I had been wanting to blog about this a long time ago but was always too lazy to search for pictures and youtube videos and compile them up into a proper post.
And, maybe…. this is not even a proper post.
This is just for, memory sake.
Okay, I’m not going to list it down in chronological order, but in “This is what Nonnie loved/loves to watch” order.
1. Beakman’s World
Paul Zaloom as the wonky and sibeh lansi scientist making fun of the other two in a lime green lab coat who always go “Bada bing, bada bang, bada blast off!”
A rat named Lester helping Beakman with his experiments and always end up in disasters. And also a young teenage girl in the show who mala-mala got changed one. Got Josie, Liza and Phoebe.
Actually hor, I already forgot what’s the name of the show. I tried to google Beak’s World, Beaker and Beak everything. Then I gave up and asked in my FB status, my primary ex-classmate Michael saw it and answered it. It was like rain in the drought. Hahahah. Yes, I was that desperate to know the name of the show.
Give it a try! Back in the days when I was still a kid who hated English lesson (because the Primary 3 English teacher damn garang and I still don’t like her up to these days)… meaning, um….. I didn’t quite get their conversation (with lots of puns) but it was really fun watching those science experiments!
Even after watching the videos, I still so want to try out those cool experiments. Why ah? They don’t produce kids show like this anymore is it? Sorry ah, my Astro at home is “Movie package” one, tak ada Star World, CN, Nickolodean (see, I can’t even spell it!) and Disney. Tak ada Documentary too.

p/s: Mr. Beakman is already 57 this year. OhmaiwahlaoBuddha!
p/p/s: Paiseh, I have no idea who is Bill Nye. Generation gap watdafish.
p/p/p/s: Mark Ritts (Lester the Rat) is the writer and producer of Barney the Dinosaur!
2. The Super Mario Bros Super Show!
Obviously, this TV show is based on the super famous video game Super Mario. The first and last parts of the episode were live action and showed Mario and Luigi living in Brooklyn, where they would often be visited by celebrity guest stars.
After a brief introduction, then it will be time for a 10-13 minute cartoon featuring characters and situations based on the video game, as well as sound effects and music numbers of it.
Normally, if I was watching those VCR (those big ass tapes), I would fast forward the first part because, again, I wouldn’t even understand what were they talking about, English too cheem (deep).
It’s the Super Mario Bros. Super Show! tu-toing tu-toing tu-toing. Hehehhee. Damn catchy eh!
I like I like. I miss I miss!
3. Lamb Chop Play’s Along
Created and hosted by Shari Lewis (the woman in the picture, doh). Not only she’s the host, she also voiced for Lamb Chop, Charlie Horse and Hush Puppy, and I didn’t even know until I wiki-ed it!
Here, I’ve copied part of the funny quotes in the show.
Shari Lewis: How do you get rid of the hiccups?
Lamb Chop: Oh! When I get the hiccups, I can ne - *hic* - ever get rid of them!
Charlie Horse: Lamb Chop...
[Charlie Horse screams at Lamb Chop, and Lamb Chop screams in shock]
Lamb Chop: Whatever were you doing?
Charlie Horse: I was trying to scare the hiccups out of you.
Lamb Chop: You scared the daylights out of me! My hiccups are still fine, thank you. *Hic*
Shari Lewis: Lamb Chop...
Lamb Chop: Don't fool around!
Shari Lewis: I'm not going to touch you! Oh, I know what to do!
[to Lamb Chop]
Shari Lewis: Look the other way. Now, don't listen.
[Lamb Chop looks the other way]
Shari Lewis: Now, Charlie Horse, what you have to do is -
[Lamb Chop looks back at Shari]
Shari Lewis: Don't listen!
[Lamb Chop looks away again]
Shari Lewis: What you have to do is look at her, and make a horrible face, and you'll scare the hiccups out of her.
Charlie Horse: Okay, I'll do it. Lamb Chop?
[Lamb Chop screams]
Charlie Horse: I didn't make a horrible face yet!
Lamb Chop: Oh! I couldn't tell!
And there was one episode that the Lamb Chop had chicken pox. Shari disallowed Lamb Chop to scratch and they came up with a brilliant (or silly) idea. They drew a picture of chicken, with chicken pox all over it and scratch that piece of paper.
So, when I lapar, I try to munch those pizza from Pizza Hut / Fratini ‘s flyers lah?
Anyway, video time.
Opening Song.
Sweat at that ….
Bounce your bottom in your chair, bounce it here, bounce it there...
and with tender loving care,
bounce it, bounce it everywhere!
Bounce it fast, bounce it slow, bounce it high, bounce it low.
Walao…. I can imagine how my students will react watching this part liao. Was I too childish to enjoy this show or, kids nowadays just mature really fast? Whenever we have some free time, I would youtube some nice videos for them and they will only shout this, “Cher! Cerita Hantu! Kami mau liat cerita hantu!!!!”
Ish, not cute at all.
Then, the ending song. LOL. At the end of each episode, the puppets and children would sing several verses of the song while hostess Shari Lewis would try in vain to stop them. In the end, Shari successfully stops Charlie Horse by grabbing his mouth and persuading him to leave. Do you know what’s the song already?
- This is the song that doesn't end,
- Yes, it goes on and on, my friend.
- Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was,
- and they'll continue singing it forever just because...
and it repeats till….. you get bored of it, or someone throws a slipper at you.
I downloaded that song and played in the staffroom and everyone started singing with me. LOL. And lately, I’d downloaded the OST of Sound of Music, everyday also “Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Me, a name I call myself"….”. Nostalgia waaaaaaa.
4. SquareOne TV
Um… I’ve never been a big fan of Sesame street because, they “B B b B b b b B B b B b B – in that army tune” everyday one. Or, “One! One Cookie! Two! Two Cookies! MUAH HA HA HA HA! *cue thunder*”. Or showing Ernie in the bathtub with the yellow duck. Or Pfhhh, Layyyyy, Phh-layyyy, PLAY! My favorite character in Sesame Street?
Sibeh yau-yeng (got style), damn got character/attitude one. Hahahhaa. Lives in a trashcan damn convenient. Imagine you can simply litter in your house and make it sound reasonable!
“Why are you throwing rubbish around your house?”
“I’m decorating it! Doh!”
Hahhahahaha!!!! Wah seh! Good good!
Oscar's mission in life is to be as miserable and grouchy as possible, and pass that feeling on to everyone else. When a visitor knocks on his trash can -- invariably interrupting him from a nap or an important task -- Oscar greets them with a snarl. He complains that he wants to be left alone, although when he's left entirely to himself, he's dissatisfied -- there isn't anybody around to irritate or complain to.
…. sounds, a bit like me also eh?
Elmo? Ya ya, he’s cute. Whatever.
Oscar the Grouch rules!
Eh, I was talking about SquareOne lah!
Back to the topic. Drifted too far.
Square One Television (sometimes referred to as Square One) was a children's television show produced by the Children's Television Workshop to teach mathematics and abstract mathematical concepts to young viewers. Erm, I guess I’m just a typical Chinese who loves Maths? I don’t understand why people would hate Maths because, Maths is damn straight forward and easy to please. Apply the correct rules and formulas, do it in a right order and *ta da*, you’ll score! But hor, like English hor, damn hard to please one. Sikit-sikit salah, sikit-sikit error. This cannot that cannot. Mafan one.
(Ok ok. TESL friends, don’t marah. It’s just my personal opinion mah. Your English sibeh very the good, macam caviar damn precious and mahal. My English like roti kahwin, rojak one and cheap. We friend friend ah.)
But hor, I didn’t quite get the MathNet part in SquareOne lor last time. Too deep for me kua?
My favorite is… MATHMAN!!!!!!
A parody of Pac-Man, Mathman was a fictional arcade game starring a character of the same name. Mathman's objective was to run around a Pac-Man-like maze board (the traditional dots were replaced with + and - signs) and eventually encounter a number or polygon. He would then have until the count of three to determine if that number/polygon was consistent with a given category (see examples below), and if so, eat it.
5. Ghostwriter
He's a ghost... and he writes to us. Ghostwriter.
The series features a group of New York City teenagers who solve mysteries with the help of an invisible ghost, who can communicate with the kids only by manipulating whatever text and letters he can find and using them to form words and sentences.
Used to show on RTB in the morning during every school holiday!
6. Are you afraid of the dark?
A group of kids calling themselves "The Midnight Society" spends each episode sitting around a campfire swapping scary stories. Creepy, but never gory or excessively frightening, common subjects included haunted houses, what goes on behind the neighbor's walls, and other things that go bump in the night.
It used to scare me quite a lot when I was a kid. NTV7 was having reruns last couple of years and when I watched it again (as a grown-up, sort of), I asked myself, “Ngaiti… like that also scare meh? So fake eh. How come I so stupid one when I was young?”
7. Fun House
A game show for kids. Hai, used to dream that I live in US so can join this kind of game show one.
I guess, that’s about it. Actually, I’m just lazy to continue this post.
(You can see those sections are getting shorter and shorter kan?)
I was being over-ambitious and thought that I can at least list 10 shows but now malas already.
I want to do another one for cartoon.
Where’s Waldo?
My Little Pony
(So hard to find the old version. The new one… hilang feel for me already)
Jem and the Holograms
Adventure of Teddy Ruxpin!
….. *shy* Conan the Adventurer

and so much more!
Alvin and the Chipmunks, Chip & Dale, Smurfs and..
Uncle Scrooge inspired me to own a gold coin pool and swim in it!
Then got game shows again leh! Wheel of Fortune, Win, Lose or Draw, Shop till you drop, Who wants to be a Millionaire?
p/s: Anyone remembers the dog and cat cartoon Spit & Hercules? I tried to google for that but no result lah.
p/p/s: So, what’s your favorite TV (kids) show?