But I want to be different next year. I'm going to be 24 liao! Damn old can...

Here, my list.
1. Enjoy my life, be optimistic and happy.

I don't know.. but seems that everyone thinks that I'm always happy and funny. Errr.. I'm not "Cartoon Network" bringing you laughter and happiness 24/7 okay. I'm just human, I feel sad and angry too.
But anyway, this won't be hard for me as I can always think my way thru.. Contentment, remember people?
2. Delete sad and/or unneccesary memories regarding people who are not important in my life anymore, a.k.a ex-boyfriends.

Sometimes we all just need to move on kan? Not forget them all as in memory lost like that. Just don't have to (constantly) remind myself what happened in the past nya. Of course, remember the mistakes done & lesson taught and do not repeat it anymore.
3. Be organised and disciplined.

I realised that my (HSBC/ AIA/ Great Eastern) diaries are only used for the first two months.. Erm.. Maybe first two WEEKS only then I malas to write down everything liao. But.. I don't think I need them as I'm already working as a teacher. No appointment (with suppliers and customers), no calls to return, no follow-up schedules.
But I think I still need to be organised...with my life, my room, my table and my wardrobe..
And I should be more disciplined as I want to be a role model for my students! I want to be a teacher who leave a trace in their life ,remember me and greets me everytime they see me.
4. Tidy and dust my room at least once a month.
This . is . tough.
*cough* justtakeitasinevermentionit. lupakansaja *cough*

I just...prefer my things having an easier accessibility (i.e. within an arm distant from my bed)
Darn, I think I just ruin my image again!
5. Quit doing things last minute.

Prepare and submit my lesson plans on time, that's the only thing I can think of as I pay my bills on time and I'm not having any exams (yet).
And I need the pressure to push me. I work better feeling the tense anyway.
6. Be more patience.

Do not curse when the driver in front is driving at 60km/h.
Try not to zoom when the traffic lights turn yellow.
Talk only when people complete their sentence, i.e. no interrupting.
And at least try to be nice and reply politely when I already feel damn sien.
7. Learn something new or Pick a new hobby.

Wah... I got a series of stuffs I want to learn eh. I want to learn how to play guitar, piano, baking, a new sport and so on.
The important thing is.. I don't "Hangat-Hangat Tahi Ayam" nya.
8. Keep track of my expenses.

Financing my money better. I'm not greedy, I just want to buy house with my own money before my parents retire.
9. Lose 10 pounds if possible.

This one ah, if no jadi also nevermind. I'm fine with my shapes now. As long as don't gain weight can liao.
10. Be more generous to myself. Pamper myself more.

- Get a hair treatment at least once every two months.
- Get some pamper in the saloon once in awhile.
- Buy something expensive as a reward once a year.
I know this sounds weird for a young lady. I just think that some of this "luxuries" seems like wasting money nya.. Like Manicure and Pedicure... After 1 to 2 weeks it's gone liao.. What for spend the money there leh?
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Now, what I need to do is implement them on 1st January 2007.

Do you think I can make it?
I don't have the confidence in myself though...
How about yours?
Have you make your new year resolution?
I have yet to make mine... but I know I have lots and lots of it especially when I know my new task when the school reopen. How I wish the day will never come? hahahha..
omg.. so ada-plan?
ok ok 2007 im going to be an ADULT!
1st things
masuk casino wakkkaka
2nd thing
do watever u like wakakkakak
3rd thing
reformat my brain. -.-
here we go:
1. Spend more time with my daughter and son.:)
2. Go for holiday with my hubby ONLY..:P
3. Save more $$$$
4. Buy sony ericsson k800i for my hubby for valentine gift
5. Spend one night at Empire Hotel with my family
6. Last butnot least, be a good wife n mummy..hehe
i only wanna be happier. :)
Choonie : Well, better outline is earlier than later mah.
You're a teacher too?
* * * * *
Lunatic Gal : Very...erm.. Special resolutions of you.
And..how to reformat your brain?
* * * * *
Olen : Oi, you left one out, "Spend more time with friends and never fly King's aeroplane
* * * * *
Ding : Simple yet hard to achieve ain't it?
Here's my good & bad resolution.
BAD for 2007:
*Bully and tickle chalie nonnie more.
*Demand more food prepared by nonnie like pizza every monday, sushi every tuesday, spaghetti every wed etc.
GOOD for 2007:
None, cos i'm already good :)
You're already good? Pi lah~
I'm telling you now your bad resolutions are not going to be achieved. Bleh!
And you should have these as your resolution:
- Love me more and let me bully you.
- Stop forcing me to eat and buy unneccessarily.
- Tabalik.. me tickle you.
Nyek Nyek Nyek
I always can't keep to my resolutions one.. hahas..
HOI! 24 where got old? I'm also 24 next year hahaha
my resolutions leh..
1.improve my short memory
2.cut down 10 kgs[sooo hard..==]
3.just enjoy my life to the fullest..hehe..
4.erm...get a bf also not bad geh...lol..=p
I've never really made new year resolutions 'cause I know I won't keep them. Hehe. *shrugs*
Christina : I know I can't keep some too. But at least I put an effort in listing and trying. Hehe
* * * * * * * * * *
MervKwok : Serious? You same age as me one ah?
And I thought you're a 18 years old lad!
* * * * * * * * * *
Pauline : Hmm... Your last resolution depends on fate and luck bor.
* * * * * * * * * *
Wardah : Like I said earlier, I think I can't keep all of them too.
But I try lah...
Not getting married meh? :P
kenny ng: m getting married!!!!! :P
nonnie: reformat brain is my personal method lai wo.. u want? pay tuition fees!
exaggerate less, listen more, smoke less, sleep more, work less, play more... that's about it, i think ;)
Kenny : Kanasai.. Say till I very desperate to kahwin like that.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
LuLu : You also kacau me, double kanasai.
Erm.. no thanks. My brain is not corrupted so I don't think I want them formatted.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Lizzie : I like your resolutions!
your holiday so cham ah? I long long time never donated my blood already, mine is O +ve, every hospital will welcome my blood... LOL
Hmm Kenny, I think your this comment is for the next entry one bor. Hehe
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