Friend: So where you work now?
Me: Part of MOE.
Friend: Huh?
Me: I'm a teacher now lar.
Felt pretty insulted actually. But couldn't blame them. I bet most of my ex-classmates had never expected me in becoming a teacher.
Me: Why? Cannot meh?
Friend: No lah.. But you.... you're...
Me: What? Being noisy and kacau in class last time mean I cannot be a teacher now lah is it?
Friend: Errr... Er.... Something like that kua?
(Sorry for the ultra broken English in the conversation)
Okay, let me rewind and show you how was I like as a student starting from kindergarten.
* * * * *

Ya, I'm the little girl with coconut-fringe like bitten by rats.
Small eyes, flat nose and super round face like being drawn by a compass. Sadly, my figures never changed much... I'm now 23 and am still having the small sepet eyes, the flat tongkeng nose and pancake face.
(Hey, it's ok for me saying myself like that. Not for you to describe me later outside. Please take note ya.)
I don't really have the popular cute girl material that make adults go like, "OH!! SO CUTE!", and I bet my kindergarten even forgot there's a "King Siaw Chin" in her class.
I was never noticed. Because I'm not the loudest singing "哥哥爸爸真偉大“, I'm not the smartest in class with the best handwriting, I'm not the ma-ma-fan-fan kid who pee or crap in the pants and I don't cry.
So...... average.
it doesn't really matter if I attended school I guess. Doesn't make any difference, except when it comes to school fee and stupid donations.
So that's me, age 3 - 4. In kindergarten "Big" and "Small" Yellow class.
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Small eyes, flat nose and super round face like being drawn by a compass. Sadly, my figures never changed much... I'm now 23 and am still having the small sepet eyes, the flat tongkeng nose and pancake face.
(Hey, it's ok for me saying myself like that. Not for you to describe me later outside. Please take note ya.)
I don't really have the popular cute girl material that make adults go like, "OH!! SO CUTE!", and I bet my kindergarten even forgot there's a "King Siaw Chin" in her class.
I was never noticed. Because I'm not the loudest singing "哥哥爸爸真偉大“, I'm not the smartest in class with the best handwriting, I'm not the ma-ma-fan-fan kid who pee or crap in the pants and I don't cry.
So...... average.
it doesn't really matter if I attended school I guess. Doesn't make any difference, except when it comes to school fee and stupid donations.
So that's me, age 3 - 4. In kindergarten "Big" and "Small" Yellow class.
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Then primary, I couldn't remember much about that though.
I know that I became more talkative and outgoing. Once in awhile I'll "accidentally" forgot that I had homework to finish. But I was never in a 'B' class.
I'm never the person who came out of witty ideas, but I'm the "follower". If majority did that, I'll just blindly follow.
Still, I'm not important in school lah. Not super naughty, nor the brightest in class. So So.
I know that I became more talkative and outgoing. Once in awhile I'll "accidentally" forgot that I had homework to finish. But I was never in a 'B' class.
I'm never the person who came out of witty ideas, but I'm the "follower". If majority did that, I'll just blindly follow.
Still, I'm not important in school lah. Not super naughty, nor the brightest in class. So So.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ah Ha~ Secondary. Lots and lots of juicy thing happened at this stage. Same goes for everyone I know.
Ah Ha~ Secondary. Lots and lots of juicy thing happened at this stage. Same goes for everyone I know.
And I bet ALL, okay.. maybe MOST of the teachers who ever taught me will never forget me.
I was noisy, talkative and very kacau.
There's this teacher who hated me, everything also go in my "account". (Meaning, if anything happen in the class, I'm the first to be questioned)
I remembered once someone left a pair of scissor on the teacher's chair. Thebitch teacher came into to the class, saw the scissor and started to scold us like mad woman thinking we purposely want to poke her butt I guess.
Unfortunately, until today we all still have no idea who's the culprit who left it there. And the worst of all is, the teacher secretly told my friends that she think it's me. See, do nothing also kana blamed.
ALAMAK! If I want to do prank on her I also won't choose to put scissor lah, put also put the twisted staple which is less visible what. Brainless!
I had a really bad image maybe.
But I'm not the kind of "bad student" leh.
I never fail my exams, I never cheated in exams (monthly test and pop quiz excluded), I don't smoke, I don't wear black/red bras underneath my semi-transparent white shirt, I never dye my hair, my nails are always short.
Okay lah, I did brought "blanco", in your word- Tipex or white correction fluid to school. (It's banned)
Still, I'm good what. Maybe just a little too talkative and hyper active.
Ceng Ceng Ceng. ITB!
I was noisy, talkative and very kacau.
There's this teacher who hated me, everything also go in my "account". (Meaning, if anything happen in the class, I'm the first to be questioned)
I remembered once someone left a pair of scissor on the teacher's chair. The
Unfortunately, until today we all still have no idea who's the culprit who left it there. And the worst of all is, the teacher secretly told my friends that she think it's me. See, do nothing also kana blamed.
ALAMAK! If I want to do prank on her I also won't choose to put scissor lah, put also put the twisted staple which is less visible what. Brainless!
I had a really bad image maybe.
But I'm not the kind of "bad student" leh.
I never fail my exams, I never cheated in exams (monthly test and pop quiz excluded), I don't smoke, I don't wear black/red bras underneath my semi-transparent white shirt, I never dye my hair, my nails are always short.
Okay lah, I did brought "blanco", in your word- Tipex or white correction fluid to school. (It's banned)
Still, I'm good what. Maybe just a little too talkative and hyper active.
* * * * *
Last week when we went to 48 house for a mini gathering, she was laughing and saying.. "Can't believe that you're a teacher now. You're so "soi" when it comes to teacher. You even got scolded when you're just sneezing!"
Pretty sad huh. Sneeze also kana marah. Not like I purposely sneeze one what.
Those who were in the same class with me should know that I have a very sensitive nose. I'm the one who can't get enough tissue to sneeze and blow my nose on. Yah, maybe because I sneezed too loud. But what the hell... is it wrong to sneeze?
What to do, class clown always get the blame.
Plus, my best friends in school are all so obedient and straight away students, with them.. it just make me look so bad.
But I still love them~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pretty sad huh. Sneeze also kana marah. Not like I purposely sneeze one what.
Those who were in the same class with me should know that I have a very sensitive nose. I'm the one who can't get enough tissue to sneeze and blow my nose on. Yah, maybe because I sneezed too loud. But what the hell... is it wrong to sneeze?
What to do, class clown always get the blame.
Plus, my best friends in school are all so obedient and straight away students, with them.. it just make me look so bad.
But I still love them~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ceng Ceng Ceng. ITB!
(Don't tell me you never sleep in class!)
I was juggling in between my part-time job and studies. I went to school like everyone else, from 8am - 12am, if there's no tutorial class in the afternoon, I'll start my part time job from 1pm to 7.30pm.... But most of the time got home late because I had no transport and were highly dependent on colleagues who always OT.
And during the busiest time like exhibition, hahahaa... I'll escaped class because that's the best opportunity to earn the extra commission!
Ah, all my lecturers know I had a part time job lah. I had to work to lessen the family's burden. They're quite understanding though. And sometimes they even asked me to give discount or check prices with me when they want to buy something.
Hehhehee. Feels bit weird but funny.
* * * * *

There was this time when I was quietly reading my book, ignoring the lecturer babbling to (himself rather than) the whole class, sekali.. he noticed it and marah me like no tomorrow in front of the whole class. I felt humiliated!
All CIS 18 who were in the class will never forget that moment!
Excuse me, at the back row there were some who's playing game on their laptop, some sleeping and some eating.. Why am I so unlucky????
Cilaka one... He was in a bad mood and took it all out on me.
Really "sway" man...
All CIS 18 who were in the class will never forget that moment!
Excuse me, at the back row there were some who's playing game on their laptop, some sleeping and some eating.. Why am I so unlucky????
Cilaka one... He was in a bad mood and took it all out on me.
Really "sway" man...
And during the tutorial class, the lecturer asked if I could answer the question on the board,
Lecturer: King, can you answer that question?
Me: Sorry sir. I don't know how.
Lecturer: Of course you don't know, you were SLEEPING justnow.
Sibeh malu!
This one I have no alasan. I'm wrong...
But, there's a couple of lecturers who's really really sweet and nice.
I remembered when the place I stayed was on fired, all my books were gone and Symey, my lecture gave me her copy of the ultra thick C Programming book. That book not cheap you know. Very touched leh.
Actually, I thought most lecturers will dislike me (based from the history), surprisingly my cousin who's currently studying in ITB taking the same course as me told me that my lecturers actually praise me a lot in front of her.
(What, Love in heart, mouth hard to say is it?)
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So you see, I was never a teacher's pet who's adored, loved and given extra shiny stickers or stars on the exercise book.
But now I'm a teacher myself.
I remind myself that I shall never be bias and pilih kasih.
Every student has the right to study and learn, not judging by their family background or academic results.
And, were you a teacher's pet last time? Or you have the same unlucky encounters like me?