But apparently, IngSiang seems to enjoy himself a lot there.
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One day, mum came to me and said,
Mum: Nong ah, you know that little small thing that has earphones and can listen to music?
Me: Mm... Yeah.. It's call MP3 Player (slow response due to overshock by mum knowing such gadget)
Mum: Can you buy me one?
Me: I thought you have the discman already?
Mum: Yeah, but it's too big. I'm afraid that I'll spoil it one day.
Me: .... ?? Err..Okay. I'll get you one then.
Forgive me for having such replies. FYI, my mum is someone who don't even know how to operate a DVD player.
Mobile phone? She refuse to use it and says it's too troublesome to bring around. Claims that "Go toilet also have to bring. Sibeh boh eng". She prefers to play "payah to cari" thus no need to layan too much people.
(Example: One phone call asking "Where are you?", then expect you to give him/her a ride.)
Cool huh?
So.... there I was, driving 100km distance from Seria to BSB just to get her a nice MP3 player. (It's just too bloody expensive to get one in Belait). And also to find Hanisah and Joshua.
Weird combination - one 23 years old Chinese girl, one 23 years old (coming 24 next week) Malay girl and one 18 years old Chinese Boy.
But we do have something in common.. Observing people and give "comments".
Aiks! Out of topic again!
* * *
After eating 5 scoops of ice creams in Swenson, (I know I know, so fattening can die. But who cares...), we walked down to the lobby area and started our MP3 player hunt.
After eating 5 scoops of ice creams in Swenson, (I know I know, so fattening can die. But who cares...), we walked down to the lobby area and started our MP3 player hunt.
After walking around several booths, I came with a conclusion.
BITEX = el Cheapo Pasar
Actually BITEX stands for, Brunei Information Technology EXhibition.
"Technology exhibition" my foot!
"Technology exhibition" my foot!
I know what I said is offensive. But hey, this is BITEX, a computer fair. Not some Made in China pirated stuffs expo.
I don't see anything new and amazing pun. Other than some decent laptops, CPUs and others like HDD, ram and so on.. the rest are all pirated MP3, MP4 players and some other fancy useless USB stuffs.
No kidding.
I don't see anything new and amazing pun. Other than some decent laptops, CPUs and others like HDD, ram and so on.. the rest are all pirated MP3, MP4 players and some other fancy useless USB stuffs.
No kidding.

And some people actually thought that they'd got themselves a good bargain buying an "iPod Nano" for B$30.00. I wonder what were they thinking...
Awkwardly, it was even in Brunei's news...
Disgruntled consumers have gone to AV Electronics Sdn Bhd (AVE), @ AppleCentre Brunei, with hopes of getting their iPods fixed, only to find out that they had bought a knock-off of the original iPod, which cannot be fixed by AVE or any authorised Apple Service Provider.
Read more here.
* * *
If those iPod(s) are not enough for you, here.. we have more.

A MP4 player in mobile phone disguise.
And this,
And this,

(All name created for fun by yours truly)
I have to admit that I was pretty impressed by it. It's a MP3/ MP4 player which also has the camera function and you can even play games with it.
(I swear, I saw the salesman playing Super Mario with this)
How much? B$178 for 1GB. Not bad huh?
Thanks but no thanks, I still support original stuffs, rather than this piece of made-in-China ugly plastic copying people's design.
* * *
And if you noticed in previous photos, they actually just hung those players as if those are bunches of bananas! See also no appetite liao lar.

I went up to the counter and said, "MP3 shuffle one.", as if I'm ordering "Milo Peng Satu". Without testing and any checking, I took money out from my wallet and paid the cashier.
In the end, this is what I got for mum. Brand-less Shuffle. 1GB - B$37.00
Yes yes, I'm clearly aware that it is a pirated one. And I will not bring it back to AV Electronics for warranty. =p
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The other reason why I felt like I MUST go to the BITEX is because.... I was there for all the past 6 years and this is my very first time not being there for the straight 5 days standing from 10am - 11pm!
I bet most of you knew it already, I worked in local computer shop before I became a teacher.
(Perhaps I'm now hearing a loud "OHHHH!!! No wonder this girl looks so familiar!". Or in Bahasa Brunei, it'll be "Macam panah liat".)
Yes, I was there for BITEX 2001 - 2006.
2001 - Setia Kenangan Hall, Kiulap
2002 - Indoor Stadium
2003 - The building at Bandar opposite the bus terminal
(I'd forgotten the name. Can someone help me here?)
2004 ~ 2006 - The Mall Gadong.
Apparently, CFKing didn't joined BITEX this year. Well, they have their own reasons I guess? Let me
BITEX 2006
Singaporean and Malaysians, you guys PC fairs are way interesting than ours. At least you people has hot sexy how girls and more advance technology on display.
And if I could, I'll definitely go for Taiwan's COMPUTEX . Just look at the stack of product brochures and name cards my ex-boss brought back from one single trip. Of course, he also took a lot of photos with those cute and sexy show girls. Oh well, man. (click here)
(I wonder if I was closing my eyes or my eyes are really that small!)
If you wonder how come I always have so many things to say, perhaps this entry answers your question, I was a salesperson! I talked a lot, to total strangers.And now that I'm a teacher, I talk to myself for hours. Beat that!
But even though, I still hate those escalator + entrance stalkers. You know, those who just stood by there and giving every passerby brochures while talking to their friends or chewing gums.
(Sorry if some feel offended with the term "stalker", but.. don't you think they can be a little annoying at times?)
Not all people are interested in buying it right? Some just take it, and later throw them into the nearest bin. Come one people, have some heart...
Love our Earth! Help the trees and forest!
Decrease deforestation!
* * *
So Bruneians, what do you feel about BITEX for this year?And non-Bruneians, what do you tink?