And when I mentioned it to other colleagues, guess what they all told me, "Welcome to a teacher's World"
Okay, back to the topic, who reads my blog?
Facing the monitor and stressing out with the slides, I gave myself some break time by surfing. I was bored checking for other blogmates update (because I visited their blog like.. what..every 15minutes cos I was too sien?), and so I logged into Technorati account and check what's inside.
My entry about Hungry Ghost Festival is inGlobal Voices Online.

And also my entry about Jerudong Park Sales for Sale is in Pinolobu.
Maurina mentioned about my entry about Perayaan for Sultan's 60th Birthday in Global Voices Online too.
Such a sweetie. And her blog was being mentioned Brunei Times on 22nd August 2006. Check it out. We have a lot of local bloggers oh.
And lastly, Roy (I don't know if that's his name but I'm used to calling him Roy) wrote an entry about his blogrolls while I was away for my Thailand trip and only know about this yesterday, and I was being mentioned too.

Roy's blog entries are mostly serious talking about politic issues and morals, but I like his point-of-view on certain matters.He mentioned Danny's blog as well, which I also enjoy reading it getting to know the latest political news in a sarcastic way.
Knowing there ARE people whom I don't know reading this, maybe I should take extra notice on my suka-hati grammar and Bru-lish-lay (Brunei English + Malay) and campur a bit of local slang of Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka and Cantonese.
Thank you peeps. For letting me know all this and adding me into your blogrolls. Kan-Tung Neh~
By the way, I downloaded Windows Live Writer and blogging using it. Quite good, very user friendly and idiot-proof. Recommended to all you bloggers out there.
Ms King, I I LOVE the way you blog. Not so serious, humourous and sarky, grammar flying everywhere (like mine), Bru-Lish-Lay+ Chinese words every now and then. You make me laugh =D
My bestfriend is chinese and we've been friends for 10 years now and I know ZERO mandarin/hokkien. She keeps on pestering me to learn chinese but I say "next time time"
From your blog, I learn a few words so next time when I see her, i can IMPRESS her =D
If she ask where I learn...I say..Nonnie King taught me leehh...super keng or not? ;)
Haha, your writing oozes Chinese bred and born in Brunei. Love your writing style.
Knowing that LOTS of people is surfing in to you must have make your bad days all nice n shining... eh .. :D ...
Idiot proof ? well if i am not an idoit nor a genius .. then this would means BIG trouble for me ....LOL ... sorry ... getting a bit crazy here ... Will be seeing ya soon ....!
By the way thanks for the credit. To be sincere,i don't know who actually read our blog but for sure our readers is comes from around the globe. One more thing, is it my blog too serious now??? maybe i should loose it a little bit since i don't want my blog to be so serious and it will make some readers to be bored with it
so......did anybody buy those rides yet?
Ness and Maurina : Aiyer.. Kambang now liao.. Being a typical Chinese, my nose is already flat enough and I don't want my nostrils to be any bigger. You know, sometimes I really takut people complained or laugh at my poor grammar and English, especially when I read you two’s punya blog, deep man the English, scare me ah. But now you make me feel proud because of my broken English! Haha!
p/s: I only get D7 for English O’level not one, but 2 times! Then last year, my kiasu-ness strikes and I went for O’level English language exam again. Did better, I score a C5! But..still lauyah I know. Don’t care lah..
Alex Pang: Heard that you went to Melbourne again wor.. You bought anything for me? I miss you complaining about your work life to me whenever we go tea lah..
Guruh Roy: Yeah….I somehow felt your blog is getting more and more serious in various ways. But I still enjoy reading it though!
Pinolobu: I also don’t know? Perhaps Disneyland HK did bought some bumper cars and spray Mickey Mouse on it. Just kidding!
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