我想金曲奖应该是我每年最期待的颁奖典礼吧. 对电影的热诚远远低过音乐, 呵呵.
1. Red carpet 实在很失败.
怎么会没做好可能会下雨的准备工作啊… 搞的原本漂亮帅气的歌手门如此狼狈… B.I. 啊…
2. Vanness 的造型是“参考” Jason 唐志中吗?
Alisa, 那是你家的床单吗? 还是窗帘?
(Disney princess singing and all the animals rush out and sew her a beautiful dress)
3. 动力火车没得奖我不爽!!!!
4. Eason 的 guyliner 很杀! 我喜欢!
虽然他头发有少少像 “宫城”
Okay 咯… 是很像!
还有… 陈Eason 没得奖, 而被没出席的陶David.. 还真有点跌破眼镜.
5. Lala 得新人奖, 实至名归!
还有, 脸大不是罪!
6. 我爱AMIT!
看到她的服装忍不住 “哇” 了一大声. 不只 “低”, 也… 也…. 开的太… 开了吧. *流鼻血*
虽然有人说AMIT走红地毯的这套服装像太空金蜘蛛.. 可是我觉得很有爆点啊. 酱的未来感还蛮OK啊.
今年没有人穿的太差.. 老实说, 还有点闷呢. 艺人嘛, 当然要不一样. 只要不要太过于低俗, 或像白灵.. 喜欢送 “小礼物” 就好啦.
I really wish I knew what you were talking about in this post. I'd really like to know what you're saying about these people! Hehe.
Hahhahaa. It's about the Taiwan Golden Melody Award. Some, talking about their fashion senses, some.. complaining how much I want them to win.
Don't try google translate, it's crap. =p
Hahaha, it does help a bit! I know that guyliner is to die for? Hahahaha.
Google Translate is actually my best friend at the office. A good companion during formal letter writing. Hehe.
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