Not forgetting to mention, we can send emails, chat via MIRC, ICQ, MSN, keep in contact with friends using Friendster, and now.. we have Blogs.
I'd started to blog since... 2002 or 2003 in MSN Spaces I think, and no one reads it. I know, no one reads it. Haha. Then I just leave it there dormant with spider webs. Then, I don't know what got up to me, I start blogging about, this time, with Blogger account.
From 0 readers, to currently.. 10 readers I think?
(Really ah? Only 10 ah?)
Dear bloggie, you've done well,
100th post already but baru got 10 readers.
With that figure, I'll be expecting 200th post, 20 readers..and so on.
-___-"' (So lame)
But I still love you my blog. Eventhough I always go kacau your settings, post a lot of pics and kill people's bandwidth and force my friends to read you and leave a comment, I love you still.
You always let me suka-hati write whatever I want, dump my rubbish on to you and never talked back. And you help me to make new friends lagi.
(... At this moment, you all must thinking Nonnie King gila (Crazy) already, talking to her own blog, kan?)
Blog ah blog, to celebrate the 100th post, today I cooked *Drum Roll*
Fettuccine (Vegetarian) Bolognese.
(My mum is a vegetarian)
Err.. I can't give the recipe, because all the ingredients and their amount I ching-chai, suka-hati put one. But, it always taste good.
Lousy friend no.1 - Theen
go BSB watch movie with boyfriend don't bother to eat it.
Lousy friend no.2 - Kelly
lovey dovey with the boyfriend, wait till 8.30pm baru come and take. Just for the sake to save her a meal for lunch for her next working day, and give face to me. Haha
(Sure that girl will leave a comment and "shuuut" me back)
Lousy friend no.3 - Mabel
Stayed in Kg Badas and feels lazy to drive to my place to pick it up. She'll take it tomorrow.
Lousy friend no.4 - S.L.
Opps, I'm the lousy friend. I forgot to ask if Swee Leong wanna try any of it! Sh*t!
Boyfriend - Bobby Lim
Far far away in Miri, already packed the food and put it in the fridge. Tomorrow must bring down. Next week, Sushi! (Sigh.. The fat guy bugs me in cooking him food everyday)
Dear blog ah blog, you're the best. Diam diam stay in the www, kuai-kuai just wait for me to update you and let people visit you like you're an animal in the zoo and never throws tantrum.
You're free somemore, I didn't pay a single cent for you. If I'm lucky, you might even earn me a few dollars. You're willing to let me put video, background music, or ojipala (rubbish) blogskins on you and dress you like a clown and never complained.
Blog ah blog, you be good yah, and be proud of your owner, your sometimes a bit emo, crazy, kind and sweet, not so pretty, chubby and dark owner...

"Teddy-Bear-Playing-Basketball-got-holes-here-and-there" T-shirt yah. I love wearing rotten T-shirts! And short Pants!
Argh, this post is stupid! Isn't it?
luna ..... =.=
They are more comfortable. :) I mean T-shirt and shorts. hee.
Congrats on your 100th post. =) I'm reaching my 500th post soon and I barely have 10 regular readers. -.-
lol..cute lah your 100th post[not a sacarsm har..]talking to your blog like
Luna : You gotta change to beta liao lor. Everytime also put anonymous posting comments. Hehe.
Uglyfatchick : You have a second name I can address you? I don't feel appropriate calling you "that" eh.. Hehe. The more rotten the clothes are, the more comfy it is.
Hey, don't say like that lah. I read your blog ah.
De Pianist : '_' ? You sure you don't think I'm gila talking to my blog? Hahaha. Thanks for the support eh.
OOoooo.. yummy, make me hungry oni. :P
It doesn't matter you have lots of readers or not, important thing is, you have a place to write, talk, blabbler and rant all you want. :P
Nice pic, miss chef. *teehee*
Cindy : True what you say. But sometimes I don't feel syok enough not able to blog freely as I know some people read it.
So happy lah, my fetuccine's picture can make people feels hungry just by seeing it.
Roy : But I enjoy your blog. You always blog things in my mind which I ever got the nerves to say, I think?
You keep up the blogging too!
I tink its normal ppl wear t Shirts that are 5 years or older at home bah...
Infatuated by it bah??
Wah, now i know u are a good cook..
Is that the reason why Bobby is fat?
Just kidding!!!
Iwan : Sssssshhh.. Keep it down. Don't let Bobby hear you. HAHAHahaha! He's fat because I always ask him to eat the food I can't finish.
Whoaaa... celebrate ur bloggie 100th birthday with pasta ah? So yummy! Do you keep some for me too? Sure you not lor... mei liang xing one... :)
Becks : Aiyah! Complain me no heart lagi. I DHL or Fedex to you the pasta also grow worm liao lor. You still wanna eat ah?
If you want, I don't mind sending it as your birthday gift one oh.
hahaha.. Nonnie, Hai~ you din bring it to miri, When there is free food, there is always LuUeE, when there is Bobby, there is always LuUeE too.
Happy Birthday to your blog. Am i late already? mwahaha..
Chef, I wanna order, erm, spicy abvalone from australia fresh.. No excuse. on my table tommorrow morning.
Luuee : I did bring it to Miri. But I think Bobby finished it all already.
You see me to high already. You think I pandai cook abalone meh? And also, where got money to buy?
Hehe, thats why i am so happy to have a chalie gf like u king. By the way, do u know my favourite dish is u???? *grin
Bobby : Behave in Public woi~
lols. you can call me Christina, but it sounds so common mah. :p
Yeah. the "older" the clothes the more "comfortable" to wear. :)
Very nice blog!
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