Kennysia made fun of the Adidas World Cup Football and Adidas gave him a package of freebies!
Skyler blogged about an entry about what Star Movies will be showing and she get something too.
Jealous! I want freebies too!
Why didn't I get anything? I shouldn't had blogged about Nasi Katok and Pasar Malam, instead I should start blogging more about TelBru, DST, B-Mobile, Excapade, Iora, Incomm. Then "inform" them I blog about their products and services and hope I'll get something free in return. Kakakakakaa.
By the way, those companies employed staff to read blogs everyday is it? And how come they so li-hai know the addresses of bloggers? Spy kah?
It's true, I'm a GAME-IDIOT!
I think I'm suffering from a disorder called "My-limbs-just-don't-listen-to-my-brain".
Any games involved reaction and speed, racing games, fighting games, DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) and even Puzzle Bubble.. I suck at it.
I can only play games that's slow and doesn't involve any responsive gestures like "The Sims", "Mahjong", "Othello", "Solitaire" and "Spider Solitaire".
Yesterday Kelly and I went to Theen's place. She has this SuperMario game installed in her PC. I played it. And.. I can't even jumped over the first "LongKang"! Bugger..

But seriously, I’m good at it when I’m playing Super Mario in my gameboy. I passed thru all the stages leh!
Not only Super Mario, I passed thru all the stages in "Power Rangers", "Crayon ShinChan", "Tiny Toons", "Felix the Cat", ...... (will add more when I remember)
I think the old Game Boy is designed for Genius like me. Nyek Nyek. Other games consoles totally sucks! Con money only one. (Yes, I dulan so I wanna say like that, cannot ar?)DDR is a like torture to me. I totally sucked at it! My feet just don’t listen to my orders and I feel like sometimes they nearly get strangled!
Everytime when I played with Theen & Kelly, that two lousy friends would laugh at me, tease me and make fun of me. But, kasian them also, if they’re playing with me, they can only choose the songs with “3 feet” difficulty level. Anything more that that, confirm I “FAILED” in less than 1 minute. Terrible leh? I just can’t seem to use my foot to step in time, in the correct spot, or used the correct limbs. Everytime they passed the stage with an “A” or “B”, my eyes glow with envy like those Japanese Anime girls and du-lan why am I so lousy at it.
Err... People.. If you guys see this book, you can buy for me..
(If this book really exists! Keke.)

Action games not ngam me. For people gentle and clever like me (I feel like vomitting too), I play games that uses Brain. Hahaha!
wei2. Just saw the ddr and i recognise the place >_<. Anyways my gf wanted a ddr machine too so we went to lik-sang and saw this
cost her an arm and a leg but she has it now in her room haha. Maybe kelly can invest then can charge people to play it. lol.
link doesnt work :(
click here
Nazri! Your girlfriend bought that!
And you think that karit Kelly will spend money on that rather than Whitenning masks? Hah Hah!
Dreaming lah you.
(Sure Kelly will "sut" me if she sees this)
Well king, this is what happen when u always accidently do chalie things when i'm not around. Chalie things like injured urself by bumping ur head onto something, or u accidently hit something or do silly things. Looks like years of doing chalie things have resulted in u lagging. But no worries, i am lagging too but i'm good in Mario games ;P
mwahhaa.. Nonnie, your looking at the most electrifying electricuting boy genius of games who use gameshark cheats to win LuUeE.
My strategy is just cheat in the games. And you win. mwhhhaa.. Except ddr, I think you have put glue at the padding of your opponent.
Hellooo guys??!~ What's all this discussion about bringing me up ha?!! As if ah king,yourself will rather invest on the ddr than on your face ma?
Gosh...but do they actually ship to Brunei? It's cool though having one at home,but 4 sure 1st thing give my mum "sut"!!!
Ah King,think u can create comic cartoons already!Showed my sis just now & she laughed like idiot non-stop...hahaha
BOBBY LIM ! : Kanasai ah you! Say me lagging.. You so fat baru lagging lah! Si Tua Pui~
Luuee : Heh Luuee, I like the idea you said about glueing my opponents pad eh. Later go kahling shop and buy. Kekeke
Kelly Lim : Tell Apple next time I charged per laugh. You think I open Arcade shop ah, buy the thing Naz's girlfriend buy.. Siao one. Of course I rather spend it on facial care, or Excapade or Fratini lah.
yea yng and a friend bought together so save some money on shipping/bundling. It did come in 2 days after payment was received. that one considered cheap already, u know that machine at the arcades in miri? the one me and kelly play that one cost $7k hahaha.
I'm a game idiot, I dun play game, but I'm good in minesweeper la... my record is 88 sec for expert level. hehehe.
See! That proves it!
Brainy people are not good in Action Games! Muahahaha!
I'm not the only one eh.
hahaha.. Nonnie, i think you should publish the ddr book surely many people buy. mwhahaa..
Don buy from kahling shop. My shop more cheap the glue. hahahaha
I only play baby racing games like Mario Kart on PS2 or Xbox.
Anything more then that and I will either smash:
1)The controller
2)My boyfriend
Yes, I am a sore loser ><
Alamak Nonnie, u played such and old game one ar? Lolz.. Muahahaahaha!!! Actually, i aslo cant really focus on the DDR.. Maybe i am stupid bah??? lolz... Anyway true ke, u blog on a products and the company give freebies one? sounds too good to be true.. i aslo wan... can??!!! Muahahahaha!!1
haha longkang cannot cross ar? Nonnie, use ur legs and jump across! hahahahaha.. :p
mahjong is best! everybody MUST noe hw to play mahjong!
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