Click HERE to know more about the stories and myths behind.
Mid-Autumm will be on 6th October this year! WooHoo!
I love Mid-Autumm (or most of you prefer to call it Mooncake) Festival.
Playing with lanterns, admiring the round-and-round moon, running around, eating mooncakes and peanuts..
Bloody fun can.
(Except for the lantern burning part)

My mum used to buy me those batteries-operated lanterns, with musics and blink-blink lights when I was a kid. But I kind of prefer the traditional paper one, which I always accidentally burned the whole thing off...Yea Yea.. I'm clumsy..
One more thing, I really don't understand why adults.. (ok.. I know I should be consider as an adult too now) love to give each other mooncakes.. It's like.. so troublesome!
Mum: Hey, later company me go buy mooncake ah.
Me: For what? Buy so many later no one eat put in the fridge and seh-kor (mould on it)
Mum: Aiyah.. so-and-so auntie give us mah, must "return-gift"
Me: Haiyooo~! Why so mafan? I give you, you give me, in the end you still get back the same thing. Waste money and time nya...
Mum: What to do.. Chinese like that one lar..
Me: .....
(And justnow my mum just asked me when is Bobby coming back because she's buying him and his family Amway's mooncake.. Gah.. I think that's the n-times I told her no need to bother, because later Bobby has to buy back another box and "return gift".)
Yah, justnow when I was watching the news on TV, I saw this very interesting (Taiwan) news.
Former Democratic Progressive Party chairman Shih Ming-teh (施明德) had organized a mass sit-in aimed at pressing President Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) to step down. And they follow the old history that happened 600+ years ago! They gave away mooncake in the press conference and inside the mooncake, there's a little paper with the message: "September 9th, Anti-Chen Mass Sit-In!"
For those who don't know what happen 600+ years ago that had related with the Mooncake festival, here.. Read it.
The history

The Mid-Autumn Festival also commemorates an uprising in China against the Mongol rulers of the Yuan Dynasty (1280–1368) in the early 14th century. As group gatherings were banned, it was impossible to make plans for a rebellion. Noting that the Mongols did not eat mooncakes,Liu Bowen (劉伯溫) of Zhejiang Province, advisor to a Chinese rebel leader Zhu Yuanzhang, inserted a piece of paper with the message: "Rise against the Tatars on the 15th day of the Eighth Moon" (八月十五殺韃子) in the mooncake. On the night of the Moon Festival, the rebels successfully attacked and overthrew the government. What followed was the establishment of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), under the rebel leader Zhu Yuanzhang. Henceforth, the Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated with moon cakes on a national level.
See, that's why I like Taiwan political news.. I watch them like some Dramatic Entertainment News!
Wow,ah king! your blog really update me lots of info,specially for ppl like me! hahaha, now then i know mid-autumn falls on the 6th Oct,the day im flying to SG eh!!! yeah~~~don worry,i'll buy mooncakes from SG 4 u ok?...hahaha!!
Btw,i don get what the hell is this>>>"September 9th, Anti-Chen Mass Sit-In!"
Ms Kelly Lim. Read more news and care about our world lah.
And.. I don't want mooncake. If you bring mooncake back for me, I'll wrap it nice and give it away one ah.
I want other things but not food ah.
Hi Nonnie,
My birthday is 5 oct lei...
Maybe u wanna consider air freight me some mooncakes???
Muahahahahaha! lolz!!!!
My Birthday is on 5th November, one month after you. *Tsk Tsk*
If I air freight mooncake for you, what are you going to give me in return leh?
I LOVE mooncakes. Still waiting for the day when they decide to use Jack Daniel's as the filling. :-P
Give you mooncakes still want 2 "hiam"! give you 10GB Hdd free pun worried if that will be your birthday gift??!!! knsss....
Excuse bobbyyyy?? better teach ur gf here to have some good manners la! hahaha...
King, tell ur mom really no need buy, but of course i wan to buy for u n ur mom+dad ;p. Hmm...i've heard 3 version of the mooncake origin. One is the rebellion against the mongol, the other is the two immortals when to earth n deal wit the sun, and the third is replacing the guilish rice balls or something. King,i wan to feed feed u mooncake till u r nice and sweet n round round like mooncake ;)
Bobby Lim! : Never see such boyfriend want the girlfriend to be round and fat one wor!
Sot Sot Dei one you
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