Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My milk shake is better than yourssss

When I told my friends that I’m collecting the stamps from Supa Save… my friends took one step backward and looked at me in horror. “WHAT THE?! YOU COLLECTING STAMPS FOR WHAT?! YOU BUYING THE WOK HAH? SO AUNTIE ONE YOU!”

A ba a ba, I auntie lah….

*roll eyes*

My mom very okay with it though.. Hehehehe. She even helped me out not by giving me stamps… SHE FOUND ME A FORM WITH COMPLETE 20 STAMPS! You say geng or not?!

And so, today I finally can happy happy go buy the thing I want liao.

Guess which one?


Actually… I like the Healthsmart Grill one… but, I still not that extreme auntie yet.
Yeap, I chose the Shake Creations!


I was quite happy that I opened up the box once I got home only to realize the exact same disappointment that happened when I last made pies from my Breville Pie Makers..

The plug…


Gah.. Have to go buy universal adapter tomorrow.

Maybe next week, since I’m banning myself from cold drinks this few days… you know, the “monthly inconvenience”. I’m a very discipline when it comes to that and I’ll try to avoid washing my hair (maximum 2 days also lah) and strictly no cold drinks and desserts. Hence, no migraine and cramps for me! *knock wood*

I don’t know how many of you girls out there stick to that belief but, it’s working for me though.


48 said...

Eh i oredi told u kan to go buy universal adaptor when i passed u the pie maker? Have to wait till want to use baru know....

And i wash hair and eat cold things no rasa one wor.. but i drink lots of 'dong gwei' though

Nonnie King said...

AIyer... don't marah mah~ you know sometimes i last minute one lah.
but yesterday i used both the breville machine liao.. sibeh sat.

everyone sien-mu i got the pie-maker okay, ni de kung lao!