Down with cough, flu and slight fever now. Could it be the overdose of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
(Brainwashed by mom that chocolate and peanut are heaty! Have to drink lots and lots of water after consuming?) ? Or I'd been dining out too much and lack of mum's soup?
Don't bother to ask me go eat some medicines.
yes... very much like a kid. Nonnie says NO to Panadols!
Anyway, this is going to be a more pictures, less words entry showing you what I'd been eating for the last few days. Or maybe not? Usually I'm a ranty person in nature.
12th July 2008Went to the hostel to submit my application form and a mini-drama between the clerk and I went on but it was all good. Hahahhaa. Not going to say what happened here, asked me
(in MSN or face-to-face. No calls please, I have err.. (slight) Phonaphobia remember?) if you're curious! You're so going to think that I'm your latest idol after knowing what I said. Hahahhahha! I'm serious!
Ran some errands and waited for fatguy till 6.30pm to makan. We opted for something new this time so we chose
"Fun Wok Hong Kong Restaurant".
The Menu

My HongKong style Milk Tea

Not your average Teh-C.
Its the kind of milk tea you get from ordering Kokoberry's Pearl Milk Tea.
The color looks a bit like 3-in-1 Nescafe though I know but it was pretty nice.
Okay, what I did was...
I took a picture of the food we ordered on the menu, and another photo of the actual one that was served onto our table showing you guys the difference. Yes, I'm aware of the fact that there's usually a disclaimer on the menu stating that what you see from advertisement might look different from what's being served, I just wanna see how "different" will it be only nia.
Sigh Nonnie, you're so jobless and lame. Eat full nothing to do again?
No! I haven't eat yet so got time to do whatever I want to do.
Can or not?
*roll eyes and flip hairs*Salt and Pepper Tofu, $6.50
(Can't remember the precise names of what we ordered... but you'll get it)
On the Menu
The Actual Serving

I. love. this!
It was really really really good.
Probably one of their signature dish I don't know but I saw quite a number of customers having it on their tables.
Maybe you thought,
"Aiya.... fried tofu only.. what so special? My mum also fries for me lah. Chew." but I tell you, this is really different.

Its crispy outside and watery-smooth and soft like butter/ avocado inside!
Nothing can goes wrong with that kind of combination. Perfect with chili sauce.
When I popped it into my mouth, the liquid in the tofu instantly exploded out and my tongue was enjoying and savoring the texture, the taste and the overall feeling of it... One word,
sibehlimpehchaojiwudiDELICIOUS! (语无伦次)
Bobby's err Baked rice with chicken fillet... I think?
($7 something)
The actual one... 
Erm... sorry to say but, it's very predictable and forgettable too. Can get it anywhere and not necessary there. The bamboo basket with aluminum foil does make it look a little unique pulang... but taste wise, okay okay only. I'll pass next time.
My Satay Sauce Beef Steak Spaghetti
($6 something)

I love Procter's (KB) Beef satay noodle soup and thus I ordered this with confidence. Sekali, it really did taste like noodles in those peanutty-satay sauce, not spicy at all.

Yeap, it was a little disappointing for me because
1) I didn't like how it tasted. I think its just me
2) Beef steak? Where? I saw only beef slices.
3) Spaghetti overcooked, soggy and putus-putus one. I felt like a 2 yo baby eating my pasta by scooping with my spoon. I like my pasta in the al-dente stage thank you.
($3 or $3.50?)
The actual one
Mana saya punya itu daun atas itu sup? Just kidding. Bobby liked it. I scooped the soup and put it into my spaghetti and it did taste a little better after that. Should have order the good old bolognaise. Nothing goes wrong with that.
Mango Pudding
($3 or $3.50 can't remember)
The actual one
Average. Very how-to-say, erm... instant-from-a-packet-like? Buy ready-mixed sachets and mix with water those. Would love it more if it has more chunky mango flesh though. I know, I very maciam, $3 only so many complain. Just shaddap and eat you stupid mafan blogger. You so lihai you cook lah.
Sigh, wonder when can I get to taste the legendary
Xu Liu Shan's Mango Pudding?
*cough* Don't pretend you don't see this Bobby Lim *cough*Bobby's Ginseng something with sea coconut

Never like herbal smell so no comment from me for this.
But can see a lot of ingredient inside lah, make your $3.50 worthwhile!

The overall experience was not bad. Definitely going back for a second try because I didn't get to eat their dimsums! Xiao-long-bao, salad prawn and so on...
Wait for me
Fun Wok! Hiong~(Love the name though!
Very sat leh! English and Cantonese also can with two different meanings)............................................................................................................................................................................
Hellboy2: The Golden Army.
Two words,
p/s: Blog owner sucks in writing movie reviews.............................................................................................................................................................................
14th July 2008Went to my favorite vegetarian restaurant with VaiDBeauty, Pingko, Yeye and Hui.
(Located in Menglait, same building with Le Apple)
Was suppose to try out their new exotic dishes but unfortunately the chef who "invented" them wasn't around. So we got the usuals. Still good though.
Chicken chop in blueberry sauce, can you imagine?
Somemore vegetarian one, very curious lah. Hopefully can go there soon.
Sizzling Hot Plate Tofu

Oh, all photos here taken by Pingko.
And oi, if got any salah name tell me ya.
Sweet and Sour Chicken Chop
My favorite~!
Crispy Butter Abalone Mushroom!!!So good!!! Imo, its even better than chicken, prawn and other meat.
Hui's Tom Yam MeeHoon

Love the tom yam soup too!
Honestly, Tien Hsing seldom disappoints me. Even meat-lovers like Bobby loves dining there too. Just that he's unsure what to order that's why he never goes there without me. Hhahahahaa.
I think most people have this misconception about vegetarian food, thinking its very bland, tasteless and boring. You're so wrong. Any food you can think of can be
Take my mum for example, she's really good in converting meat dishes into vegetarian one and looks really appetizing. Unfortunately for me, ever since she dwelt on her explorations in making new dishes, her skills in cooking meat dishes
(for me and my dad) is getting worse. Basically due to the reason that she doesn't taste them before serving.
Feels like eating something healthy and sick of salad?
Why don't you go have a try at Tien Hsing?
You'll be surprised with the choices you can have.
Curry puff, burger, noodles, porridge and rice. They have 'em all.
15th July 2008Thanks to
Uncle Jan who told me that Fratini is currently having their 50% off pasta and pizza promo again so Bobby and I baru got chance to eat there.
Their usual price really scares us off bah. We're karit and poor
Only can go there like once a year nya, during the Puasa 50% promo. Sad hor?
Hahhahahaha. What so sad?
Still got car to drive, shelter to sleep in, food to eat, water to drink, Astro to watch, Espeed to surf and cheap subsidized petrol. Where got kasian?
Pepperoni Pizza
The bill came up with a total of $23.00 including our drinks and imagine with the 50% off, no $50 also no need to walk out of the door ah. Somemore we only ordered one pizza and one pasta nya, not because we don't have money okay, because scare cannot finish bah.
Can you guess where is this?

Again, its Uncle Jan who told me about this place
(I hope I didn't get the wrong place though) and I asked Bobby to go there. It does feel really different, just that the road very small and no place to park nya. Everyone's parking illegally at the road side making it hard for other cars to pass through.
Belait river, longest river in Brunei

where you can see crocodiles if you're lucky.

Great place to relax, do nothing, think nothing and just sit there looking at.... trees?

Oh oh, I beat Bobby in playing the basketball arcade game today!
My Score!
22 and 99, what a pathetic gap!
And I had to tiptoe to shoot because the platform was too tall for me. My hands already damn tired and also my legs
(tiptoed too long) and I kinda like gave up and simply shoot after that. I kasian Bobby doing nothing and looking at me with puppy eyes because he game-over liao.
Yeah, I was shocked by my scores too. I think I can score better if I bring a stool next time.
The Uni Arcade in Seria is so much better than the one in the Mall. Know why? Because boh-lang one. Nobody will know how badly you score, no need to wait and no annoying preteens looking all emo blocking the entrance making me squeezing through them.
My boo made me sandwich to day

Such perfect day, woke up and the first person I saw is him. He reached Seria at around 9.15am and surprised me with sandwich that he prepared himself, apologized that there's no lettuce in it. Silly boy :)
Hence, my best meal today is my breakfast.
Bobby's Specialty Sandwich, price unknown.

Miss Mau my picture of pencilnosing for her
fun and unique campaign.

I thought I kinda look like a cat here and thus I spoofed the lolzcat.
Small eyes, big round face. What's new?
Keep the photos coming in, email her at if you wanna contribute your piece of artwork.