My cousin, whom I always fight with when I was young, had his graduation in Miri and my workaholic uncle and his siblings came all the way to attend his graduation too. And thus me, being a very sweet and filial daughter of my mother, bring my mother to Miri to meet them up
Note: The day before, I was working in my office till 4am! Not knowing the way to the hotel, I picked Bobby up from his place and asked him to drive..(I hate driving in Miri anyway..) My beach boy cousin suggested to go to the beach, and so.. the beach we go~
From left to right: Mum, Ah-Tie, SiawChin, Ah Mek, Ah Nong (all baby names) enjoying "pangang jagung"See the lovely couple wearing green baju? So sweet hor. Jealous eh~
... ok.. not funny, that's my mum and cousin la..coincidently wearing the same odd colour out of the blue. Weird~
It's funny when I wanna intro Ah-Mek to Bobby, cos he's malu with his baby name. (Ah-Mek is supposed to be a girl's name). Heard my mum says, when my auntie is carrying Ah-Mek, Ah-Nong is so looking forward to it and she hopes that she can have a baby sister (I guess Ah-Tie was really naughty back then, just kidding), thus she always call "Ah Mek, Ah Mek, Ah Mek". Sadly, the baby that her mum gave birth to was not a sister, but a brother..
But..the name remains.

We're in the same age group and we only see each other once a year. Thus sometimes I feel close but yet far.. cos I can't speak my own dialect well. And Foochow is their mother tongue. I remembered that my cousins/aunties/uncles alway "force" themselves speaking Mandarin with me,but their Mandarin sounds so funny that I actually prefer them just speak in their most comfy language. Eventhough I can't speak Foochow well, doesn't mean I don't understand ma. It's funny when I blurp out some Foochow, they will all look at me as if they saw an
elephant flying, shocking!
Bobby and I like orang gila syok sendiri taking pictures of ourselves
Hie Ching
(whom I always called her Ah-Nong) is the eldest among the 3 of them. I dunno why, I've noticed that the eldest is always the smallest among the siblings.. The younger one always tend to be taller. According to Ah-Nong, "Aiyah... I'm the guinea pig ma. After my parents give birth to me, they know what they can eat, and what they cannot eat in order to have a white-white-fat-fat baby liao lu"

My beloved mummy who give me her 101% to me
And fav pic of all..
Me: Ma ah, can you take a pic of Bobby and I with the sunset as the background? We won't look into the camera ah.Mum: .... (puzzled) Me: Nah, when I say 123, you take the picture ah..Mum: But cannot see your face la.. you sure you want the picture taken this way? Black Black cannot see anything, nice meh?Me: Nice, artistic ma. Hehe. Mum: .... (More confused) Ok la.. whatever you say la..
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it » » »
I remember this :) Looking back through all your previous post really tell me how far you have gone in blogging. I love every moment that we share and spend from the time we are just friends till now. You look more pretty now than before...and..I am SO fat!
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