Officially, Jay's 7th album is releasing today.
[5th September 2006]

But, technically.. I bet it's already been spreaded world wide..
Friend "K" (name protected to avoid lawsuit) came to my house yesterday and..
K: Hey, you
Me: Nope. Haven't release yet leh..
K: *Pass me her pen drive* Nah, I got it already..
Me: Wah lao!
Jay Chou must be super "DU LAN" now.
An album that's suppose to be released today.. kana pirated sampai like that.. And I bet it's already in 65321 people's hard disk and playing in their Winamp or Windows Media Player now..
Man... Music Theives nowadays super Ganas leh. How did they manage to get it?
I despise their piracy act.. but.. but.. I'm just a human after all.. I care for my wallet's feeling.
If it's good, I'll buy the original one I promise.
By the way, hey residents of Brunei, the "shop" in Gadong with the largest number of pirated stuffs got sell it already ah?
*I'm listening that album while blogging this.. Very "Jay-Chou" as usual)
Aiyah... Jay Chou hor? Padan muka dia... kekeke. He dulan or not is not my business, I'm dulan Malaysia dun have rock concert at all. Want to get original album also hard, I dunno why now days people here dunno appreciate musics.
Woot! I've actually listened to his new song even before it was out for sale! (A friend sent it to me.. sigh) *tee hee* Wat to do.. Malaysians got nothing to do but download his mp3. Save money ma... That Jay Chow sure dulan. LOL
But his song not really that nice leh..
Kenny : Maybe rock stars don't wanna come to Malaysia because they think no market kua..
Cindy : Dunno leh.. But listening to his album gives me NO surprise at all..
Hey..I like Jay Chou...Whenever it's my bestfriend's turn to drive me around we always listen to Jay Chou. No idea what he's on about but she translate it for me. Nyahahaha.
Nonnie, what's Du Lan?
im against piracy and tend to look for originals but then again, especially in brunei, it is harder to look for the originals than the pirated ones..
Ness : Du Lan means angry.. But it's a foul language in Chinese plang..
(There.. I seems to teach you a lot of bad words liao..Nyek Nyek)
R & AL : I only look for originals in Miri..It's cheaper there with more choices :)
Well, it's hard to find someone who still will go buy Original tho.. And you're one rare one.
yes i am rare.. :p some say im quite special too.. ;) haha
Bad words, good words, it's still chinese. I get credits for making the effort. Hahahahaha ^_^
Nonnie: nop! is Malaysian dunno how to appreciate rock music especially the government. People here getting bad taste in musics, they never know what is the art of music. I'm really sad with it.
Ceh, believe it or not, I downloaded it like last month..?
Hahaha your wallet hav feelings again. You money in the eye look very erm...greedy la but cute king.
My boyfriend left me comment like he's some stranger to me..
Me such a kiasu ppl aswell, if my frens got the latest songs, but i dont have...will feel so "beh song". So, sorry to Jay Chao, cant wait for the original album release....wahaha.
Same same. Kiasu + Karit = Download
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