Hey, its not impossible okay, I'd heard two different people selling at that price but I knew it too late. Kana taken liao. Sien. And Pingko's "generous" colleague is too kiam, $50 discount also don't wanna give. At least bundle with some free gift what. I don't mind secondhand stuffs.
Sigh. I need some luck in notebook hunting.
Anywhos, I'm kinda in a dilemma now.
Should I:
A) Just get the almost brand-new, rarely used secondhand M1330 (T5550, 1.83Ghz) that is selling for BND1,400.00,
B) Buy online for RM3,599 with a higher cpu speed (T5750, 2.0Ghz.. and also a 9-cell battery instead of 6-cell) but have to pick it up from Miri... and, how about the warranty issues? International warranty right?
RM3,599 = BND1,497.33 based on the current rate.
Advice please.
My email: nonnie.king@gmail.com
(Yes I know, very predictable my email add. Hello, I'm 24 coming 25.. you don't expect me use nicks such as ba13ynonnie, luvnonni3bear, starryluvcutiepie_nonni3, or pr1nc3s5 or something retarded with all those weird SMS lingos like that kua?)
Oh, BobbyFatLim came down this morning planning to surprise me without telling me but, failed. He's late, again and I already went out with 'usuals' go KB market to have breakfast. And he had to call me and asked, "Er... where are you now? I'm outside your house now.."
We had a mini
I went up to BSB very last minute to pick up a letter and later dropped by a department store and bought a card and also a packet of Kit Kat (Have A Break, Have a _ _ _ _ _ _), then drove to his office and searched for his car.
It wasn't an easy task to search for 1 car in a big car park with multiple stories you know, lucky I remembered that the FatGuy ever told me that he prefer to park at the ground floor because he's too lazy to go round and round finding parking. So, found his car and left the card and Kit Kat on his windscreen. Drove back to Seria and waited patiently for his SMS.
And his colleague thought it was a saman. LOL!
Hai, I'm so sweet can die (of diabetes) right?
>.< style="text-align: center;">My "Sorry" Card

If only Bobby's hair remains so much intact after 20 years...
And baby, I thought that's Iwan's lips you're drawing.
Mm huh. The glove can be pushed downward and this is how it'll turn out.
Hit the head, and the mouth opens with a message

Oi, cannot say anything bad about it okay! I like it a lot and I think its very very very cool and funny. You think a lot of guys will make card for the girlfriend meh? Buy also good enough liao, what more to say coming up with the idea, draw and cut all himself. He just lacks of coloring skills, like me.
(So pick your words wisely now. Don't say I didn't warn you.)
Getting the card is already good enough to make me grin like an idiot to myself and before he left, he took out a bag from the boot and gave me this.

Today, it does feel like Valentines Day.
p/s: I removed the background image (the white background + side bar's green background) for you all easier viewing. Better now? Just have to remember to remove the tags on 22nd July.
why you wanna buy in Malaysia since you can buy in Singapore website which delivery to your HOUSE?
ALL brunei Sales will need to go thru Dell Singapore. if you purchase in malaysia i don't think Brunei Service Provider will help you to fix in @ your home.
Er, because its a hell lot cheaper!
The exact same laptop is selling for RM3599 whereas Dell Sg is selling for $1,949.
You do the maths.
Yes, my main concern now is the warranty issue.
He is so sweet. The thought itself is priceless, much less the card. :)
1949 is included GST? if so.. deduct the 7% GST ..
SGD 1949 is not included with the backpack, after included its around 2K plus but after deduct GST 7% it only cost you SGD1,879.00 which inclusive Shipping.
Dell Warranty is Pan Asean. There is no issue get Warranty support in Brunei for laptop bought from Dell Malaysia. We have 10+ laptops all brought from Dell Malaysia and the warranty has always being honored in BN
But Jan helped me to check with Brusin and they said otherwise about the unit bought from Dell M'sia though.
If there's any problems with the Dell, I'll have to send it for repair in Miri, provided if they have authorized dealer that is.
Any proof to justify your comment?
Let the Anonymous posters fight it out to give you a decent answer. I'm taking one step back and getting the coke and pop-corn ready for the show!
The risk of laptop failures vs PCs are much higher for obvious reason so I'm glad you place support high in your list of purchase criteria. I have spoken to and got the answer the "horse's" mouth so cann't get any clearer than that.
However, IF second Anonymous is an Enterprise customer and bought 10 Dell laptops via their Malaysian subsidiary office for use in Brunei, it IS possible to have special support arrangements but that would be an enterprise arrangement. End consumers play by a different set of rules.
You don't call Brusin for service. You open a case with Dell Service on Dell website. The service tag of the laptop is the reference key. Dell service will contact you. If Dell service determines that on site service is required, Dell Service will assign the case to Brusin. Brusin will then contact you to arrange a date and time to service your laptop. We never had any issue. You can ask Dell Malaysia for the warranty T&C. The warranty is honored Asean wide
Come to think of it a bit more, Anonymous could be right. If you have a valid warranty program, technically support is/should be provided as long it falls within the support regions. Point is this. People travel for business or leisure all the time and problems can crop up anytime.
For phone support, for instance, Brunei customers would call a number listed below:
I have never done that for obvious reason. The number is not toll free and you could be asked to hold for a very long time. Best thing to do for non urgent problems is to log your Service Tag with Dell online Chat support. I've used this method successfully but perhaps it's because I'm computer savvy.
So yeah, as long you happen to be in a country with Dell support presence and have a valid warranty contract in place, they have no reasons not to provide support.
hi nonnie,
u shld get the acer instead. u can get it for 999 from dst. higher specs than the dell xps. n alot cheaper! plus u get 3 yrs international warranty. u cant beat tht price. plus been hearing lots of complains for the dell xps.
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