A little Rubbish:
This morning when I wake up, I plan to cook myself some nice healthy breakfast. But when I open the fridge, there wasn't much I can cook with. So I just grab my car keys and plan to go out tapao $1.50 Kolomee or any fastfood breakfast set.
While driving.. I think, I'm not working these coming few days, I might as well buy some food to cook for myself everyone. I drove to Supa Save and end up spending almost $40 on junk food like ice-cream, yoghurt, potato chips, ingredients to cook spaghetti (I'm cooking it tmr), and so on that I can't remember..
Moral: Shopping Is Evil!
Feel weird about my entry title?
This is my 99th post in Blogger. To make it a lil special, I decide to blog about Bobby and I.
(For Chinese, the number "9" has the meaning of "Longevity"

So, to Bobby and Nonnie's Relationship,
(Please pronounce the "long-long-nine-nine" in either Mandarin or Cantonese)

Eh...Actually, I have no idea what to blog about us, so what I did was chose some photos and just add in the captions.. Hopefully, gradually I'll know what I wanna talk..
Unlike others ordinary couples way of starting a fresh new relationship, ours was bitter and tiring. I remember I was even crying when we had our first kiss.. Let bygones be bygones, what I can say is, if I have to go thru all those bitter stages once again, I think I'll die better off.
(Don't ask, I hate to recall sad memories, I'd asked my brain to "delete" it off already)
Thank God, everything is over. We're happy now.

Thus, my boyfriend has no choice but make card himself for me too.
Good what, save money and got "heart" mah.
Don't think that my boyfriend very kasian kana forced k, actually Bobby and I enjoyed it. I'd made 21 birthday cards for his 21st birthday, and grant him 22 wished for his 22nd birthday. And next year he's turning 23, I'm out of idea what can I give him for the number "23". Any ideas?

His first card made for me was a disaster! Like a primary student's artwork. And now, his card made for me are much better those I made for him already! Gah.. kalah already. Beh-Song. >,<
When my friends saw the cards he made, they all said this,
"Eh, Bobby kana you influenced is it? The cards he look very nice eh."
When my friends saw the cards he made, they all said this,
"Eh, Bobby kana you influenced is it? The cards he look very nice eh."

he scribbled our memories in it.
Love it! My best card ever!
Believe it? All by Mr. Bobby Lim. *Give him a round of applause*
Other than making cards, he did these too..
(He know I karit won't seldom buy original..)
Once, he got me mad, and I punished him by writing...

We do fight and quarrels like all couples. But we don't shout at each other like kids. Normally both of us will keep quiet, looked stern and wait for the other person's apologize. But it never lasted more than 10mins then either of us will raise the white flag.
"Know what? I don't like this, not talking to each other. We should treasure the time we spend together, and not waste it by getting mad at each other. I'm sorry." - this, is the nicest apologise I ever have. And of course, I did mine too after that.
The day that Bobby went down to Miri for his studies, I know I couldn't see him everyday like I used to. Having lunch and dinner together and plan our nightouts everyday. I felt sad and insecure.
- Turkey sandwich made by him
- packet of Orange juice
- and 7 letters, labelled Monday to Sunday...

And he even did this sometimes ago..
The Doctrine of Marriage!

Too bad the wax melted when Kelly helped me to laminate it..Nevermind, still perfect in my eyes.
It was him who gave me a splendid 22nd
Birthday celebration.
(How about my 23rd? Have you figure what to do yet Mr.Lim?)

One day of September 2004, he passed by stationery dept. and get me this, a little notebook.

Gradually, habis writing the first one, and we got ourselves a bigger note book for our second one.
Here, in this box, I kept all the movie tickets we watched and also the entrance tickets for every place we went.

We like to keep thing nicely stored so, and one day when we grow old, we'll sit on the rocking chair and laugh together reading our past.
Sometimes I think to myself, do I deserve him? Yeah, maybe I do, because I have
"Twenty Reasons Why Nonnie is a Good Girlfriend" to convince myself.
And when we get married, I'll ask him to write
"Twenty Reasons why Nonnie is a Good Wife"
And when we got babies, then he has to write "Twenty Reasons why Nonnie is a Good Mother"
... Okay, maybe I'll ask my kid(s) to write me that. Hahahaha.
(I know, I always think and imagine too FAR!)
He's been busy lately and have no time to any of the above lately. And sometimes I think, if one day he's rich enough to buy me a DIOR bag, or Bvlgari Ring, will he still do the same thing he used to do?
Friends of Bobby, surely you find it hard to believe that this fat guy is so romantic leh? Drop eyes or not?
I was on the phone with Bobby earlier on asking him if he has any idea what I can blog about us,
Me: Got any idea what I can blog about us?
Bobby: ..No idea..
Me: Maybe I can blog about all the sweet things you ever did for me leh?
Bobby: Can.. But will people believe I did all these?
Me: Ya hor.. you this, look gong-gong, serious-serious, idiot-idiot one, later they think I make it up myself..
Bobby: You can leave out the "idiot" part la... Hahhaha
To guys and girls out there,
please do not COPY!
I feel like keeping it uniquely for us only.
(Ask your own bf/gf to think what to do to spice up your relationship)
This entry is purely for the sake of celebrating my 99th post.
Don't plagiarise yah.
Or else, I'll make a voodo doll, write your name, drip some blood, curse and use needles to prick it everyday!
p/s: I heart you ah pui.
OH MY HOLY LORRDDDDDD... It's really sweet... esp those cards... but, being Bobby's friend... yeah, I believe he's such sweet person... but I din know he was sweet to THAT extend~ Nonnie, faster hide some things about both of your's that you have not posted or else other girls will come running after ur bf... FASTERRr.... hehehehe... but not me... don't worry... I will help u SCRAM the gals... but on the other hand, I think he has eyes on you only...
Oh my god!!!
I was astounded by your collections, Nonnie!!!
You know what,i think you are the first person that i came across doin all this... Its not a negative comments tho...
It gave me an impression that you are nice young lady, nice gf, maybe nice wife / mother.. Lolz...
You treasure every single time when u are with Bobby!!
I am speechless!!
To bobby, if u are reading this,
you are one damn lucky guy to have a girl like Nonnie!!!
Thumbs up!!!
You have my utmost respect Nonnie!!
OMFG! your bf so sweet! The cards are so cute! I will die of diabeties if my bf makes me one of those cards, which is like never cos he wont!
wah, 21 cards and 22 wishes! hw u grant so many wishes? jialat if i muz grant my bf wishes, muz grant him 25 freaking wishes! :O
you both look so sweet together. :D
Jee : Haha. No worries. As long he keeps his loner attitude in the campus, don't shave for a week, wearing his Crayon Shinchan rotten shirt, and remain at his utmost big size..
I don't think got girls wanna "kau" him. As I believe most ladies nowadays go for exteriors more than interiors.
p/s: If he has eyes for others, I'll poke his eyes and blind him!
Iwan : *Blush* Maybe some people will think that we two "eat full got nothing to do" lagi. But we do what we want.
Iwan, I'm sure you'll get yourself one nice girlfriend tehn wife in the future.
Serene : I'm already having headache what to give him for his 23rd Birthday.
We both are poor people who can't afford luxurious gifts, thus we make it ourselves lor.
Nevermind, ask your boyfriends draw something, write "I love you" and sign can already. That's already sweet enough.
Waaaaahhhh Miss Kingggg..so romanticc....I envy you!!!
I don't think Hardy and I were ever this romantic. Lol. You lucky girl you!
One time I actually made the effort for a boyfriend was buying a bottle and put 100 tiny papers on one hundred reasons why I love him.
I was stuck after 3 and plagirise the rest off the internet.
SO SWEEEETTT!! eh, ask your boyfriend to give my boyfriend a call because our 3rd year anniversary is coming up. Lol.
Ness : Whenever I plagiarize from the Internet he'll complain not original. He's very fussy also.
Haha. Maybe I should ask Bobby to set up a class and teach boyfriends "Romantic Lesson 101".
Roy : Yeah, I'm going to hardware store and buy a chain and lock him up. :p
Oppss..so so sweet and romantic oh~~~
i believe that you coming birthday will as sweet as ever d.. hee
wow..lovely couples you both are..everyone is envious of you now..including me..haha..your bf did all those things for you?really proves that he loves you a lot..not many boys are willing to make cards for their gf..so you gotta appreciate him le..hehe..i wish you both having a long lasting and loving relationship o..^^
Karen : Thanks Karen. Very sweet of you.
De Pianist : Thanks =^_^=. I also wish you can get you Mr.Right soon, of course after your studies if possible lah.
really damn long this post... so colourful till my old man eyes also blur... very sweet n lovely. So... how bout 100th post? how u wanna celebrate? hehehe.
Kenny : My 100th post ah? I really have no idea bor..Any ideas?
hahhha.. Nonnie, yes, you;ve got a really Sweet Bobby, he is so creative. And yes, Nonnies friends, Bobby made all these. I think you should open a greetings card shop.
And sell each of the card at 20 bucks. mwhhahaa..
Luuee : Wah Laooo. $20 so mahal. Hallmark card also cheaper than that eh.
R&L : *Shout* Pencuri! Pencuri! Someone call 999. Haha. Make sure your girlfriend loves it yah.
eh nonnie!!!
i feel like doing cards too :(
u know any website to doing 3D cards?
i find it long time liao
Luna : Not so sure where bor. But I always go to book store and read those expensive DIY card books and remember the idea, or take out my camera phone and snap pictures.
Hope I wont kana sue for copyright eh.
haha.. thx nonnie :D noted, will go book shop... wana do a nice christmas card.. no no mooncake festival 1st :D
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