Maybe because this is another pair who had proven to me wrong about "Couples who dated too long might end up separating, and marry another person whom he/she has only known for 3months". Yeah, I kinda pessimistic about relationships sometimes. But true what, I bet most of you had come across couples like that.
I love the whole 有情人终成眷属 thingie!
28 December 2007
One fine morning (Thank God for the good weather! You know la.. rainy seasons now mah, somemore Seria might get flooded again leh), birds happily chirping, family members of bride busy around the house and cars slowly filled in the whole parking space and ran up to see the young and beautiful bride...

... who was still getting ready for her big day.

Yes you see right. That was a red potty behind the pretty bride.
Ed: Chinese pantang- The potty is for a young (virgin) boy to jump on the bridal bed and later pee on it (with the potty of course) to symbolize 早生贵子 (Give birth quick quick). Its an auspicious act really.
Which lead me thinking...
- What if the bride was already pregnant? What's the point?
- What if the bride is a transwoman? How to get pregnant wor?
Then there was the
Non-halal drink + One sour drink + One bitter drink + One super sweet drink

... all mixed up
And also Tuna + Wasabi Sandwiches. Yummm~
And also Tuna + Wasabi Sandwiches. Yummm~

And the "can't wait to (娶老婆) kahwin" groom arrived earlier than the expected time!

with cute Teddies

and a bouquet of red roses

Along with his entourage who thinks we're deaf.

I mean, what's with that portable loudspeaker uncle brother?
Tips #1 for groom to be:
Get friends who either are good in drinking, or have a big belly to hold the drinks and food.
Round 1 - Finish up all the drinks and food prepared.
Tips #1 for groom to be:
Get friends who either are good in drinking, or have a big belly to hold the drinks and food.
Round 1 - Finish up all the drinks and food prepared.

Tips #2 for groom to be:
And also friend with big lungs to hold enough air to negotiate with the sassy girls and blow balloons. =D
Round 2 -Blow up all two packets of balloons.

Tips #3 for groom to be:
You also need friends who are physically fit.
Round 3 - 100 push ups to be divided by 5 "brothers".
Don't play play, the guys had no say at all when dealing with Yuen.

This is what I call 挨义气,
"Brother.. For you, I.... WILL!"
"Brother.. For you, I.... WILL!"

Tips #4 for groom to be:
Get fully loaded... with angpaos to be given away!

Then finally, the door opened and the groom and bride united, kissed and live happily ever after.

Not so fast laaa.....
Still got a lot haven't do yet., like posing for cameras la...

Pray pray

Of course, what's a wedding without tea ceremony.

Tips #1 for bride to be:
You need to do some work out not only for your killer body, but also for your neck so that its strong enough to hold the weight of gold necklaces given and also, hands for bracelets too.
At the meantime, the brothers will help to load the bride's luggage and all sort of "Auscipicious Items", such as the plastic red potty and bath tub into the cars. Yes, one car is not enough.
Tips #5 for groom to be:
Prepare a virgin/non-virgin check list for your friends so that you can assigned those luggage lifting job for him.

HAHHAHAHAH!!! That's what happened really!
While the guys were carrying the stuffs out, the 媒婆 (match maker) said
"Married men cannot carry ah, only virgins. Any virgins here? Any virgins? We need virgins to carry the stuffs."
I was like... "If I'm a guy I don't even know whether I should raise my hand embarrassingly and let everyone knows I'm still a virgin because no one wannna *toot* (with) me, or claimed loudly that I had premarital sex so sorry I'm not a virgin anymore.. Die-Die situation!"
媒婆 (match maker) - Unlike the angmoh's matchmaker who introduces people for the purpose of dating and mating, for Chinese, she's the woman who helps to do all the tedious preparations for the wedding, negotiate for both families, knows all the pantang and tell what the bride and grooms should do.
p/s: They no longer have big black moles near their lips and had a fan on their hands with all the hair bun up.
Finally! We're all ready to send the newly weds to their love nest!

Must eat tang-yuan (glutinous rice balls) which symbolize reunion.
For auspicious purpose again.
For auspicious purpose again.

Saw this portrait of theirs hanging on the wall. So chun lah MeiYu.

30 December 2007
The Chinese letters in bracket means Wedding Banquet.
Which is inevitable to see a syok-sendiri host (MC for the night) to start the night by singing on stage after introducing the newly weds.

Followed by a bowl of shark fin soup after the signature cold dish.

(Some lame guy who sat beside me saw me taking picture for the bowl of soup and said, "Wah.. very handsome hor?", suan me for doing that I guess. But I know people who read blogs will say,"Are you a blogger?" instead if spot someone taking pictures of weird stuffs)
Typical Chinese Wedding Banquet which I'll try my best not to have next time. At least no lame MC, shark fin soup and so-call "Happy Hours" - Uncles singing oldies with that super vibration that they had to force out from their throat if not consider kalah liao.
I hope no one will object when I say no to shark fin. No, I'm not being cheapskate, karit or what, but really... is it a must to have shark fin on every table just to notify people, "Eh, I give you shark din, you give me big angpao understand?"
(I hope you did click the above link because I like the post pretty much. Oh ya, voted for her as well.)
- No offense to those who have traditional weddings. I'm just voicing out my thoughts. Y0u can disagree with me -
Apparently, the Xmas tress in Perish Hall is so much bigger than the one in Empire.

Tips #2 for bride to be:
Prepare your friends to sing on stage.
(YES! The bride actually wrote a note to the MC requesting her friends to sing on stage.)

Then, the champagne shaking session. . .

Wine Pouring
They look so pretty together donchatink? 

And toasting!

Yes, the part which everyone of us yelled our heart out competing who has longer breathe to shout out the infamous phrase...

And toasting!

Yes, the part which everyone of us yelled our heart out competing who has longer breathe to shout out the infamous phrase...
The funny MC who instructed the newly weds to kiss like the dolls behind them.

The kids enjoying watching the show.

The cute kid who accompanied his father up the stage when singing. He was moving around as if he was acting in the MV, lip-singing and looking all emo.
Very very cute kid from HK.
And the father sang, "你的名字我的姓氏", the most suitable song for the night compared to "榕树下" and "做人一定要讲道理".
做人一定要讲道理 <- funny title I know, never know such song existed. Gosh, those uncles sibeh ganas leh.

Eat full full, see enough liao then its time to go home.
The newly weds along with their parents all line up at the exit showing gratitude for the guests who turned up for their wedding.

What? You're not leaving the page until you see a picture of me inside? Ai meh? Don't want la.. I malu wor... Must ah? If you don't see cannot sleep ah? Okay la Okay la.. I force force let you see la. *puke while typing it out*
With the lovey-dovey couple
With the lovey-dovey couple

The 6 out of 8 Garden-Circlings

Chau and Ping, you two pose pose yourself and photoshop your face in it lah okay.
You two big face when come back ah? Sien... no one to talk crap with.
was wondering too...
how come no nonnie?
busy taking pics?
When is Nonnie's turn?
ur face will be during the dinner..
very funny lah.. the most funniest part is whn the guy commented whn utook pics of the shark fins..
and for not married yet, u DO have lots of tips eh.. hahahhaa!
As a food blogger - everytime I also take photos of food and people will give me those weird look - biasa already ;)
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