Monday, April 25, 2011

100 Day Project: Day 47 – A Picture of Your Favorite Place To Shop

Will never ever walk out empty-handed if I walk in!

*Never say never* auto-tuned. LOL. I think I watched too much of NigaHiga.

There’s just so many things to buy, to see, to smell and to try. And I don’t think there’s any girls who dislike shopping in Watson… are there?


uglyfatchick (Chicky) said...

MY FAVOURITE SHOP TOO! Does Bunei has those watson discount card like Singapore does? :D

Nonnie King said...

There's no Watson in Brunei. So only can go Miri (which is like JB to Singapore) and I do have the membership card there.


uglyfatchick (Chicky) said...

oo.. My husband is amazed how I can go into watsons almost everyday to walk and not get bored. :p