Bummer. I plucked in my card reader and there's no response. The same thing happened when Kelly tried plucked in her external hard disk too. Oh my darling USB port, don't die on me! I still love my A7n8X-deluxe very much! I don't want to spend money on it ahhhhhhhh...
Anyway, I paid Ladies saloon a visit again yesterday to pimp my hair. *tsk tsk* Took some pictures but like I said, my card reader is not working so this is going to be a boring no-picture entry.
Chinese New Year in only 9 days time.
New clothes - Only one blouse so far.... Last minute shopping is my tradition.
Spring cleaning - Mum said I just need to clear up my own mess and that's already a big favour.
Kuih Muihs - Never exist in my house since my mum prefer cooking chicken-wine-noodles for guests.
Soft drinks - Never buy too. Even one carton also cannot finish. Mother prefer brewing red date teas.
Oh ya, it's impossible to find ice water and ice cubes at my house too.
And also microwave...
The boyfriend's birthday in less than 2 weeks time.
Preparation - None! I haven't even start doing his birthday cards and have no idea what to buy for him again. Was thinking mobile phone but we kind of had a deal about "No expensive gifts before he get a job".
Valentine's day again...
Sigh! Why do his birthday has to be 3 days away from Valentine's day?! Kanasai man.
The saddest thing is.. I'm already 24 and the number of angpaos received each year is decreasing pathetically. And, it's bloody awkward for me to receive it from friend's parents as well. Very paiseh wah.
And according to Geomancy Hut (Chinese Horoscope for year of Rat), I should not get involved in any risky activities, meaning... stay away from gambling. No CNY gambling for me this year. Well, still better than this uncle who's asked not to eat raw food. Hahahah!
Jan, I can eat Salmon sashimi and you can't!
*childish tone* Neh neh neh neh neh~ No Shake for you!
Oh ya, I'm going back to Sibu for Chinese New Year. But the bad news is.... my bookings (air tickets) are still on waiting list. Meaning, there's a very high possibility that I have to be stuck in the bus with a lot of strangers together with their huge luggages, and chicken and ducks quacking....
Let's just hope no one is bringing durian.
Argh... bad mood now.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
It's a Larryful Night
[Stolen pic]
Finally, after hours of discussions and hundreds of emails, our long-waited night finally happened!
It was planned (kinda) last minute and Lois Lane asked if I'll like to be part of the organizing committee. Without second thought, I said yes. So days later we came up with the invitation, road map, program rundown and name tags.
We went to Seri Kandi at around 1pm to get things ready. Table arrangements, sponsored gifts and prizes and final check on everything. And Lois brought along her Superman and a man that she claimed who's randomly picked up from the street. *cough* free-kuli *cough*
The name tags were last-minute work. No thanks to those who only confirmed the day before event. And lucky for me as I had my boyfriend gluing all the tags while waiting for my facial treatment and also Lois (not her real name of course) sticking the pins up.

I really had a good laugh while watching her sticking 'em up. It's true, she's the Undomestic Goddess. But still, I really appreciate her effort for helping out with the tags.
(Check out how she cross-taped my tag. See bottom left picture)

Being there early also got benefit one.
Played pretend and took as many pictures as we like!

Again, I was the earliest to arrive.
Watching everything getting in place and the chefs preparing the delicacies.

Smart backdrop.
Just need to change the 1st to 2nd and we can re-use it again for the next one.

The two beautiful receptionists who helped out a lot last night

I'm easily bought. They asked if I'm Chinese and I said yes. "See, all Chinese girls look hot and gorgeous." Aww... I'm flattered and I won't go question their level of honesty. Even if you force me too.
Busy-ing at the reception table

These two men really helped out a lot by making sure everybody got the goodies bags and no prizes were left unlabeled.

Love this pic to bits!
(L-R: Rano, Alin, KayBee, Pablo, Nonnie, Wandi and BinKhalid)
(L-R: Rano, Alin, KayBee, Pablo, Nonnie, Wandi and BinKhalid)

Apparently our emcee didn't show up and so Mr. Shaikh Khalid was the one doing the opening and emcee-d part time for us. Where as Lois carried on with the rest of the night.
Kudos darling. We don't need one for the future anymore.
Kudos darling. We don't need one for the future anymore.

Second speech by Pablo,
who was too busy to print out his speech thus read it from his MacBook instead.
who was too busy to print out his speech thus read it from his MacBook instead.

Third, Marul from DST Simpur Blogging Nation.
"There are 3 blogs 'born' daily in Brunei"
After the speech, DINNER TIME!!!
(Sorry, no pictures of food because I was too hungry and the queue was really long for the lamb and pasta "stalls")
Mr. Bin Khalid was really creative with the display of food. There's Rojak counter, Pasta counter, Lamb and Beed counter, Penang Laksa counter, and every day's favorite section (plain rice, cockles, prawns, and ketams!).
Not forgetting desserts and fruits!
Seriously, I was expecting the usuals such as plain rice, yellow rice, curry, rendang and mixed vegetables. Mr. Khalid sure was very generous with us. Remember during the meeting Lois asked, "Ada kambing?", and he answered "Sure. Why not?".
Lucky us.

Some interesting facts for you:
- When kor-kor Reeda saw me, he straight away said, "Eh, Hu-chew-neng." . I was left dumbfounded for few seconds until I could responded, "YOU CAN SPEAK FOOCHOW??!!!!"
So malu can die. Apparently, he can speaks better and more proper Foochow than I do. Considering me myself as 100% pure Kalew. -___-" - Alin used to be my ex-classmate for 3 months back in the early ITB days.
Small world huh?
Dang and Nya

My darling who came just for me. *terkarang* Big face.
Still, I felt bad for not sitting with her. Sorry dang.
Mini Girly Bloggers Gathering!
And... what are the chances to bump into your own students on a bloggers night?
Brother of Bling-Bling-Sisters and Sister of Qamaruz, Hakeem and Tyyra.
Also, my students.
(whose going to outgrown me in years)
Also, my students.
(whose going to outgrown me in years)
We had live band performing that night that nearly caused everyone of us suffering from sore throat (for shouting out loud) and the everyone in the family can dance!
Even the old nenek whom I think is 80+ years old!

I don't dance, so I grabbed the chance to go table-hopping instead.

We used to work together in the bad ol' days. Like, the darkest moment ever in my life. I told myself, if I can survive the tortures given by that bloody company, there's basically nothing to fear anymore when I work elsewhere. True or not Dee?
Mrs Gokil, pretty and bubbly as ever.
Bah, its 3 against 0 now, when are you guys gonna pop out one?
The young ones

When I first Affy at the reception table, I couldn't help but asked him if he had powdered up his face. Hahahahhaa! Seriously, from the previous photos that I ever saw from either Stels blog or flickr albums, Affy's face looks silky smooth in real life.
Well, he claimed that he didn't put on anything on his face.
So I guess its the change of hormones or rush of adrenaline that is doing the trick.
Men and their long things, I mean lenses.

After dining and some dances, we had a short social interactive game. Idea contributed by yours truly.
Bloggers were asked to jot down three things about their blog or them and brought it along to the party (and I appreciate those who did it). Later the emcee will read them out one by one and the rest will guess who the blogger is.
You know, sometimes you go to party and meet lot of people but end up forgetting them later. So I thought this game might get everyone closer and know each other better.
Rano's tip were: Social, Sporty, and Long scroll!
Maurina's : Bold, Informative-ism, and I can't remember the last one.
Muaz's : Honest. Very particular about English mistakes and loves art.
(#2 kind of scared me honestly.)
Liza's: Lois Lane (easy!), blog about happenings in KB (aiyaa.. who cannot answer really have to ta-pi-ku (hit buttocks)) and .. I forgot the third one again.
And mine...
1. Blog url was made up of the first two letters of my (Chinese) name.
(Everyone was quiet...)
2. I suck in camwhoring.
(Crowd shouted, "NONNIE!")
-_-" See, everyone knows I suck in that and its a no secret. Liza didn't need to mention the last one before they go guessing.
Actually my third tip was, "My blog was nominated as one of the top 5 Best Personal Blog".
No prize for correct answers. But there's prizes to be given away for the next game.
It was funny when Liza read out Qamaruz blog url. Eee-ann-gor---what? iamgeorgenuzuka. How do you exactly read that actually?
The suddenly-become-very-famous Larry Game.
15 bloggers were picked and lined up together.
The first person had to say, "Hi Larry", then the second person will continue and say "What Larry?", "But Larry" for the third and the last one is "Bye Larry".
So its,
Hi Larry
What Larry
But Larry
Bye Larry.

The three finalists for the game

Guess who won?
All Bandar-ians!
Proud Sexy Mancy

Not only that, she even won the last lucky draw prize for the night! We're all teasing her that she should migrate to KB since lady luck was on her side when she's here.

Battles of the BEST!

And you decide who will win the
(Lose to them I also don't mind lah actually.
Big shots kali ah~ How to fight?)
Big shots kali ah~ How to fight?)
And the night ended with people jogek-ing on the dance floor.

I tried, and failed badly. I have no rhythm...
Unlike this fellow, who used to be a dance instructor!
Oh ya, I forgot to mention.... I won a B$20 international calling card!
First time in 24 years of my life that I won something out of lucky draw!

Related posts (in no particular order):
Maurina: Lucky strike only in KB
Rano: A night trip to KB
Pablo: It was a night that...
KB Happening: It's been fun
Anak Brunei : Hi Larry, What Larry, But Larry, Bye Larry
Muaz: KB Happened
Ucingitam: Not a Ghost Town
The Gokils : Hi Larry, What Larry, But Larry, Bye Larry
Badi Latif: Definition of Fun! KB Style!
Zamri Zainal: KB Bloggers Nite
Iskandar: 1st KB Bloggers Nite
Safarul: KB BLoggers Night
Qamaruz: Live on
Beyla: KB sungguh Happening!
Bling-Bling-Sisters: KB Bloggers Night
Kurapak : KB Bloggers Night
Bulimic : KB-licious Part 1
(Will add in more if I left out any)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Call me Phai Kar
Okay, first thing first (I know, some of you are wondering what the heck is Phai-Kar.. Sabar wah), to reward me myself for my super-ganas-fearless-bold-and-spunky act by posting the Kungfu Hustle Landlady look-a-like photo of me up, I wish you post up some really rare photos of me camwhoring.
Some more doing the inward peace sign..
which my friend told me it means "Up yours" in other country.
(Hey! I thought bloggers are all excused for being narcissist?)

See, springy and bouncy. Ching-chai pose also will look nice. Some more no need to comb. I likey! Designated for malas person like me who's always clueless about hairdo early in the morning.
But after sweating, stinking (the chemical bah), shampooing and conditioning.. hilang the magic.
Like I told Senor Pablo and Senora Liza, my hair now looks disastrous.... I called them "Indomee-gone-bad".
(You don't have to comment that, yet)

A waaa.. It's MY foot bah! I know it looks like some Indon or Bangla construction worker punya because of those dark toes and the non-exfoliated foot.
No Doctor Fish in Brunei (yet) bah.
Those fishes eat dead skin from humans feet. How noble.
I already have a pair of hippo thighs, now I have the complete package.
(Swollen) Hippo foot.
Of course, to treat sprained ankle like this, urut is the only way and my masseur is the queen, my mother. I was screaming, squealing and wriggling my body like a worm that my mum commented that she thought she was a butcher slaughtering a pig. -___-"
She was yapping non-stop, "Tahan pain, if not delay next time more painful ah", "Like that already scream like pig, you still haven't rasa when auntie (her sifu) urut", and the most kanasai one is, "Pain ah? I already (urut) very light liao. I didn't use my full strength leh"
Mother, you don't know youngsters nowadays are made out of tofu meh?
Anyway my foot feels so much better now.
It has to be better because I want to have fun on this coming Saturday. I wouldn't want see everyone happily taking pictures and mingling around while I sit and sulk alone.
Okie, back to work now.
Snip snip snip and glue glue glue.

Yup, I'm making name tags again.
Stay tune!
Some more doing the inward peace sign..
which my friend told me it means "Up yours" in other country.
(Hey! I thought bloggers are all excused for being narcissist?)
Hair fresh from the oven... I mean saloon.

See, springy and bouncy. Ching-chai pose also will look nice. Some more no need to comb. I likey! Designated for malas person like me who's always clueless about hairdo early in the morning.
But after sweating, stinking (the chemical bah), shampooing and conditioning.. hilang the magic.
Like I told Senor Pablo and Senora Liza, my hair now looks disastrous.... I called them "Indomee-gone-bad".
(You don't have to comment that, yet)
Now back to the topic.
"What is Phai-Kar?", you asked.
No, its not some Tom Yam soup ingredient nor the name of Thai tranny.
Phai Kar is actually a Hokkien slang of saying someone who walks with a limp.
Ya, a limp!
I sprained my ankle.
Yesterday while playing netball with my students. Bravo.
I was playing GS and while jumping up to catch the ball, my fellow student, who was playing GK from the opposing team stood too close to me. And heroism suddenly hit me. I tried to avoid bumping into her and thus landed with my foot senget... as in bended inward.
This wasn't the first time I sprained my ankle. The last time happened while I jumped down from my bed when I was in secondary 3. Well, at least this time I felt more proud to say the reason how did I get hurt.
Damn painful can.
I had to drive my (manual!) car back some more.
Lucky it was the right foot and not the left. Else I really don't know how to press in the clutch till it reach the very end.
My Poor Foot
"What is Phai-Kar?", you asked.
No, its not some Tom Yam soup ingredient nor the name of Thai tranny.
Phai Kar is actually a Hokkien slang of saying someone who walks with a limp.
Ya, a limp!
I sprained my ankle.
Yesterday while playing netball with my students. Bravo.
I was playing GS and while jumping up to catch the ball, my fellow student, who was playing GK from the opposing team stood too close to me. And heroism suddenly hit me. I tried to avoid bumping into her and thus landed with my foot senget... as in bended inward.
This wasn't the first time I sprained my ankle. The last time happened while I jumped down from my bed when I was in secondary 3. Well, at least this time I felt more proud to say the reason how did I get hurt.
Damn painful can.
I had to drive my (manual!) car back some more.
Lucky it was the right foot and not the left. Else I really don't know how to press in the clutch till it reach the very end.
My Poor Foot

A waaa.. It's MY foot bah! I know it looks like some Indon or Bangla construction worker punya because of those dark toes and the non-exfoliated foot.
No Doctor Fish in Brunei (yet) bah.
Those fishes eat dead skin from humans feet. How noble.
I already have a pair of hippo thighs, now I have the complete package.
(Swollen) Hippo foot.
Of course, to treat sprained ankle like this, urut is the only way and my masseur is the queen, my mother. I was screaming, squealing and wriggling my body like a worm that my mum commented that she thought she was a butcher slaughtering a pig. -___-"
She was yapping non-stop, "Tahan pain, if not delay next time more painful ah", "Like that already scream like pig, you still haven't rasa when auntie (her sifu) urut", and the most kanasai one is, "Pain ah? I already (urut) very light liao. I didn't use my full strength leh"
Mother, you don't know youngsters nowadays are made out of tofu meh?
Anyway my foot feels so much better now.
It has to be better because I want to have fun on this coming Saturday. I wouldn't want see everyone happily taking pictures and mingling around while I sit and sulk alone.
Okie, back to work now.
Snip snip snip and glue glue glue.
Hilang the glamorousness.

Yup, I'm making name tags again.
Stay tune!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
/this is a boring post because the blogger is going to blog like a 16years old, the whole I-did-this-I-went-there thingie/
I can't believe I'm saying this but, I had a really productive weekend!!!
No, I didn't tidy up my room or wash my car that sort of thing.
I went shopping with my mom!
Not just some nearby supermarkets, all the way to Tutong Hua Ho okay.
Fine, I know its just 50km away and its almost nothing compare to the trips I made just to see the boyfriend. The thing is, it meant something to me because my mom is always busy and hardly spent time relaxing at home. She has more outings than me and I'm the one sulking at home and complained that she's going out too much! Ridiculous right?
So yeah, 3 hours of shopping floors by floors, sections by sections, racks by racks.
Seriously, I can't remember the last time I shopped without frowning and shouting "Tired already. I want to sit laaaa!". Well, anything for the queen.
*Those who can go on shopping for hours and days, I salute you*
I really felt like an old hag lor. Most of the time I was saying "Don't buy lah, no nice one. Later don't use/eat waste money nia". And she terpulang said, "Aiyooo... why you keep pouring cold water one?"
(pour cold water - discourage / be negative of)
I had to right? She bought a packet of COFFEE JELLY for God's sake!
I mean,
coffee ok.
Jelly ok also.
But coffee + jelly, ok kan?
She's a coffee junkie and I hate coffee. Does that clear things up for you?
Anyway, the trip was fruitful for her.
As for me, I bought a door mat (for my lab) and a square frying pan. So auntie right?
Oh ya, there's something else that I bought that would make me feel more like a normal girl.
Panties. Some more forced by the queen one (CNY coming bah).
I have no idea why some girls/ ladies love to buy lingerie so much. Or tabalik the question, why do I hate the idea of shopping for undergarments so troublesome? I think I'm abnormal, I'm already 24 and yet still feel shy sometimes when standing in front of the Triumph or Pierre Cardin labels.
Someone spare me some shopping-genes.
I'm lack of it.
Yeah, lack of it sampai the boyfriend had to "encourage" me to do more shopping.
And today I finally get to meet some big shots in person. Had a 2+ hours meeting along with some kuacis and sandwiches. *Hopes everything will go smoothly on that day*
When I got home, I drafted out the map of KB and man, I think KB should get awarded for being
Just a short driving distance of approximately 5mins, drivers have to come across 3 roundabouts. Each maybe just 2km apart! I mean for that particular area lah.
Has anyone counted how many roundabout KB has by the way?
(Maybe I will one day if I got really curious and have nothing better to do that day. You know, people tend to do silly thing when boredom strikes)
What is the meeting and map for?
You guys will know soon.
I think I become more domesticated since I passed my 24th birthday, which I don't know if it's a good thing or not.
I tried cooking again yesterday.
This time, Chinese Dumplings!
Don't play play. I made both vegetarian (for the queen) and meat one and everyone said it tasted good! My first attempt leh! Like I say, I think I'm talented in cooking. I rarely cook but the food I cooked never tasted bad. And, I don't really follow instructions from the recipe and I never measure or weight the ingredients. Just suka-hati mix and match. *cue snobbish face*

Looks quite nice right?
While wrapping the dumpling, some irritating flies kept buzzing around me and my mum talked to it,
"Flies an flies, go elsewhere cari makan ok?"
"Ya, go find some sh*t to eat." ,I followed.
"Cannot... Where got people say find sh*t to eat one? If the flies really go there and fly back here lagi not good ah."
Sorry ah, my mom has the habit of talking to every living and non-living thing she knows. Including her plants, my terrapins, the stray cats and even the TV sometimes when it's not working.
And when I brought it over to my neighbor to try, my auntie was saying, "Wah... seems like you cook more and more liao ah". I answered, "Ya, because I'm aging and turning into an auntie"
Then she had to drop the million dollar comment again, "Now learn then right timing already. Another few more years then can put into great use."
I cooked for my own pleasure lah.
Not using as a "bonus point" to fish guys or weapon to lock my future husband's tummy.
Sigh. Only 24 and people are already ushering me to get married.
Geez. What happened to the whole "career women", "new modern age women" and "Gender-fair" concepts?
I thought only the 9 years old me had the mindset of getting hitched at 24?
(My phone rang while blogging)
Some idiot just called my handphone! Stupid!
Idiot: Halo! Halo! *mumbles mumbles mumbles*
Me: Err... I think you got the wrong number.
Idiot: Who are you?
Me: Hey, you called this number and you should be the one telling me who are you looking for.
Idiot: Oh no, I just checking if my phone working.
*puke blood*
What a moron!
Hello mister. If you want to check if your phone is working, send it to a repair shop or just miss call your friend lah! Why waste your credit (and mine too) ?! How come one not know if his/her phone is working?
"I just checking if my phone working"
Inner injury now!
Really kek-si by these kind of people.
Sigh. Spoil my day nia.
I can't believe I'm saying this but, I had a really productive weekend!!!
No, I didn't tidy up my room or wash my car that sort of thing.
I went shopping with my mom!
Not just some nearby supermarkets, all the way to Tutong Hua Ho okay.
Fine, I know its just 50km away and its almost nothing compare to the trips I made just to see the boyfriend. The thing is, it meant something to me because my mom is always busy and hardly spent time relaxing at home. She has more outings than me and I'm the one sulking at home and complained that she's going out too much! Ridiculous right?
So yeah, 3 hours of shopping floors by floors, sections by sections, racks by racks.
Seriously, I can't remember the last time I shopped without frowning and shouting "Tired already. I want to sit laaaa!". Well, anything for the queen.
*Those who can go on shopping for hours and days, I salute you*
I really felt like an old hag lor. Most of the time I was saying "Don't buy lah, no nice one. Later don't use/eat waste money nia". And she terpulang said, "Aiyooo... why you keep pouring cold water one?"
(pour cold water - discourage / be negative of)
I had to right? She bought a packet of COFFEE JELLY for God's sake!
I mean,
coffee ok.
Jelly ok also.
But coffee + jelly, ok kan?
She's a coffee junkie and I hate coffee. Does that clear things up for you?
Anyway, the trip was fruitful for her.
As for me, I bought a door mat (for my lab) and a square frying pan. So auntie right?
Oh ya, there's something else that I bought that would make me feel more like a normal girl.
Panties. Some more forced by the queen one (CNY coming bah).
I have no idea why some girls/ ladies love to buy lingerie so much. Or tabalik the question, why do I hate the idea of shopping for undergarments so troublesome? I think I'm abnormal, I'm already 24 and yet still feel shy sometimes when standing in front of the Triumph or Pierre Cardin labels.
Someone spare me some shopping-genes.
I'm lack of it.
Yeah, lack of it sampai the boyfriend had to "encourage" me to do more shopping.
And today I finally get to meet some big shots in person. Had a 2+ hours meeting along with some kuacis and sandwiches. *Hopes everything will go smoothly on that day*
When I got home, I drafted out the map of KB and man, I think KB should get awarded for being
Just a short driving distance of approximately 5mins, drivers have to come across 3 roundabouts. Each maybe just 2km apart! I mean for that particular area lah.
Has anyone counted how many roundabout KB has by the way?
(Maybe I will one day if I got really curious and have nothing better to do that day. You know, people tend to do silly thing when boredom strikes)
What is the meeting and map for?
You guys will know soon.
I think I become more domesticated since I passed my 24th birthday, which I don't know if it's a good thing or not.
I tried cooking again yesterday.
This time, Chinese Dumplings!
Don't play play. I made both vegetarian (for the queen) and meat one and everyone said it tasted good! My first attempt leh! Like I say, I think I'm talented in cooking. I rarely cook but the food I cooked never tasted bad. And, I don't really follow instructions from the recipe and I never measure or weight the ingredients. Just suka-hati mix and match. *cue snobbish face*

Looks quite nice right?
While wrapping the dumpling, some irritating flies kept buzzing around me and my mum talked to it,
"Flies an flies, go elsewhere cari makan ok?"
"Ya, go find some sh*t to eat." ,I followed.
"Cannot... Where got people say find sh*t to eat one? If the flies really go there and fly back here lagi not good ah."
Sorry ah, my mom has the habit of talking to every living and non-living thing she knows. Including her plants, my terrapins, the stray cats and even the TV sometimes when it's not working.
And when I brought it over to my neighbor to try, my auntie was saying, "Wah... seems like you cook more and more liao ah". I answered, "Ya, because I'm aging and turning into an auntie"
Then she had to drop the million dollar comment again, "Now learn then right timing already. Another few more years then can put into great use."
I cooked for my own pleasure lah.
Not using as a "bonus point" to fish guys or weapon to lock my future husband's tummy.
Sigh. Only 24 and people are already ushering me to get married.
Geez. What happened to the whole "career women", "new modern age women" and "Gender-fair" concepts?
I thought only the 9 years old me had the mindset of getting hitched at 24?
(My phone rang while blogging)
Some idiot just called my handphone! Stupid!
Idiot: Halo! Halo! *mumbles mumbles mumbles*
Me: Err... I think you got the wrong number.
Idiot: Who are you?
Me: Hey, you called this number and you should be the one telling me who are you looking for.
Idiot: Oh no, I just checking if my phone working.
*puke blood*
What a moron!
Hello mister. If you want to check if your phone is working, send it to a repair shop or just miss call your friend lah! Why waste your credit (and mine too) ?! How come one not know if his/her phone is working?
"I just checking if my phone working"
Inner injury now!
Really kek-si by these kind of people.
Sigh. Spoil my day nia.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Born to be privileged
Went to an insurance company yesterday because it is that time of the year again...
Yeah, car road tax expiring >,<
While waiting for the OL to process my policy, my itchy hand reached out for the brochures placed on her desk. Apparently, the sua-ku (kampong) me was so outdated that I didn't even know that there are so many different type of products such as...
It even covers accidental breakage of clubs leh! Come to think of it, got people purposely go break their clubs one kah? And also Hole in One.
Something that really caught my eyes.
Don't play play. Only for ladies you know.
Am paying the same amount of money as the guys but more privileges.
* Kua Kua Kua Kua *
Another reason why I prefer to have XX chromosomes than XY.
Come to think of it, why for ladies only?
Is it because ladies are more prone to road accidents?
Nevermind, as long as got jiuk-sou (privilege/ benefit).
Guys, don't you dare to look down on female drivers.
With this ladyauto protector we're fearless now! Muahahahahahahhaa!!!!
Yeah, car road tax expiring >,<
While waiting for the OL to process my policy, my itchy hand reached out for the brochures placed on her desk. Apparently, the sua-ku (kampong) me was so outdated that I didn't even know that there are so many different type of products such as...
For your amah, gardener and driver...
for golfers...
Rebbe, this is for you!
It even covers accidental breakage of clubs leh! Come to think of it, got people purposely go break their clubs one kah? And also Hole in One.
What are the chances?
Something that really caught my eyes.
Don't play play. Only for ladies you know.
Am paying the same amount of money as the guys but more privileges.
* Kua Kua Kua Kua *
Another reason why I prefer to have XX chromosomes than XY.
Come to think of it, why for ladies only?
Is it because ladies are more prone to road accidents?
Nevermind, as long as got jiuk-sou (privilege/ benefit).
Guys, don't you dare to look down on female drivers.
With this ladyauto protector we're fearless now! Muahahahahahahhaa!!!!
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