".
Luuee : Aiyerr... You like the choco balls say earlier mah. My mum throw it liao lor. Limteh ah, don't fly me aeroplane when I go Miri.
KL : The toy was fun. You know, like those Ninja flying disks or something you can shoot one. Now I feel guilty because I throw the choco balls away when you all say it's edible. Once in a while, spend B$0.80 ok one. You go buy also lah.
ohh ohhh i use to buy tora toooo, but because of the toys only hehehe..
interesting kids these days. my friend said at his school the kids love letter writing were good hence he thought of asking them to write for his gf. Huhuhu...
Dee : Hahahaa. You mean a kid's love-letter writing skill is better than an adult?
How cool would that be? Share share lah. I wanna curi idea to manja my boyfriend also.
tora?woa..i haven't seen that a long time already..used to buy it and also other brand d[forgot what name alr..haha] then play their toys..wah..miss the life when i was a lil kid..haha..
kids these days..not just know how to write love letter,they alr know those XXX things alr le..teruknye..i'm 17 alr,yet i'm single..so i'm slower than you..keke
De Pianist : You're one of a kind Pauline. I'm sure you'll meet someone for you when you're ready.
The other brand, Ding Dang is it.
Tora tora~!! hahhaa, my favourite too~ always put the chocolate ball in freezer 1st before enjoy it.. haha...
i'm very worry that my student won read my blog too~ cause they are too 3 8 liaw (sampat)... -.-"
you know come to think of it im curious as to how the girl as a bf in KL? kuala lumpar kah? kuala lurah? steady lah got bf in kl..hehe
Rebbe : What to do.. I never learn how to tone my voice down bah. If we ever got chance makan together, I bet our table will be the most bising!
Karen : You're a teacher too ka? Ya lo.. students really 3-8 one, everytime I have to watch out for them in town cos the next day sure some will come to me and say
"Cher.. yesterday I saw you in xxxxx".. Then I have to recall realy hard whether I got misbehave or not.
Sigh.."Bei-Ai" ah.
Dee : Ya lor! Primary 3 saja got BF in KL.. Dunno Kuala Lumpur or Kuala Lurah plang..
But still.. primary 3 cannot have boyfriend lah!
Hahahahahaha! the Tora pic cracked me up!! Man, that was like donkey years ago! Ancient lah, Miss King!! LOL.
Eh, I late starter too okay. I had my first boyfriend when I was 16.
Actually not kira even boyfriend because I was his dirty little secret. Always hiding me one..
Hmmm...i just realise that. LOL. Sad or what??
Ness baby : Sometimes I like to buy/do something that I suddenly recall of having it when I was a kid. The buying Tora thingie suddenly pops into my mind, and I just walk to the nearest store to get it.
Wah.. your first love is someone's secret girlfriend that cannot bring out to broad daylight one? A bit kasian lah.
I'm only hiding it from my parents, and 6moths later, I got dumped for no apparent reasons!
Alamak Nonnie,
Still got Tora or Ding dang meh???
I don seeing it singapore liao!!
U also love thsese.....?
Iwan : You want me to kirim over to you? But those old-ancient-candies can only be found in those old-ancient-neighbourhood-store lah..
Kinda hard to get them in big supermarkets already.
hahaha..Nonnie. I dont have any flying license.. only drive away. But surely, let's go limteh. when you at miri.
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