This is going to be a bit of rojak entry as I got a lot to say.
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It was on last Tuesday or Wednesday (I can't remember) that I was a relief teacher for Primary 4 for their I-forgot-what-class.
I know it's a free lesson that I could just sit down there, do nothing and see the whole class of monkeys running around and save my strength to shout.
But, it's not my style. I like to give them a little activity every time, either a quiz or some questions for them to (spend time and) answer.
So I made a questionnaire, "Complete the phrase..."
1. What I want most in the world is....
2. I feel sorry for...
3. When someone hurts me, I...
4. If I were 21, I...
5. I like to eat at...
6. I am really good at...
7. I never want to forget...
8. Sometime I dream about...
9. When I was little...
10. My favourite time of the day is...
11. I wish I could...
12. I would rather read than...
13. I do not like to....
14. I love it when...
15. I am afraid of...
And their answers... Made my day! I was laughing so hard at it, not at their grammar or spelling mistakes, but at their creative answers!
Here, show you guys some...
(Pardon the mistakes yah)
It's not only him who answered "Get married", but half of the class...almost 20 students got the same thing!
OMG! I'm 23 and un-married. Wonder what they'll think about me...
I love it when..
My teacher ICT give me play game in computer lab
Lastly, the best among all,
Cute or not?
I asked this particular boy when I saw his answers whether he really has a girlfriend now, and he said "NO".
He can predict what kind of man he'll become I guess?
But I really appreciate his honesty though.
I wish Bobby has the same answers too.
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Today is the Seventh day of the Chinese new year.
The seventh day, traditionally known as renri 人日, the common man's birthday, the day when everyone grows one year older.
It is the day when tossed raw fish salad, yusheng, is eaten. This is a custom primarily among the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia. People get together to toss the colorful salad and make wishes for continued wealth and prosperity.
More from Wiki...
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to You-uh,
Happy birthday to YOU!
*blow candles*
B$38.00 from Excapade
Okay, the raw salmon initially looked a lot better than this, you know.. the usual arrangement with a flower pattern than Excapade always make. But the thing is, they packed the Sashimis in a different container!
Doh, how to empty and place nicely on this bigger plate leh? If I toppled it out, it'll look more like a big mess...
* * *
On last Thursday, we had steamboat at Seaview hotel...

Not because it tastes good there or it's cheap, but because no one wants to contribute their place to be messed up and so we got no choice and steamboat at a restaurant lor. If not, our budget steamboat would only cost $5 per head and not $15 per head.
Not because it tastes good there or it's cheap, but because no one wants to contribute their place to be messed up and so we got no choice and steamboat at a restaurant lor. If not, our budget steamboat would only cost $5 per head and not $15 per head.
Bobby, King, Theen, SL, Kelly, ChaiWen and Shane
Sorry ah, my fat guy took almost 1/4 of the pic... I'll ask him to go on a diet. Hahhahaa.
After mixing everything into yusheng, the next thing to do is to toss and mix it.
Sadly, the first thing that came out of our mouth is "AAHHHHHhhh!!!".
Because we're so bad in using the chopsticks and the ingredients fell down instantly.
Hehhehe. Noobs!
After all the mixing and tossing, according to (uncle) Swee Leong, he said that we're supposed to pile as high as we could meaning “步步高升”.
Don't know leh, wiki didn't mentioned about that part though...
* * *
Shane and Wen consulting Bobby on wearing braces
And seeing Shane and Wen, Kelly said how nice is it to have your other half working in the same field as you.
Two dentists in love.
I bet their babies will have the healthiest and strongest teeth of all.
* * *
The leftovers

We had a great time chit-chatting and laughing. Of course, stress free moments with all my beloved friends!
No need to behave and I get to say whatever I want 'cos they know me the best. Hey, friends for 10+ years you thought fake one ah?
And when we talked about doing houseworks, Wen said that they cooked together but Shane clean the dishes after it. Shane does most of the cleaning and Wen help out later. Wen only cleaned the toilet once after staying together for 3 years.
Stupid Bobby turned to me and said, "Can you be like Shane?"
I replied, "Why don't you do the works and be like Shane. I'll be like Wen?"
And we had a little funny argue that lasted for 1min... I bet our house next time will be super dirty and messy since we're both very lazy...
One more thing, Shane speaks better Mandarin than Bobby. Yes you read right, he (the orang putih) speaks Mandarin, somemore better than my banana boyfriend who lives in Brunei for 23years. Sigh...
p/s: Anyone want to do the "Complete the phrase.." too?
The leftovers
We had a great time chit-chatting and laughing. Of course, stress free moments with all my beloved friends!
No need to behave and I get to say whatever I want 'cos they know me the best. Hey, friends for 10+ years you thought fake one ah?
And when we talked about doing houseworks, Wen said that they cooked together but Shane clean the dishes after it. Shane does most of the cleaning and Wen help out later. Wen only cleaned the toilet once after staying together for 3 years.
Stupid Bobby turned to me and said, "Can you be like Shane?"
I replied, "Why don't you do the works and be like Shane. I'll be like Wen?"
And we had a little funny argue that lasted for 1min... I bet our house next time will be super dirty and messy since we're both very lazy...
One more thing, Shane speaks better Mandarin than Bobby. Yes you read right, he (the orang putih) speaks Mandarin, somemore better than my banana boyfriend who lives in Brunei for 23years. Sigh...
p/s: Anyone want to do the "Complete the phrase.." too?
1. What I want most in the world is.... a Guild acoustic guitar.
2. I feel sorry for... my cat JJ cos she gets bullied by my other two cats all the time.
3. When someone hurts me, I... swear like there's no tomorrow.
4. If I were 21 (again), I... would party harder than i did the first time around.
5. I like to eat at... the coffee table in my room when i'm watching downloaded tv series.
6. I am really good at... daydreaming.
7. I never want to forget... how to drive a car.
8. Sometime I dream about... ninjas attacking my brother.
9. When I was little... no one could shut me up.
10. My favourite time of the day is... 10.30 pm cos that's when i get off work.
11. I wish I could... speak in spanish so no one would understand me.
12. I would rather read than... watch golf on tv.
13. I do not like to.... talk to yuppies.
14. I love it when... i have money to go on a vacation.
15. I am afraid of... dentists.
1. What I want most in the world is... a grade A in one of my bio papers.
2. I feel sorry for... my friend who's running away from her project supervisor.
3. When someone hurts me, I... feel sad and depressed one minute, then bounce back the next.
4. If I were 21, I... don't want to turn 22.
5. I like to eat at... Solitude.
6. I am really good at... procrastinating.
7. I never want to forget... the day I received my first paycheck.
8. Sometimes I dream about... the guy with the blacked out face.
9. When I was little... I was the baby of the family.
10. My favourite time of the day is... 5 pm as everybody is home by then.
11. I wish I could... learn French right now.
12. I would rather read than... layan a guy who vulgarly chats me up.
13. I do not like to... wait for someone to pick me up.
14. I love it when... mom surprised me with clothes she bought.
14. I am afraid of... lizards, spiders, and all sort of creepy crawlies (Hey, am I a biologist or not?)
1. What I want most in the world is....her...
2. I feel sorry for...the world.
3. When someone hurts me, I...I revenge.
4. If I were 21, I...will wish that I am 12.
5. I like to eat at...midnight.
6. I am really good!
7. I never want to forget...her...
8. Sometime I dream about...her...
9. When I was little...I used to catch fish in longkang.
10. My favourite time of the day is...8pm.
11. I wish I her back.
12. I would rather read than...write.
13. I do not like to....wake up.
14. I love it when...everything is fine.
15. I am afraid of...losing her (in fact I already did)
LoL, obviously I am not serious when doing this, well, I am serious for some of them tho.. =)
P.S: Don't mind me, I am out of my mind atm. XD!!
LOL... really funny answers... u really have a good time hor?
Happy Birthday to us~ haiz.. so fast so old liao. :(
1. What I want most in the world is.... Good food, fun and rest.
2. I feel sorry for... sore losers.
3. When someone hurts me, I... feel sad nor..
4. If I were 21, I...get married! hahas.
5. I like to eat at... any nice place but must serve good food lah!
6. I am really good at... crapping.
7. I never want to forget... how blessed I am.
8. Sometime I dream about... falling down from high places or losing all my teeth.
9. When I was little... I was fat and ugly.
10. My favourite time of the day is... Sleeping time! Computer time! :P
11. I wish I could... do my best.
12. I would rather read than... to look after my brothers. -.-
13. I do not like to.... study.
14. I love it when... I have good food, lots of money, enough sleep and am happy. =)
15. I am afraid of... anything that moves.
this is like getting tagged but optional.. hehe..
Lizzie :
#8 - You shouldn't worry about that anymore, your bro is so much 'bigger' now (as in size and not age).
#12 - Golf on TV is the boringest match ever!
Amyheidi :
#13 - I know how it feels, that's why I rather drive than to be picked up.
#15 - A biologist whose afraid of bugs? That's new.
Ing Siang :
Why everything also "her, her, her" ha? Obviously you're still not over "her" yet. And don't tell me the "her" is YiFei oh.
#6 - Man who brags about it means they're not in real life boy.
Kenny : Yeap! Aren't their answers cute?
This is why I prefer to work with kiddies than adults.
Christina :
#4 - You seriously want to get married by 21?
#8 - LOL!
#15 - Anything that moves? Err... car? humans? animals?
Rebbe : Yeah, it's nice and fun to see how different kids and adults answer would be.
Yes, believe it or not, I hate creepy crawlies. The only bugs I like are beetles, moths and butterflies. I don't like frogs and toads also. Hehe. That's why I prefer labwork over fieldwork anytime.
You are indeed creative lah nonie...
and the kids more damn funny...
kids nowadays tink differently from our time.. OMG, i sounded more like an uncle now.. hahaha!!
Wah, nowadays i see u guys go for a nice place for makan hor..
kaya kaya...
Amieheidi : That's really odd. All the best in dealing with those bugs dear.
Iwan : CNY mah, save a little to eat better lor. After all, I'd been eating instant noodles for the first few days when my mum is not around.
When you sighed "Kids Nowadays...", that's when you noticed that you're getting old and nags alot.
I'd never know what to put to complete the phrases when I was little. Hehe. Marriage already on their minds, huh? Wow.
1. What I want most in the world is.... money.
2. I feel sorry for... myself.
3. When someone hurts me, I... don't give a damn,there will be a better 2morrow.
4. If I were 21 (again), I... would never did the things I did.
5. I like to eat at... any place where food is free or the food is meat.
6. I am really good at... hornying ( U don't have 2 guss I am Horny Ang Moh )
7. I never want to forget... mine first sexerise.
8. Sometime I dream about... work.
9. When I was little... I am a real pain in the A$$.
10. My favourite time of the day is... 12.30 pm when I go 2 bed.
11. I wish I could... stay horny forever.
12. I would rather read than... r u kidding, time is precious I only read in mine free time which is rare.
13. I do not like to.... make love to myself I will rather give it to ladies.
14. I love it when... i have money lots of money.
15. I am afraid of... don't know yet.
Wardah & Roy : I know! Primary 4 only lagi!
I think I'm still watching Ninja Turtles and Captain Planet that time.
Boys and marriage are the only two things not registered in my brain yet.
HORNY ANG MOH : Hahaha. We learn English in school, they don't. That's why it's rare.
You kahwin liao should give me angpao.
Single cannot give angpao, except giving parents nya.
yeah. 21 sounds quite reasonable. I'm only 19 now mah. lols.
yeah, I'm scared of cars cause got car accidents, humans cause they hurt poeple, animals cause they bite, scratch... :P
Christina : Ha...?
I'm 23 and still not ready for marriage wor.
I bet your boyfriend makes you feel very secure.
nonnie~~~~~~~~~ i love your students!!!!!!!!!! hahhaha...
well, maybe they are make u mad, but they do cheer you up during ur boring teaching day.. hahhaa..
one word "Coool" .. hehhee
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