My previous post made me looked like an official bimbo..
I'm gonna prove that I can do a lot of other things in this one and win the situation back!
I can COOK !

That's the pizza I baked last month. Pepperoni & Mushroom Pizza.
Only, ONLY Pepperoni, mushrooms, cheese, tomato paste , dough and nothing else.
We (Bobby & I) made it EXTRA KAU! (Tebal / thick) covering the whole pizza with pepperoni & mushroom till no space in between at all.

And I drew Shin Chan in my class yesterday. Not bad isn't it?
Crayon Shinchan is my favourite cartoon character and I'd been collecting his comics since Form 2.

(See, does your teacher draw Shinchan infront of you?)
The truth is, one of my colleague (cikgu) whom I'm not sure who he/she was, just asked his/her class to go to my lab and have free lesson there! It's suppose to be their "Lukisan" (Drawing) lesson so I asked them to use Paint and draw something and let me see.
One of them actually tried to draw Sponge Bob. And so I wanna try draw some cartoon characters and show them too.
I drew my best, ShinChan it is.
I have my own plant too. Note, no 's' behind the word "plant", meaning.. I only got ONE plant.
My mum constantly remind me that I need to water them and/or cut their leaves/ grasses.
And you think I can't handle it?
Pffff... I can do better than that~
Here... I show you... My Onion Pig Head Plant.. *Applause*

It's an idiot-proof plant that I bet even a 3 years old can keep them in good shape. Haha.
All you need to do is to add water and cut the grass if it grow too long.
And one more thing, I can sew~
Last Monday I went shopping with Bobby in Nanyang and saw this.

Bobby said if I can made this he'll have to use it. And see my end result...
(Finish it in 2+ hour time)

Maybe you think this doesn't count because the menus and ingredients are all prepared.
Here, I show you one more, more li-hai (ganas) one..
You'll be shocked!

(Eventhough Bobby's friend laugh at my creation and called it a PONTIANAK!)
And sometimes.. I camwhore a bit..

Personally.. I don't camwhore much because I know I don't have a killer body and a face to die for..
How you girls can spend minutes and minutes taking pictures and posing in front of the camera and act like no one is looking?