Me: So how's your braces now?
Gigi-Besi: It feels like a bra that my teeth is wearing.
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There's nothing like a cozy Saturday night, with best friends around the table sap-har-sap-har with a home-made steamboat, sharing laughters and joy and laugh at silly jokes and another person's idiocy.
It's just too bad that my boo was rushing his assignments, coping up with his upcoming exams and couldn't join us. Anyway, even if he's free that night, the only thing he can eat is probably the crab stick that has been boiled for 30mins. Soggy with rotten texture.
Or, I chew up his food, spit it out and feed him. Just like how old nanny feed their grandchildren 10, 20 years ago. =p
* Yummilicious *
As you can see, we had prawn, sausages, chicken, p_rk, veges, tofu, needle mushroom, unknown mushroom, lobster balls, tom yum fish cakes, unknown thing #2 (the thing with brown stripes in the middle) and crab sticks on the menu.
And of course, Theen's priceless steamboat sauce. Tell you, the rest are all just keh-leh-feh (supporting actors), the sauce is the main focus of the night. If it wasn't for the bloody sauce, none of us will be crazy for steamboat that much.
Oh, by the way... know how much for the total cost? $28 for everything (excluding the prawn and fish that Kelly had stolen from her mum's fridge). There's four of us eating and hence, it's only $7.00 per head.
Damn good you know. A lot cheaper than what other restaurants are offering. Some more you can do whatever you want freely like using your fingers as chopsticks and fork without worrying what others may think of you. The downside is... you got to clean up everything after the meal.

Oh, I forgot to share you all a funny story.
Let me ask a question first,
Do you know anyone who boil/cook kang-kung in steamboat?
That pig-Theen, brought over a bundle of kangkung and said it's for the steamboat. All of us protested (by not washing, cutting and preparing those bloody green leaves) and said who on Earth eats kangkung in a steamboat.
Not like we're some sort of tortoise or terappins. Even Ninja Turtles eat pizza instead of kangkung lar.
But still, she insisted that it taste nice and pathetically cleaned the kangkung all by herself.
I warned her, if she happened to throw the kangkung into the pot, make sure she "lau" (scope) every single stem of it out. I don't want to see my soup having any green threads.
Heheheheee. I know, I'm a lousy and sassy friend. =p
Well, I wouldn't mind if what she brought is shark fin or abalone what. Kekekkeee.
And she dare not to put in any through out the dinner. Till I left the table and proceed with the TV show.
Lucky I kind of stopped her in doing that. Once Theen threw in the kangkung, the whole pot of soup become murky black. As if a sotong just excrete its ink in it. Spoil already. Good thing that everyone is full and plan not to continue eating. Else we had to boil another pot of soup.
Kangkung is strictly for rojak and to be eaten with sotong and cucur udang/ keladi/ tofu and so on.
See, you learn something new today. =p
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I had to wake up early the next morning for the Olahraga, track and field. Forcing myself to wake up at 6+ am on a SUNDAY morning is definitely a bloody torture.
Unwillingly, I dragged myself to the bathroom to get ready and wear that P.E. long sleeve shirt that every staffs are
Looking at my reflection on the mirror, I feel like wearing brown paper bag mask on my head to hide my identity. I looked damn fugly!
Fugly me with my head chopped off to avoid
any uncomfortable feeling caused later.
any uncomfortable feeling caused later.

And don't you dare telling me I look good in that shirt ah.
I took some pictures of the event. Perhaps I'll post it up one day, if I'm feeling rajin and out of topic to blog.
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Those who resides in KB area definitely know there's a 3-days Bazaar Ria going on at Jalan Pretty.
There was a caged 18-foot python displayed, 2 bouncers for parents to set free from their kids, and also bargain goods to shop for. And also, an
Sounds like very happening huh? Hell NO!
All that we saw except for that sleepy python and kids jumping up and down in the bouncer, are just food and beverages stalls, and also some obviously imported from Thailand pirated handbags.
Those Guess bags are bloody scary terrifying.
I don't even want to buy a genuine one and carry it out in case people might thought that it's the fake made-in-Thailand one.
Try imagine you bought a nice and pretty Guess bag for $200 by starving yourself just to save that amount. You happily sling it on your shoulder and go shopping, till you saw another fat auntie with a questionable taste in fashion using an almost same bag as you. And later she told you that she bought hers from pasar malam for $30 and mocked at you for your stupidity.
Sure vomit blood and die due to major blood loss.
And, this is the other cool thing we saw.
There were a few cars on display there. I guess it's an advertisement for those car audio/ modification company. Because what they did is blast their sound system with maximum base and all four doors, including their boot open for exhibition.
As you can see from the above photo, that car has a running blue water fall, and tons of little car model.
It's cool.. but not practical from my point of view.
Scenario #1
Let's say one day you want to go out makan with your friends or colleagues. Some may want to follow you car,
Friend: Hey, can I follow you car later?
Car owner: Sorry no can do. My car is a 2-seater.
Friend: But I thought your car is a [insert any name of Japan saloon car]?
Car owner: Yeah, but I replaced the back seat with a blue waterfall. My sifu said it's good fengshui. Ngam with my horoscope too.
Scenario #2
Mother: Boy ah, help me go Soon Lee/ Hua Ho buy toilet roll can or not?
Son: Cannot ah Ma. Toilet roll too big cannot fit in my car.
Mother: What? You spend few thousand dollars on that bloody car and now you tell me it can't even fit a toilet roll?!!!! Waste of money. What can that water tank do? Rear fish inside ah? Useless.
Hhehehheeehehe. Actually this is what I always think when I saw heavily modified car. Spending thousands of dollars on the body kit and the car can't even go over a bloody hump. Ironic isn't it?
And one of the car there has very good (I assumed, since I know nothing about it) sound system. But sekali, the cushion of the car seat is torn and rotten! I just don't understand what are they thinking.
[Thank God my gigi-besi doesn't go goo-goo-gaa-gaa over cars]

Sigh, I think I need a serious face reshaping, an eye surgery for granting me big eyes with double eye lids and a nose job.
And seriously, people always say I have nice tidy and white teeth. I guess it has something to do with my skin tone. You know, CONTRAST!
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There was this fun fair like kind of game at the bazaar too. Using a tennis ball to hit all the soft drink cans that type.
Man, just 5 mins of standing there, the stall owner had already earned like $10.00. Kiasu bah, people think it's easy and over-confident liao. After the first throw fail, they pay again for another try.
And smart Swee Leong and his cousin Allen choose not to play that. They go for the second option which is safer. Sure win one.
B$1.00 for a spin.
Pirated version of Wheel of Fortune.
No matter the needle points to what number, sure got prize one. From glass, Jollibean drinks, toys, stickers, snacks to sweets and candies.
Guess what Swee Leong won...
See, he's so happy.
And the humorous boss reminded him to go DST to register the line. So funny. =.=
(Well, the price tag on that toy phone is $1.80. Consider him untung $0.80 lah)
Allen's turn
(Well, the price tag on that toy phone is $1.80. Consider him untung $0.80 lah)
Allen's turn
Pathetically, he won sebatang blueberry mentos. Rugi already lar.
And me, I got myself a really good bargain. I bought a set of secondhand comics for B$1.00!
Yes! All 14 books for $1.00. Gosh, meaning one book only cost $0.07!!!! Well, it's actually a charity sale from Tzu Chi Association. All the books, novels, cassettes and VCDs are $1.00.
Really. What the FISH????
I haven't start reading yet. Will tell you what is it about after I finished it.
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Wishing the below listed people a very happy birthday~
- Eileen Yeye (Gosh! She's 40 already!)
- Ah Bee (Erm... age is not a secret for man, but... I guess it's better not for me to tell)
- Rohana, my darling colleague. (25)
A year older, a year wiser.
That also means you guys better start stocking up those anti-wrinkle and face-lifting cream and you all are another year closer to menopause.