Borneo Bulletin...News not covered.
Brunei Times, don't have also.
(Bobby's paying for Brunei Times.. just for comic strips inside)
Ok lah... I understand that Brunei Times is still new .. But... having 12 pages of papers selling for B$1.00.... I can't help but felt it's so NOT worth it.

See Hua Daily (B$26.00 per month)
Super "kau" compare to BB & BT
Just like comparing Teh-C-Kau with Kopi-O-Kosong

Just like comparing Teh-C-Kau with Kopi-O-Kosong
Over flooded with news & informations..
(ok.. I admit I only read the "entertainment" pages sometimes)
(ok.. I admit I only read the "entertainment" pages sometimes)

Entertainment, and one extra issue on Health every Sunday.

Except when I need to find myself a new job and look at the "Classified" section.
I can just go online and visit Brudirect and BB online what~
And yah, if I wanna read Borneo Bulletin, I can read it in my school library, for free :p
hahaha, that is funny post. Well, we cannot blame them 100% since they are still new. maybe they needs some vitamins to make them a little bit fat, i guess
Hehe! Vitamins = Advertisement?
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