It's pretty sad to see this sign...

Yeap. Mein-Tang (translation: Noodle/Mee Stall) is moving. Thank God not closing but just moving...
Seria is pretty famous for kolomee. Cheap and nice. I don't quite know it till I stayed in BSB 4 lovely years, and all my Chinese friends always asked me to tapao Seria famous food like kolomee, guo-zhung (Rice Dumpling) and ... Ops, I forgot to mention "Char-Kueh-Tiaw"
(Don't worry, no pictures of food in this post)
The Mee stall is, *sorry, I have to use "was" already* located next to the bus station, where you can always see pigeons "Gruuu Gruuu" there and people feeding them corn or their expired Gardenier bread. The annoying thing is..
the pigeons pooped all over the place..

Sometimes I think it's annoying.. Because I prefer to order after I settled down and find myself a seat. But, sometimes it's really fast and convenient if you placed your order earlier, your drink served right away in front of you once your ass touches the bench.

If anyone know, share with me yah.

Honestly speaking, I don't find any problems with the existing Mein-Tang.. Except for the unhygenic environment and poor ventilation..
B$1.50 kolomee or fried kueh tiaw, B$ 0.50 of Teh-C-Panas, hot and sweaty feeling, the drinks-lady telling her partner the orders over the walkie-talkie, familiar or unfamiliar faces sharing the same table and same bench eating, a lot of uncles wearing coveralls and smoking and gossiping about their Shell-contracted companies...
Damn.. I miss the scene..

I didn't get to grab any picture of Mein-Tang when business is still running there. I feel so much regreted. Not that I don't want, but I was too late, I didn't know till 31st August, the day they closed..
(Hey, eventhough I stay here, doesn't mean I'll know everything mah. My daily routine is just go work, come home, and stay at home the whole day. Where can I go? I don't even feel like going to Seria Plaza because it's embarassing. Ask any youngster from Seria and I'm sure they'll say the same.)
I took some pictures of the abandoned place... And, 5 minutes later, I walked to the new one, which is just a block away...

First thing that striked my mind..
"If no one tells me that this is a food court/stall/mein tang, I'll think this is an Ugama or some government office.. The renovations.. is ...so... Malay!"

Oh comon', you gotta agree with me.. See the windows and the entrance.. Malay kan?
(Hey, not offending or saying anything bad about Malay buildings k, don't be so sensitive yah)
Once I stepped in, mmm.. why feel so different from the outside one?

Most of the Chinese stalls are not opened yet because I don't see any familiar aunties and uncles who sell nice food to me..

But there are some Malay stalls that's already doing business, and I can see some coverall-uncles pon-chang (translation: buy in Canotonese)

Walked around the place, snaps some pictures... It's pretty sad that, it's only 1 day old but the floor is already full of rubbish!

Cheh.. if it's gonna be like this.. the whole thing means nothing at all then.
We're just moving the stalls from an old and dirty place.. to a new place.. and dirty it again..!
I got a question, since both the Malay and Chinese stalls are moving into the same place, how weird would that be?
Their stalls are just located opposite to each other, one selling Halal Malay food, the other one selling non-halal one.. Can ka like that?
I can feel a lot of people staring at me.. while I was taking these pictures..
Maybe they're thinking that I'm a reporter...or tourist?
Maybe they're thinking hard who is my father and mother?
(Seria is damn small and everyone knows everyone!)
Maybe they're thinking that I'm orang gila that just got released out from RIPAS ward 5?
Maybe they're thinking that I eat too full got nothing to do..?
Don't care .. I'm going home.. (Yes, I purposely came to the town just to snap pictures because I know I'm gonna miss the old dirty meintang)
While I ignite my car engine, I look at the street.. thinking..
"This street used to be so crowded that drivers have to drive so carefully to squeeze tru. But now.. it's so Empty"

Just a little note:
For ChaiWen my bestie, whom were suppose to take pictures of Meintang 3 years ago just to show her angmoh boyfriend, but didn't get to do so because she feel very malu... Here, you can show this to Shane now dear.
I know there are people who think that I'm very wu-liau (boring).. taking pictures of Meintang.. But I'm happy for what I did ah. At least I can show to my grand children next time and tell them stories. Bleh
Close??? I havent get to eat there before it closes :( Not fair la. Wish i can eat there wit u once more. Its true the new one looks like a mosque. My dad n i last time passed by tat area n we both we wondering what r they building. So my dad went to ask a nearby shopkeeper n he was told it is a restaurant or tamu(market). We were like how can tat be a market or a restaurant???
Its sad la seeing ur old childhood memories being replace. All the aunty & uncle when they were young must be remembering the time when the mien tang just open. Now...it had closed down. Of course the new one wont b the same, but its sad seeing they didnt maintain the way people eat their food sitting wit people they dont know. That is one of them unique feeling i had as i never experience eating and sharing the same table n chairs wit strangers. Of course the food wont taste the same again also....
you think chai wen will missed it :P .. well think she is coming back next year i hope ...
Aww... Gonna miss sitting on the long bench and sweat all over eating the kolomee
well, everything need a changes, hope that new place will be more comfortable.
Oh my. Missed the cendol (fav saying... kacang sagu itam jagung.. hehe) and rojak meja ujung skali. :)
Thank you so much to post this article.
Like it so much for your photos taken, as there will be no more these photos.
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