Plan to cook porridge for Bobby but everything got screwed up because of "her".
Who's "her"? Erm... a "relative" and/or "someone I have to obey in office".
(You clever people, friends of mine can guess who am I refering to already lah. Nyek Nyek)
I feel so damn motivated to cook. Right after habis kerja, I went to Hua-Ho and buy minced chicken and pickled radish to go with the porridge. Then on my way home, I realised I left out my dearest Telur-Masin (Salted Duck Egg) and dropped by the Kedai Kahling to get them.
Don't you just love the existance of Kedai Kahling? (So sad, no 7-11 in Brunei wah, and Kedai Kahling is something which resembles it liao) Where can you find a shop open till late late with everything inside? Eventho the tin cans may seem dusty and food inside look like wanna expired liao, but still.. even 7-11 also don't sell salted egg lah~
*Dum Di Di Di Di Dum Dum, Da La Da La Dum Di Di Di Dum Dum*
- Humming a happy tune
- Open the door
- "Bloody hell.. she's in. And worst, using the kitchen.. CB!"
The feeling is like... I'd dress nicely carrying my sweet little lunch basket ready for a picnic, then it cibaily rain.
-__- "
I hate to use the kitchen after her, damn dirty. She doesn't cleans up after cooking and eating, leaving the leftovers, bones and those saucesnicely on the table and wait for the poor maid to clean it up the next day. What a woman huh~
So, in the end.. Bobby suggested that we'll go venturing in Pasar Malam.
(Well, that's the best place for nice and hot super cheap food)
And... it turn out that it wasn't Bobby's day too.
He broke his car alarm.. the controller I mean.
He did try to fix it.. by open it up.
A weird set of tools found to open it up

Using this,
*Ta da*. The "body" of the alarm scattered everywhere
See that, the middle one is missing.
This little tiny chip/contact or whatever you called it,
You don't expect us to glue it back right?

Using this,

*Ta da*. The "body" of the alarm scattered everywhere

See that, the middle one is missing.

You don't expect us to glue it back right?

Have no choice but mannually disconnect it. Pathetically, we have no touch light and end up like theif using our (outdated) mobile phones for some lights. The alarm "Tiu Tiu Tiu Tiu" non-stop once we open the car door... Damn annoying. And.. Bobby forgot the combination of steps disconnecting the alarm. He was in the car like a mad man keep pressing the brake, clutch and accelerator and I buried my head into the car as well to "light-up" my mobile.. It took him almost 10mins to finally get it done.
So kasian like we're trying to steal the car...
In the end, Miss Nonnie King has to drive. Bugger! Well, I wouldn't complain driving if it's just a normal day. But now, we're going to Pasar Malam, where all those stupid car owners simply park their car beside the road blocking the way and causing traffic! And, my car is a mannual one somemore.. Really press the clutch till leg cramp ah.
Hmm.... The Pasar Malam in the Kiulap Park seems quite happening ey.

See what I say about Bruneian loves decorating trees with bulbs?

Sorry, anyone know the name of that park?
Or that fountain?
Or that fountain?

Tasconi Pizza
Hand bags and other ojipala things
(Obviously Made-in-Thailand goods)

Wah Seh, got people performing on the stage lagi...

Er.... Singing Dangdut....
And... Some "Over-Syok-Sendiri" guys
shaking or wriggling their butts...
shaking or wriggling their butts...

Man... While other bloggers are blogging about the concert they went to.. Me, on the other hand, blog about Men shaking goyang their butt listening to dangdut.. How pathetic!
Sigh... This is Brunei... What to do?

"You sell CD ah? On the music so loud for what?"
"I'm a female driver, you should give way"
Suggestions anyone?
Walk one round... don't see any nice food we like..
End up going to Gadong Pasar Malam. The best Pasar Malam in Brunei! Wooohooo..
Look at this
The legendary $1.00 Nasi Katok.

The legendary $1.00 Nasi Katok.

The nice hawker had make our kuen extra crispy. Maybe because I was friendly and cute. Muahaha. *Puke*.

Love the sign... I want one also!!! Maybe you can made one with "Beware, pregnant lady inside!" or "If you can read this, you are too damn close!" or "Horn broken. watch for finger!" or "Slow but ahead of yours" or "Yes, I do own the road" or "Don't follow me, follow Jesus" or "King on board" or "Beautiful and Single" or "What the hell are you looking at?" or "Gun don't kill people. Drivers with cellphones do." Want more? Seriously, I want one too... let me know when you are making one? I want the "Yes, I do own the road."
I like the "Slow but ahead of you" and "King on Board". Sai, so many choice. I think its only $5.00 Chau. Wanna go pasar malam together tonight?
eh, at the dangdut disco, it seems all those dancing were MEN la...
so, do men like to dance with men in bsb? you still say BSB got no action? quite exciting what...
Why your kueh so nice leh!!! It looks like something we have here but we don't get to pick toppings!
I so wanna go to Brunei now.
How many RM is B$1.00?
About the signboard, why don't you promote your blog like "Blogger on board-visit" or somekind of it or " Watchout-Don't pretend you own the road".
Dangdut....? i thought that species of music or whatever you call it already extinct....hahahaha gelek gerudi inul ka???? haahaha
Skyler, BND1.00 = RM2.2+ like that.
If the rate is good, it can go up to RM2.30.
And oh ya, SGD and BND is the same. We can use Sing dollar in Brunei, well..provided there's no hole in it lah.
(That's why Bruneian goes to Miri (A so-call city in Sarawak and act like rich people.. I think Mirians hate Bruneians also. Hahaha. Miri and Brunei's relationship is like JB and Singapore man.
Hahaha. Dangdut Disco! Good one Danny.
Roy, I don't dare to advertise like that eh. Later if someone who know me and dislike me go n puncture my tyre or scratch my car I die lo.
those were definitely not bruneians doing the "shake your ass, tell me what you've got". btw it doesn't matter how much money a person has or the big difference in the currency but the thing is, their pleasure is their business. having to bring more fortune to a neighbouring state should be taken as a good gesture. acting cocky in miri is suicide. i assumed most bruneians would care more about their safety then to parade around with cash hanging on their belts.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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